Unsweetened lemonade

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This is the part 2 to a date with death woo!! so i've based this part off the song unsweetened lemonade by Amélie Farren, great song, do recommend. This isn't a song fic, i'm just using the lyrics "i fucked the reaper cause i knew my time was, can't you see? i was either gunna die at 12 or 90-fucking-3. I do anything for 20 bucks, i'd sell my sour soul cause lemonade is better til you sweeten up the bowl i'm sitting in the bathroom, crying citrus tears everything i used to love decayed over the years"
Tws: Implied sexual activities, cussing, death (both Roman and character death), toxic analogical, insulting, suicide
Word count: 972

Virgil woke up sore, he looked over at the naked reaper next to him. He blushed down to his chest and pulled the blankets up to chest, covering himself.

He didn't bother to wake Roman up, he just stood up, with one of the blankets wrapped around him. He made his way to the bathroom to take a warm bath, hoping to ease his sore limbs.

His eyes were closed and he didn't notice death joining him in the bathroom until he spoke. "My darling, I should be taking care of you." Virgil flushed some and gave Roman a small smile. "Are you sore, darling?"

Virgil nodded and leaned his head back. Roman settled himself down beside the bathtub. "What do you want for breakfast, my love? I want to take care of you." Roman brushed his hand through Virgil's hair, gently.

Virgil felt his heart flutter. Roman always took care of him so well after...activities. Better than Logan ever did. "I'm not very hungry, Ro. I kinda just wanna lay in bed all day, with you." Virgil confessed, he didn't look at Roman, he just focused on the water around him.

Roman pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek, "That sounds wonderful, darling."

The odd couple woke up again around noon. Virgil currently was stood outside their house waiting for Roman. "C'mon, Ro!" He called out. Roman soon emerged from the house and walked up to Virgil. "You took long enough, Remus is going to kill us." Roman chuckled and let Virgil lead him towards his brother's house.

Virgil knocked on the door to Remus' house and stood back. As they waited, Roman wrapped his arm around his waist. The door swung open and Remus greeted them with a crazy smile. "Brother! And brother's mortal! Come in! Come in!"

The two entered the house, Virgil looked around as Roman greeted Remus. Virgil walked into the kitchen and helped himself to a soda. He turned around to walk back to Roman but he was met with something he didn't want to see, or someone.

He dropped his soda, causing the glass bottle to shatter. The twins rushed into the kitchen, Roman ran to Virgil. "Hey, hey, darling what happened? What's wrong?" Roman asked, checking Virgil for injuries.

"I think he just got startled by seeing the mortal I'm assigned to. I forgot to mention mine died." Remus spoke up. Virgil never took his eyes away from the man. "This is Logan." Remus introduced his assigned person.

With a shaky hand, he reached out for Roman. "Grow up, Virgil, you act like I did something awful to you." Logan rolled his eyes after his sentence. Remus and Roman looked between each other.

Roman held Virgil, he was confused. How did Virgil know this guy? "Did nothing to me?" Virgil said, his tone surprised Roman. A normally gentle spoken boy, had pure venom in his voice. "You cheated on me! Because you couldn't be with someone you were scared would kill themselves over "the smallest inconvenience"!"

"What!" Remus shouted. Roman held Virgil to his chest. This was the guy that caused Virgil to kill himself, he was standing in the room that hurt his baby so much.

"Well I was clearly correct, you did kill yourself. And now looking at you, hooking up with a grim reaper, it's fitting for you. You were always a slut." Logan wore a cocky smile on his face.

Remus looked between Roman and Logan, he seen Roman clutch his fist and he went to speak before Virgil interrupted him.

"I fucked the reaper cause I knew my time had come! Thought I was either going to die at twelve or ninety-fucking-three!" Roman looked down at Virgil. "Cause you know, I'd do anything for twenty bucks, I'd even sell my sour soul." The room went silent. Virgil was pissed to put it simply, he had no filter. "Everything I loved decayed over the years."

It had been 4 years since Virgil's suicide. He moved on from Logan, he had Roman now, he was happy now.

Logan scoffed as he looked him up and down, "Still pathetic as ever, good to see you still talk about me. What do you say about me?" He teased.

"Nothing positive." Logan rolled his eyes. "I moved on Logan. I found actual love. Not whatever you gave me. I love Roman, and I know he loves me. I don't need you in my life, living or dead." Roman smiled at Virgil.

Logan rolled his eyes again, "Please, you're just an easy fuck." And that is what made something finally snap in Roman.

He stepped up to Logan. "He is nothing of what you say or think. I do love him, and I'll have you know I worship him, just as he should be." Roman took Virgil's hand. "Thank you for having us, Remus, we'll be going."

Remus who had watched this whole thing go down just nodded. He was extremely confused.

Roman dragged Virgil home, he didn't speak, he was mad and didn't want to something mean to Virgil. They got home and Roman slammed their door. Virgil jumped and moved away from Roman.

"R-ro? I'm sorry," He stuttered. Roman look at him, confused. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Roman sighed and shook his head, grabbing Virgil and tugged him towards himself. "Baby, no, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the audacity of that man. How dare he treat you like that. My darling, you are so perfect and you need to be treated as the beautiful soul you are."

Virgil blushed and gave a sheepish smile to Roman. He stood on his tip toes and pressed a kiss to Roman's lips. "Thank you, Ro, I love you."

"I love you, my darling, more than anything in the afterlife."

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