Happy birthday to me

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Thomas is a teenager in this story, hes 14, has nothing to actually do with the story
Tws: crying, cussing, virgil's a sad, anxious baby
word count:1758     ***UNEDITED***

Each side was a different age. The oldest is Patton, a baby's first emotions are attraction and love. Then came Logan, a young child quickly learns who their parents are. Then came Roman and Remus, and soon after Janus. The twins, who were originally Romulus, appeared when Thomas was quite young, a love for drawing, as he got older they split. Children are known to lie and fib so Janus appeared when Thomas was quite young.

Virgil appeared when Thomas was about 4, separation anxiety is common in small children.

Virgil was the youngest side. And today was his birthday! He was turning 10!

He woke up excited, Patton always went all out for the side's birthdays. He rolled out of bed and did his normal makeup, he even added a tinted lip gloss just for a lil extra something on his day.

He was soon dressed in his normal attire and he promptly left his room and made his way down stairs.

Patton was in the kitchen making lunch, Virgil didn't get up until noon. But what was confusing, there was no decorations, no happy birthday sign, no table with gifts, no balloons, not even a cake.

Virgil kicked himself mentally for thinking so entitled, maybe Patton just hadn't got around to it.

He entered the kitchen and was greeted with a smile from Patton. "Good morning, kiddo!" No happy birthday followed but Virgil smiled away and greeted Patton back. "What's got you all smiley? Something going on today?"

Virgil laughed, Patton was just kidding, but he soon realized he was serious. There was a pang of hurt in his heart before he shook his head. "Uh, nope, just in a good mood I guess."

He left the kitchen after that, he went to Logan's room next. He didn't bother knocking, just walked straight in, normally he'd be worried about upsetting Logan, but not right now.

"Roman, I've told you a hundred times, knock before coming...in- Oh! Virgil," Logan said as he turned in his seat. "You always knock, my apologies, what can I assist you with?"

"What is today?" He asked, "Like day of the month?"

Logan adjusted his glasses, "Today is December 19th, I don't know why you came to me for the date, you do own a cell phone."

Virgil shook his head, "Is there anything going on today?" He asked. Logan gave him a confused look before answering.

"Not that I am aware of, that is nothing of importance, I would know if there was." And there that pang of hurt was back. Virgil just nodded left the room.

Both Logan and Patton forgot. And today wasn't important?

He knew he wasn't supposed to, but he needed to. He crossed the boarder to the dark sides, making sure no one, especially Roman, was around.

He wandered through the dark area before reaching Janus' room. He knocked rapidly, everything in him at least hoped Janus would have remembered. He spent the first 7 years here with him and 5 with Remus.

The swung open and he was met with both Janus and Remus in the room. "Virgil? How don't I owe you the pleasure?"

Virgil shuffled his feet before speaking, "Do you remember?" He asked softly.

Remus spoke up before Janus. "Remember what? You leaving? Yeah we fucking remember."

Virgil sighed some, of course they didn't remember nor care. They hated him.

Prinxiety one-shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now