Connented by a red string

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Soulmate au! high school au!
This based on the Japanese red string legend also known as akai ito (don't quote me on that, that's what google said, i'm so sorry if im wrong) in the legend it is said to be an invisible red string that is tied to two people's pinky fingers and you're connected to your soulmate.
Word Count: 823 ***UNEDITED***

Roman was a hopeless romantic, perhaps his name was an unintentional pun from his parents. He always loved the idea of having someone that was meant for him, someone who would love him conditionally, someone to always be there, someone who him to love.

He was a very attractive guy, but he didn't date much. He was popular, always the lead star in every theater production put on by the school. He had girls and guys at his feet but he didn't want any of them, none felt right.

It was a fairly normal day at school. Roman was bored in class, lazily talking to his friends Patton and Logan. School was almost over and Roman was excited to get to theater practice.

The bell rung and he practically jumped out of his seat and rushed out of the room. He made it to the theater department, he was one of the first ones there. He seen his friend Bailey and walked over to her. He greeted her and they slipped into easy conversation.

Roman looked over his shoulder at the sound of a door. His breath caught in throat at the sight of a boy he's never seen before. He was short, had black hair down to his neck which was wavy, he had pale skin and was dressed in a black hoodie and black, ripped skinny jeans.

He looked back at Bailey, "Who is that?" He asked pointing to the boy walking towards the stage.

Bailey looked to where he was pointing, "Hm? Oh, that's Virgil. He's new, he's been here about 2 weeks. He's on tech." She told him, "He seems okay, hella sassy though, I talked him once and I was like damn watch ya tone." Roman laughed some and nodded.

He looked over to the boy again but he was gone, Roman assumed he was back stage. He felt drawn to the boy, he wanted to talk to him.

Rehearsal started, it was a dress rehearsal so Roman was back stage getting his costume on. The door opened and in walked Virgil, he was carrying a piece of Roman's costume.

"Here," Virgil said simply, holding it out to him. "You forgot it," Roman didn't take the costume part, instead he just stared at the pretty boy. Virgil looked away from him then looked back and coughed, "Uh- hello?" Virgil said.

Roman snapped out of his trance and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry," He took the costume piece, flushed with embarrassment. Virgil just nodded and walked back out the door.

Roman sighed and shook his head. "That was painful," Bailey said behind Roman. Roman turned and glared at her.

This continued for days. Every time Roman seen Virgil, he just ended up embarrassing himself. He was convinced Virgil hated him, he was so weird around him, how could he not hate him?

After about 2 weeks of just a bunch of embarrassing interactions, Roman had given up.

He was on the stage, rehearsal was over but he didn't care, he needed to clear his head. Going home meant he had to deal with his brother and he didn't want to do that, not yet. 

He didn't notice the person approaching him until there was a hand on his shoulder. He practically jumped out of his skin before looking up. He met the eyes of Virgil, staring at him with those soft eyes he got lost in so often.

Virgil sat down beside him, sitting crisscrossed, he didn't speak for a moment, he opened and closed his mouth before finding his tongue. "A-are you okay?" He stuttered, which he cursed himself for.

Roman absolutely melted at the boy's voice, it was like a sweat melody that he could listen to every day. He nodded to answer Virgil's question, "Yeah, sorry, just tryna collect my thoughts before going home to chaos."

Virgil nodded, fiddling with his sleeves. "I get it, do you wanna talk about it?" He asked before panicking, "If you want to that is, don't feel pressured to talk to me. I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed. I just-" Roman chuckled some, cutting off Virgil's ramblings.

He shook his head and gave a smile, "No, Virgil, it's okay. I don't know what's going on really, I wouldn't know where to start to talk about it." Virgil nodded and looked down. Roman checked his phone, "I should get home, my mom will freak if I'm not there when she gets home."

He wished Virgil goodbye and finally left school, heading home with a smile on his face. He actually talked to Virgil without making a fool of himself!

This was the start of a friendship. The two started hanging out socially at school, and Roman only sometimes made a fool of himself.

He felt strongly towards Virgil, stronger than just love. Almost as if they were connected to each other. Perhaps they were connected by an invisible red string?

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