9| Pranks

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Aanya's POV

After a good rest of more than an hour, I got ready as no matter what, I have to win this case. I called Ahaana, my old-time bestie and work partner. We've been there for each other ever since college days.

" I knew you'd call." I heard her as soon as she picked. "Well of course, I know you can't live without me, so I decided to check on you." I said and heard her laugh at the other end.

"Well I called you so that you could update me on the case I'm working on." I said and heard some shuffling. "Yeah what about that?" She asked and I stared at my phone screen for a minute.

This girl isn't serious right?

"As far as I remember I asked you to talk to Kavya and try to get some information about her parents or relatives or anything." I said to her in a you-are-not-kidding-with-me tone. "OHHH YEAAHHH!!!" "Yeahhhhhh should I throw a brick or a sofa on your head?" I asked sarcastically. "I bet you can lift none." She said and laughed.

The audacity.

"Shut up and go do your task idiot." I said and was about to cut the call. "Yes I will but before that, tell me how's he?" She asked and I fell silent. "He... he is ok.. you don't have to worry about him." I said. "When you are with him, of course I'll be worried." She said and cut the call. I stared at the phone screen for a minute before throwing it on the bed.

It's been 4 fucking years!!!! Can't everyone just stop this blame game now??!!

I went to washroom, washed my face and came out. I picked up my phone and went towards lobby. Vineet had not yet arrived so I sat on one of the sofas and decided to wait for him.

My thoughts went back to those good old days. Days when everything was so perfect. Days I still miss and wish to relive. Days when I dated Vineet. I still remember how we were enemies, kept pulling pranks on each other. And then suddenly, one day, I fell in love with my enemy.


Aanya's POV

Our first semester was finally coming to an end. These 6 months me and Vineet kept pulling each other's legs. He once mixed ketchup in my morning coffee. I swear my whole day was ruined. So as a reply, I ripped his basketball jersey. I thought he would be embarrassed about it but he pulled girls by playing shirtless.

Who does he thinks he is? Sasta Hrithik Roshan.

I still remember that wink he gave me when all the girls started cheering him on. "Thanks for giving me celebrity treatment. I didn't need their attention though." His words on that day. And his next words put me into thinking.

"I already have the attention of my favorite person." He whispered and left.

It's been 5 days to that incident but I still can't get over it. "Aanya we've next 3 hrs free so I think we can go to library and study." Ahana suggested. Ahana and I have become good friends now. We've been spending a lot of time together, be it in college or outside, we hang out together.

Though I think it's too soon for me to judge, but I think Ahana likes Vineet. I've seen her staring at him and getting lost in some thoughts. She always has this huge smile on her face whenever he's around us. I haven't her directly but I think this is the case.

We went to the library and picked up our spots. I'm the type of person who hates being around people while studying. I don't want anyone to be near me. Ahana generally puts on music while studying so we sit away from each other. I put my things on the table and went towards the bookshelf to pick up some study materials.

When I came back to my seat, I saw a sticky note stuck on my book. 'Missed me?' It read. Who put it here? I looked around but couldn't see anyone except Ahana who seemed focused in her book. Since she had her earphones plugged in, I don't think she'd have heard anything.

"Ahana!" I called her out. "yes?" "Did you see anyone coming here?" I asked her. "No, I didn't look up from my book so I don't know." She explained. "Ouh okay." I said and sat. "Why though?" She asked. "Nah just asking. Leave it." She just nodded and went back to studying. I roamed my eyes throughout the library for one last time before shaking my head and getting into studying.

An hour into studying and we heard some noises in the library. Vineet and his friends arrived. They were talking so loudly that I wanted to scream in their ears and see if they realize that it's a library. I looked at Ahana and there she was, yet again all drowned in admiring that good for nothing piece of shit. I rolled my eyes and plugged in earphones and continued studying.

I was done studying and looked at Ahana only to get shocked. Vineet was sitting and chatting with her. I've known Vineet since we were kids, and this is something I'm witnessing for the first time. I've always known Vineet as a sophisticated and goal-oriented person. So witnessing something like this is making me feel weird.

I kept looking at them smiling and talking with each other for some time before packing my things. "Ahana I'm going to the canteen. You can find me there after you are done." I said and went out without waiting for her to reply. I don't know why but the idea of them getting close to each other didn't sit well with me.

I went to the canteen and sat there playing on my phone. I could sense someone sitting in front of me but I didn't look up. I didn't feel like it. "If you are done with that nasty attitude of yours, then please acknowledge my presence." He said. "What do you want? Her number?" I asked being irritated. I don't even why I'm behaving like this.

"Wtf! wait- are you jealous?" He asked playfully. "Wth why would I be? I don't care who you talk to, who you date, who you kiss, who you have sex with! Why the hell would I be jealous?!" I said as an instinct. "Woah penguin! You've got a really wild imagination. I was just kidding. Why are you being so defensive?" He asked and I realized I was being too defensive.

"I'm not being defensive. I'm just explaining myself so that you get any wrong ideas." I stated. "Okay. Trust me! you over-explaining it surely gave me wrong ideas." He whispered in my ears and left. I turned to look at him and he blew a kiss towards me.

Did Ahana hit him with a book on his head?

Flashback ends

"Hey! sorry I'm late." Vineet said as soon as he saw me. I looked at my watch and realized I've been sitting here for past 20 mins. "It's ok. Now let's go." I said and went towards the car. I could hear him mutter something under his breath before he followed me out.

Heyy all!

I apologize for late post. Anyway here is new part. If you are reading this then might as well vote for the chapter and comment your views on it.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if anyone could suggest me some good songs to listen to while writing.

byeeee everyone. Take care.

Yours Nyraa.

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