8. Bittersweet

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Jungook wake up after hearing noises from the bathroom..It was tae he was throwing up .."Tae what happened ?" Jungook got worried about him .Tae came out after washing his face. "Idk kook I am continuously throwing up" . "Let's go to hospital this instant "Jungook grabbed his coat "No kook it's ok "Tae said.."Taehyung I said now "Tae could see Jungook was angry about tae's resistance towards going to the hospital, so he got ready and followed Jungook to the hospital.

Jungook and Taehyung were waiting for the doctor to call their name. "Jeon Taehyung" finally the nurse called his name , both of them entered the doctor's cabin.  "What happened " the doctor asked. "Doctor he is continuously throwing up nowadays and he is even hesitant about eating any food "Jungook answered . "Ok let me check " the doctor started examining Tae ."You look pale , your periods are regular right?" . Tae got horrified upon hearing the doctor's question .His periods were missing and he didn't take it seriously because he thought it was because of hormones. "No my periods were missing this month "Tae answered while looking at Jungook . Jungook who didn't understand the situation looked at the doctor .. "Let me run a few tests on you Taehyung ,Jungookshi you can wait outside"..Jungook nodded and stood up.."Tae don't worry I will be outside" and kissed on tae's forehead.

After half an hour Jungook was called inside by the doctor ..Jungook looked at tae whose eyes were teary . "Congrats Mr Jungook your wife is pregnant" ..Jungook got shocked after hearing this "How can it be doctor he was taking pills ,weren't you Tae? "Jungook asked tae ."But Mrs .Jeon said he didn't took any pills last time when you had sex ". The doctor's answer made Jungook's blood boil .. "Anyway Mr Jungook please do take care of his health , he is nauseous because of the pregnancy , and I prescribed some medicines make sure that he eat those . You can come to me next month for the checkup " The doctor said and patted on tae's shoulder .

Both of them started walking towards the car .once they entered the car Jungook banged on the steering wheel. "Taehyung what's the meaning of all this weren't you on pills ?" Jungook asked tae,  he was fuming with anger. "Jungookah I was but I forgot to take the last time.. because when I was searching the pills you suddenly called me from the living room and forgot about it to take afterwards "Tae told Jungook with tears flowing through his face . "It was your fucking plan , Wasn't it ?? That whole night ..the dinner ..the sex ..and you didn't take
take pills because you fucking know that you will get pregnant don't you ?? ..You know that I was not ready for a child but you still managed to get pregnant  "Jungook's words made tae to cry even more .."Jungookah it's not like that please trust me I -i didn't know " tae was getting tired with all these arguments.  "Tae stop your fucking drama..i won't trust you anymore ..You know what if you want to keep this child you can but don't expect to me to be the Jungook that you know once .. "  Jungook doesn't even give Tae the time to explain everything and he started driving ..

Once they reached their home Jungook went straight to their bedroom and closed the room ....BANG it was all tae could hear from the downstairs he was tired ..he didn't know the news of his pregnancy was meant to be happy for him or not because he is gonna lose his Kook because of this. But still it was their BABY ..Tae slightly touched his belly .."I won't give upon you "..tae said while his heart was aching for his Jungook ....

Hope you guys enjoyed the story...please do let me know about your suggestions..please do vote for the story ...I am starting the theme angst from this on ..Hope you guys will like it ....

With love
Yours 🐬

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