4. BFF

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As usual Jungook went to his office but Tae was still not ready to accept the fact that he needed to wait for some more time until Jungook was ready to have a baby. He felt really tired today so he went to call his soulmate who is none other than The almighty Jimin . "Hello my taetae " Jimin answered the phone "chimchim are you free today ?" Tae asked "yes tae I am free " "can you come over " tae was already trying hard to control his tears "Taehyungah what happened ,are you crying ?" Jimin can easily say that his best friend was not okay ."i am coming ,don't cry okay" Jimin hung up the phone.

After sometime Tae heard his doorbell rang so he went to open it.It was Jimin who came over to console his bestie."Jiminah " tae suddenly started crying and hugged his chimchim ,"taetae it's okay I am here baby just tell me what's wrong ? " Jimin said patting tae's back. "Jiminah ...kook he -h doesn't want to h...have a baby with me ..." Tae said .Jimin already knows about this situation because since college it was tae's dream to have his own family with a lot of babies ,tae loved kids ."Taehyungah you know kook is not ready right ,it's not that he doesn't want to have babies with you it's just he wants to spend more time alone with you it's because he loves you more than anything "Jimin tried to calm down his tae. But tae was still sobbing like a baby ,he was pouting and it made Jimin laugh but he controlled his laugh . "Chimchim I know kook loves me but I uh I don't know when he is going to agree " "taetae I know but still you know no-one can make Jungook to change his decision right ,he is really cold towards everyone except you so let's just wait until he is ready, okay ? .

Tae nodded to Jimin's response because he knows his kook well, he won't change his decision no matter what. "tae let me make your favourite strawberry milkshake 🍓" Jimin knows that strawberries will cheer his little bear so he went towards the Kitchen to make the shake. Taehyung was really grateful to have a friend like Jimin , they were friends since childhood Jimin was always there for him, through his ups and downs, if he is sad he will always go to him. Apart from his kook ,Jimin was the next person whom he can always rely on.

Tae entered the kitchen while Jimin was cutting the strawberries." Btw Jiminah how is yoongj hyung ,you two are doing great right? ". Yoongi was Jimin's boyfriend they were dating for three years . Mentioning yoongi's name made Jimin blush ,"he is currently working on his new song and we are doing great " Jimin was smiling from ear to ear ." I can see someone is turning like a red tomato "Taehyung teased Jimin ."Yahhh stop teasing me" ...Jimin said while throwing a strawberry at Taehyung,tae catched that and started eating it .

They were always like this if one of them have a problem the other will be always there to solve it .Because they were the real soulmates 🫂

I hope you guys liked this chapter ...Thank you for reading my work .

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With love
Yours 🐬

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