9. Missing

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It's been one month since tae got pregnant,
Jungook is still avoiding him. Taehyung is still
trying his best to talk to his husband, but Jungook never even shared a glance with him. Jungook wakes up early even before tae wakes up and goes to his office and comes late after tae   sleeps . Tae was getting hurt day by day but he is still staying strong for their baby.

Today it was meant to be the first appointment with the doctor for the ultrasound , so tae gathered all his courage and went to their bedroom .Since it was Saturday Jungook had no office and when tae entered their room he saw Jungook was swiping through his phone. "Kook " tae called his husband , Jungook who heard this but chose to ignore it ..tae knew he was getting ignored but he still didn't lose his hope .. "Kook today i have an appointment with the doctor so that we can check on our baby so can you accompany me to the hospital ?"... Taehyung asked Jungook  ... Tae believed that his husband would say yes even though he acts cold towards him..........

"Our baby ??? Taehyung there is no OUR BABY it's your baby ""....that words from Jungook made tae feel like  his whole world is getting shattered ,he started to cry but Jungook doesn't stop there he came towards tae and said "Don't show me your fake tears you liar ..and not even think about I will accompany you to anywhere to anymore..because whatever we had ended on the day you brought this thing into our life " he pointed his finger towards tae's belly...THING Jungook called their baby a THING , that made tae not sad but angry ...he had  tolerated everything Jungook has been doing these days because somewhere he thought it was because of him that Jungook became cold and arrogant, so he endured everything for the sake of their baby but today Jungook was beyond his limits.  "JUNGOOK you can say anything to me but if you dare to call my baby a THING one more time I won't forgive you " Tae was really angry and it was evident from his words...

"If you don't want to see  our  baby you don't have  to come with me to the doctor , but don't just don't ....." Tae was sobbing with anger ,sad frustration and ofc of his hormones... Tae went downstairs and he was broken.Jungook was still in their bedroom "No Taehyung I can't forgive you ,you broke my trust " Jungook said and pounded his angry fist on the wall..

Tae drove himself to the doctor he was crying all the way to the hospital.. "Good morning Taehyungshi .." the doctor greeted him .."By the way where is your husband ?did you came alone ?" .Tae got panicked by the question "He got an urgent meeting that's why I came alone " ofc Taehyung was lying .He can't say that his husband hates their child . "Oh okay then let's see your baby are you ready " Tae nodded and they went to the ultrasound room. Tae laid down and the doctor slowly lifted up his shirt and put a gel on his belly...."Taehyungshi look there  that is your baby " Tae looked at the screen where the doctor was pointing at .. that sight made his eyes all teared up ..It was a size of poppy seed .. "Would you like to have some pictures ?" The doctor asked him and he said yes. "Taehyungshi your body is slightly weaker so you need to ear properly .. don't forget that you have a little bean inside you ..don't get overstressed and do take the medicines properly and next time bring your husband along with you ...it's my strict order don't come alone ".Tae was smiling through his sadness , he said thank you to the doctor and left with the pictures.

When he entered the car he looked at the pictures and smiled " Baby please be healthy for eomma and eomma is waiting for you...I promise I will take care of youuu ..I love you my little bunny " ..he kissed on the picture ..

Little bunny .that was the name tae chose for his unborn baby ..Because it was their baby his and his bunny's ..THEIR BABY

I know it's kind of a long chapter ...I hope you guys enjoyed it...Please do tell me your suggestions..Please do vote for the story...

With love
Yours 🐬

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