Chapter 1 Two adventurers

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"Ronniy, seriously, the heart chicken came before the egg," Edmond said tiredly.

"Listen, Edmond, I get what you're saying, but it's clear that the egg came first," Ronniy said playfully with a goofy smile.

"Come on, Ronniy, what comes out from the chicken?"

"And what hatches from the egg, Edmond? Tell me!"

In the vast forest, two boys strolled side by side, discovering remarkable fruits and extraordinary plants that were concealed in every corner. The morning sun beamed down, casting a beautiful rainbow reflection on the water puddles left behind by yesterday's rain.
After spending a considerable amount of time arguing as if their lives depended on it, the two exhausted boys decided to take a seat on two large rocks that were placed on the lush, damp grass.

"Wow, it's really hot today, and there's this interesting scent in the air," Ronniy says, pausing for a moment and shutting his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Edmond asks, giving Ronniy a puzzled look.

"It smells like sparkles!" Ronniy exclaims with a smile.

"I'm leaving," Edmond said as he got up from the rock, showing that he was about to go.

"I'm serious, it smells like glitter. Especially the sour kind."

"Are you saying we're near a twinkle skunk?" Edmond asked seriously.

Ronniy sharpened his pointed, elf-like ears and listened carefully for any signs of twinkle skunks in their surroundings.

Ronniy mentioned that he could hear a group of them and that they appeared to be quite angry. He reassured Edmond that they were at a considerable distance away from the twinkle skunks. However, it was strange that he had noticed a glittery scent nearby.

"Great, that's a relief," Edmond expressed before beginning to move away.

"Hold on, where are you headed?" Ronniy asked anxiously.

"I'm going away from you; I don't want to catch that sparkle scent you sensed in your nostrils."

"Please don't go!" Ronniy yelled and grabbed onto Edmond's right leg.

Edmond asked Ronniy what he was doing, feeling exhausted.
Ronniy replied that he was preventing Edmond from being eaten by a iron bear, tightening his grip.
Edmond was left speechless, trying to comprehend the situation.

"Listen, egghead, I'm not abandoning you, and I won't become a iron bear's meal. I was just going to search for some food." Edmond said with irritation.

"Really?" Ronniy questioned.

"Yeah, so can you please release my leg now?" Edmond requested.

"Heheh, sure," Ronniy replied.

"Just stay here until I return," Edmond instructed Ronniy with a serious tone.

"Why? Do you think I can't take care of myself? Just so you know, I'm a skilled archer, and I know how to avoid danger," Ronniy confidently stated.

"Oh yea?, Remember that one time we were almost caught by that hammer crab and almost became decorations?"

"I was just distracted, okay? Those cute little fruit turtles were too adorable," Ronniy replied.

"Don't forget when we almost got roasted by a huge lava shark!"

"I found some really beautiful lava rocks close by, so I decided to add them to my collection of stones!"

Edmond was about to mention more past adventures, but he noticed Ronniy looking sad, so he decided to stop.

"I apologize, Edmond. You're correct; I haven't been helpful, and I've only caused you pain," Ronniy admitted sadly.

"That's not what I intended to make you feel about yourself, though. Ronniy, you're amazing. What I'm trying to express is"

Edmond struggles to express his true feelings towards Ronniy, finding it difficult to articulate how much he appreciates Ronniy's fantastic, observant, and funny personality. Ronniy has brought light and meaning to Edmonds' days ever since they met in a dark tunnel for the first time two years ago.

Edmond expressed his desire for Ronniy's safety and well-being, emphasizing the importance of their friendship. With his captivating sky eyes locked onto Ronniy's chocolate brown eyes, Edmond explained that he would feel more comfortable and in control if Ronniy remained unharmed, as losing him would be devastating.

Ronniy was understanding and had always acknowledged Edmond as a valuable friend. With a slight smile, Ronniy mentioned that he would wait for him, while Edmond nodded and continued on to find food for them to eat.

Ronniy called out to Edmond from afar, causing him to quickly look in his direction.

"If you ever find yourself in danger, just shout out that word, and I'll shoot an arrow to help you!," Ronniy explained.

"I'll definitely rely on that," Edmond shouted back, waving to show his gratitude.

After a while, Ronniy starts to feel bored. He sits on a rock, gazing into the distance, determined not to move from his spot.

"I am a man who keeps his promises! I will not abandon this place! In order to have self-control, I will show respect for my integrity.

A citrine beetle suddenly landed on Ronniy's lap, a sight he had never witnessed before. These beetles are incredibly rare and believed to bring good luck and guide towards a positive life path. After a brief moment, the citrine beetle flew away, leaving Ronniy feeling special and eager to share the experience with Edmond.

Suddenly, a noise emerged from the bushes, causing Ronniy to quickly stand up and grab his bow, ready to shoot an arrow if necessary.

The sounds grow louder, and Ronniy cautiously moves towards the noise. He relies on his ears to determine the type of creature he is facing.

He quietly murmurs to himself that it is a human.

Animals, elves, and mystical creatures may be powerful and threatening, but humans should never be underestimated, as Ronniy is well aware. He understands both the greatness and wickedness of his own kind.
An elf would face severe consequences from their own body if they were to engage in selfish cruelty that could harm Mother Nature's creations. Nevertheless, a human has the ability to avoid punishment and continue their wicked behavior without facing any negative outcomes.

The noise grows louder and louder as Ronniy approaches the bushes. Suddenly, there is a moment of complete silence. The noise stops, and Ronniy becomes alert, prepared to defend himself if the person intends to attack. It is so quiet that Ronniy can hear his own heartbeat, and he silently prays to survive and continue his adventures with Edmond.
Beads of sweat start to trickle down his forehead; the silence is unnerving.

Suddenly, a small squirrel with rosy cheeks appeared next to Ronniy, causing him to divert his attention from the bushes and admire the adorable creature.

Out of nowhere, the human emerged from the bushes at a fast pace, catching Ronniy off guard and surprising them both.

"APPLESHELLS!!" Ronniy shouts.

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