Chapt 1- Meeting Them

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  • Dedicated to Livi, my sister for life

Chapter One

I should have been ashamed of myself. I was 19, yet I was acting like a 16-year-old. Oh, who cares? I was going to meet One Direction! Finally meet them! My heart was pounding in my chest harder than it ever had before.

I looked over at my best friend, Rachel. She had a smile the size of the Nile River on her face. "Oh my gosh!" she squealed.

"I have never been happier in my life!" I cried.

"Heather, all our fangirling, our crying over how much we love these five boys, our yelling at the 1D haters, has all led up to this. This is every directioner's dream. This is two years worth of obsessing over FanFictions, and losing our voices singing their songs paid off. We are the luckiest girls in the world!" Rachel told me.

Normally I would've been ticked that I wasn't the one saying such a deep thing, because having a brilliant way with words was my thing, but I couldn't have cared less at that moment. I just nodded furiosly and squealed at the top of my lungs.

When it was nearly our turn to meet the boys, we struggled to contain ourselves. We didn't want the boys to know that we were crazed fans! "Ughh! I am too happy!" I cried.

"Same!" moaned Rachel. The grin on her face was still there, even though she was fighting it.

"I know, think about how much you hate Jordan for breaking Catherine's heart! That always makes you want to cry and smush his face into a wall at the same time!" I decided, referring to Rachel's really good friend, Catherine, who was dating a guy named Jordan, but he tore her heart to pieces, infuriating and upsetting Rachel. "And I will think of Elle. And how horrible she felt after James started going out with Mary," I added. My eyes nearly teared up, thinking of my best friend who lived in Bath, who loved a guy named James, but he went out with someone else, knowing she liked him.

After that, our smiles were easier control, because those memories hurt.

Finally our turn came. The first guy I spoke to was Zayn. "Hi," Zayn said, smiling. His brown eyes were warm and chocolatey and I could get lost in them for hours.

"Hi," I said, my heart pounding. "Can you sign this, please?" I asked, extending the very first poster of them I had ever owned out in front of me.

"Sure, what's your name?" he asked.

"Heather," I answered.

"Heather. Pretty name. I had a girl called Heather in my school, did you know that?" he pondered.

Yes, I thought. "No, I didn't," I said instead though. I mean, I didn't want to sound like a creeoy stalker.

"Ok, well now you do. Do you want to move on to talk to Liam?" he asked.

"Sure, I have always dreamed of meeting Daddy Direction. He's my role model," I joked. Zayn chuckled and I walked on to talk to Liam.

"Hi, Liam. I'm Heather. It's an honour to meet you," I said to the boy with the buzz cut. I felt a bit more confident and talking to his wasn't as hard as talking to Zayn.

"Hi, Heather. How are you?" Liam said.

"Better now that I have met two of the five most amazing boys in the world. But don't you let that get to your head, now," I jokingly wagged my finger at him.

Liam laughed. "Well aren't you the little comedian? Would you like me to sign anything?" he offered.

"Yes please," I held out my poster.

I thanked him and moved on. "Hello! How are we doing this fine evening?" Louis asked cheerfully.

"On top of the freaking world, Louis. Like the queen! You?" I dramatized.

"I am feeling like Louis!" he cried.

"Mind blow!" I gasped. He laughed at my joke.

"And who is your number One Direction crush? See what I did there?" he acted all proud of himself.

"Well, it's Mr Gorgeous-Curls Styles, over there. But it's not just a crush, Lou. It's love," I whispered back with a smile. He faked looking hurt.

"Hey Harry, you have a fan! I can't believe she chose you over me! I am insulted!" Louis cried. Harry turned to look at us, smiling. I smiled back at him, feeling the whole world's population of butterflies in my stomach. I waved and he waved back.

"Ok, well your friend clearly wants you to move up, and I am too hurt to speak to you any longer, Heather!" Louis looked away with a look of playful hurt.

"Awww, Lou. Would it help if I gave you a hug?" I offered, praying he would say yes and I would be able to hug LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!

He nodded. "Yes, please," he sniffled, and I leaned in and wrapped my arms around him. He returned the hug. "Ok, bye!" Louis called as I made my way towards Niall after he had signed my poster.

"Hello, what's your name?" Niall asked in his very sexy Irish accent. Oh, I loved the accent. It was so...Irish.

"Heather, hi Niall," I said.

"That's very Irish, you know that? Heather is an Irish flower," he said. 

"I know. My mum named me that because her niece, my cousin, was born in Ireland, and she died of cancer at the age of three," I answered. 

"That's a sad story," he said. He smiled, though, when I smiled at him. Would I sound like a stalker if I said I remembered when he had braces?

"Do you want me to sign anything?" he asked. I nodded and he signed my poster. 

Suddenly I felt a pair of eyes on me, and looked to see Harry staring at me. He's waiting for you to move up Heather, I told myself, but I saw a fan trying to get him to sign something. I looked pointedly at the table and his gaze followed mine. He signed the poster and I moved up. 

And there I was, standing in front of the love of my life. The boy who had kept me awake at night wishing I was the one who had headlined magazines with him not Caroline Flack. Wishing I was the one he kissed on New Year's Eve in 2012. "Hey," he said, and all my confidence disappeared. That was all it took. One word, hey. And I completely fell apart.

"Hi, I'm Heather, Heather Gray," I said.

"Heather Gray... Do you by any chance write FanFictions on WattPad?" he asked.

My jaw dropped. "Yes. You know of my work?" I said.

"Big fan. I read them on my phone when I am on tour. So, how did you get backstage passes for this concert?" he asked. 

My heart beat against my chest like a mad monkey trying to get out of its cage at the zoo. Harry read my FanFics. Harry READ my FanFics. Oh my gawsh! "Bought them off a friend who won them, but she is visitng a friend in Bath so she couldn't make it," I replied. Another thing I should be, slapping myself for giving away personal information. But I just wanted an excuse to keep talking to Harry, no matter what.

"Ok. So, you clearly love One Direction. And from what Louis tells me, I am your favourite. Well, I do have the curls," he flipped his curls and my heart went crazy again. He then lowered his voice to a whisper. "Lucky for you I'm single. Must be terrible to love someone who is with someone else," he laughed.

And just like that, my face fell.

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