Chapt 5- Move On

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I decided to publish this chapter sooner than I did with the last chapter. Hope you like this chapter! I love it, but it's really sad, so you may need a box of tissues, but I am not sure if I am talented enough to make someone cry. Anyway, once you have read it, please tell me what you think. Vote and comment! Now, read on! 

"Anjelica!" Brianna squealed. She rushed over and hugged our short friend.

"Hey, oh my gosh, is she ok? Is James ok?" Anjelica gushed.

"She isn't good, at all. I'm scared for her. James was admitted into the hospital yesterday after a car accident. He is unconsious, but the nurse said he should wake up tonight," Brianna informed her.

"Oh my gawsh. Is she with him now?" Anjelica asked.

I nodded. "I will bring her down. It might do her soem good to eat away from him, so that she won't be forced to think of him," I suggested. The others agreed, so I turned to the elevators.

However, when I reached his ward, I heard voices. One was Elle's, and one was a male's voice. It was husky and croaky, almost as if he was struggling to talk, but I faintly recognised it... James! It was James' voice! Oh my gosh, he woke up! 

"Elle? What happened to you?" he asked. 

"What do you mean?" Elle questioned. 

"You looked so depressed, so crushed, so... broken," he mumbled. You, James. You happened, I thought angrily. 

"I haven't been eating or sleeping much," Elle admitted. 

"Why not?" James said.  

"How can I eat and sleep when you are hurt? And before the accident, how could I sleep when I am not good enough to love?" Elle cried hysterically, desperation woven into her voice. I could hear her sobbing. 

"Don't say that ever again, Eleanor. It's not that you aren't good enough. I love someone else, that's all. You are wonderful and I know you will find someone who loves you very much. And you will be happy. But to find that person you need to move on.  Forget about me, because I am not worth it. Please, Elle. I can't stand to see you like this, and I am sure it's even harder for your friends. Go out into the world again and be your happy and care-free self. I'm begging you," he pleaded with her desperately. 

 "But, I can't. I'm not strong enough. I'm pathetic," Elle said shamefully. 

"No you are not. You are one of the strongest people I know. Looked at how long you held onto me. No weak person could do that. But now you need to use your strength to let go, rather than hold on," James told her. I admired him at that moment. An I knew I could never hate him for what has happened to Elle. It wasn't his fault Elle loved him so much, and here he was, trying to fix it. To help her. 

"I- I- I... Ok. I'll do it. I'll get better. I will. I can do it," I knew Elle was talking more to herself than to James. 

"Good. Now, go and have some food with a smile on your face. Have a nice, big slice of pizza for me, will you?" James asked. I peaked in to see Elle had on a weak smile that didn't reach her eyes. But none the less, it was a smile, and the first one I had seen on her face for almost three and a half months. "And go home tonight," James added. 

A pained look crossed her face, but she quickly pushed it aside and got up. "Bye, James," she whispered and left before he could say anything. 

She walked outside the ward. "Heather?" she said, surprised when she saw me. 

"Oh, hi Elle," I said awkwardly. Busted. 

She sighed. "You heard the whole thing didn't you?"

"I nodded guiltily. She just sighed again and went to the elevator. 

On the way down, she wiped away her tears and stood quietly. She looked blank until we reached the bottom, where she hugged Anjelica. I saw tears threatening to fall, but she brushed them away and walked straight to the cafeteria.  We all ordered our food, and I was very impressed because Elle managed to eat three chicken nuggets. She was willing to force down more, but we refused to let her. 

"You haven't eaten in two days, Elle-" I began. 

"Two days?!" spluttered Anjelica, interupting me. 

I glared at her before continuing. "It's not healthy to force lots of food down in one go." She nodded and put the chicken nugget down. 

Just as we were walking out of the hospital, we saw Christy pull up. She rushed over to us. 

"How are you, Elle?" she asked seriously, after hugging all of us.

"Not good right now, but I am going to get better. James asked me to," she said. All the other girls' eyes widened except for mine. I'll explain later, I mouthed. They nodded. 

We agreed Elle would go in Brianna's car, since that was how she had got to the hospital in the first place. Christy and Anjelica each had their own cars, and I drove Rachel and I in my beautiful Prius. 

Elle's house wasn't far from the hospital, so we arrived after only a 10 minute drive.  

"Oooh, new problem," Brianna said when we were all seated in Elle's lounge room. Anjelica had her arm around Elle's shoulder.

"What?" Christy asked. 

"Only three of us can stay here. Anjelica, I am assuming you will go back to your place because it's only what, another 10, 15 minutes drive from here. But then two of us will have no where to stay once Eleanor arrives. I have the spare room, and two can take the couches," Bri told us.

"Well, Heather and Rachel should take the couches.  After all, they were the ones Elle contacted first. Eleanor and I will stay in the nearest hotel," Christy told us. 

I decided not to argue.  

"Well, it's only been an hour since we called Eleanor, so it'll take another seven hours for her to drive here. And she will probably stop at a motel for a few hours to rest a bit. We might as well go out. I know of a nice club I have been dying to visit ever since I first visited Bath for the first time," Rachel said.

"Are you ok to go?" I asked Elle. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded. 

"Great! It's called Dark and Dangerous," Rachel beamed.  

"Awesome. Sounds like fun," Brianna said enthusiastically. 

"Ok, we need to borrow some clothes and makeup, Elle and Bri," said Anjelica. 

"Rachel and I are ok, 'cos we got dressed up for the signing. We just need to borrow some different tops," I added, looking at my black spagetti strap tank that had '1D' in diamontes. 

Brianna laughed lightly. "Of course. Let's get started," she said. 

And so we got started on our makeup. But for Elle, covering up two monthes of non-stop crying and no sleep was harder than we had hoped. 

 The dedication goes to @CityOfLove_ because she has faithfully commented on every chapter so far. Hope you all liked this chapter!!!

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