Chapter 10- Eleanor Calder is a Genius

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sorry, that was retarded. Forget that happened. So, chapter 10 is up! It's written in Harry's P.O.V, cos this chapter is vital to what happens in the next chapter! OMG, I can't wait until you read Chapter 11! It's my favourite chapter, cos it's quirky and one of those "FINALLY!" chapters. lol. Dedication goes to @livi955. She is so amazing, and my sister for life. If you go back to the first chapter, you'll notice that it's dedicated to livi, my sister for life. Yeah, "livi" and @livi955 are the same person, she only recently got Wattpad. Also, the character Rachel is based on her!

Harry's P.O.V.

I breathed a massive sigh of relief at her reply. She didn't hate me or blame me. Wow, she was magnificent. I shook my head. There I go again.

I sighed and pressed the ignition in my car. I was on my way to Starbucks to have coffee with Eleanor to discuss, well, me.

I needed to know why I was acting that way, and why Heather reacted the way she did at the signing.

There was a Starbucks right by mine and Louis' apartment, so I barely had to drive before I was there, to find Eleanor was already waiting for me.

"Hey," she smiled at me when she saw me.

"Hey, Eleanor," I smiled back at her. I ordered a coffee and sat down.

"So you wanted to talk about a girl? Is it that girl from the signing?" Eleanor asked sympathetically.

I nodded, my cheeks flaming red. "Yeah, I, um, I'm reallly confused. FIrst of all, I really enjoyed talking to her. More than I have ever enjoyed talking to a girl before. And she seemed to really enjoy talking to me too. But suddenly she shut off and seemed really upset. I think it was something I said, but I don't know what exactly," I looked helpless as I recounted the situation.

Eleanor looked thoughtful. "Recount the conversation to me. Word for word. Don't leave anything out," she requested.

I thought. "Well she introduced herself as Heather Gray, and I asked her if she wrote FanFictions on Wattpad, and she said yes. You should have seen her. She lit up like a light bulb. She looked beautiful," I said wistfully.

"Awww! Hazza Bear is in love! Now, continue," Eleanor cooed. I went red again.

"And I told her I read them on tour. Then I asked how she got tickets to the Meet and Greet slash signing, and she said she bought them off a friend who couldn't make it," I continued.

Eleanor's eyes widened and she started flapping her arms wildly. "Ah huh! Is that where she got upset?" she asked. I shook my head and she frowned, before she motioned for me to continue again.

"She was saying she was in love with One Direction. Louis told me that I was her favourite, so I justified that by saying I did have the curls. She giggled. Then I said, 'Lucky for you I'm still single,' and her face fell. I don't get it," I frowned. Was I missing something?

"There must be something else. Are you sure that's it?" Eleanor pressed.

Then I remembered. "Oh, and I added that it must be horrible to love someone who doesn't love you back because they love someone else. Yep, that's definitely it," I said. I was still confused.

Eleanor, however, wasn't. She face-palmed. "No, Harry. Please tell me you didn't. Please tell me you made that last bit up!" she begged.

Ok, I officially had no idea what the fuck she was talking about. "No, I definitely said that," I said.

She swatted my arm with her hand. Hard. "You insensitive boy! Isn't it obvious? Her friend who couldn't make it? She loves someone who is with someone else! And Heather really cares about her friends and hurt when her friends hurt. Good lord, Harry!" she told me.

Realization flooded me. "Oh my word. Shit, I stuffed up. Thanks, Eleanor!" I thanked her.

Suddenly she started to look nervous and started to chew her lip. "You're welcome. But, Harry? Can I... tell you something?" she asked.

"Of course. After what you've done for me! Anything!" I said, feeling worried.

She took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with Louis," she stated.


I felt bad, leaving Louis alone in the apartment. True to her word, Eleanor had ended it with Louis as soon as we got back from Starbucks. At first, Louis was devastated, but then he decided it was for the best and Eleanor was right. He agreed that neither of them really cared about each other in that way any more, and had fallen out of love with each other. They stayed friends, though. And all this happened in one afternoon.

Louis insisted he was fine, and to be honest, he looked it, but still....

I was wondering the streets of London, trying to clear my head. I had sent Heather another message on Wattpad, but she hadn't responded. A message was posted on her message board saying she would be unable to go on any social media for the next few days for personal reasons.

I reached a cute-looking cafe. It was called Gumboots Corner, and the logo was a bear with a piece of delicous looking chocolate cake, who was wearing gumboots. It was adorable.

I don't know what made me go in there, exactly, but inside, a miracle was at the counter, smiling sweetly at an indecisive old woman.

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