Chapt 8- Lots of Emotions

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IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!! I won't be able to update next week, so chapter nine will only be up in two weeks time. Sorry!!!! Also, I will be putting up a short story written from Elle's perspective all about how she moves on from James, as well as some background about when she came to love James, when she moved to Bath, ecetera ecetera, because I don't really explain it much in this story. This is a story about Heather and Harry's romance, after all, not about Elle and James. Anyway, after this chapter, tell me whether this makes you think of Cinderella. If not, read paragraph 3 and then think about it. Now, read on!!!

Harry's P.O.V

The day after the signing, Louis had switched on the news. I sat having my breakfast, still thinking about Heather, barely paying attention until I heard my name. 

I groaned out loud and started paying some attention. "...was seen running out of his signing to chase after a crying fan. Later, the same fan, who has been identified as Heather Gray, was seen clubbing in nearby Bath with a group of friends..." the reporter was saying. Shit. Now they were following her, she is probably receiving tons of hate on twitter, and she will hate me, I thought to myself. "It looks like womanizing Harry Styles has finally met his match, the man-eating Heather Gray," and the report was over. WTF? Why can't the paparazzi leave me alone? Now Heather will definitely hate me! They called her a man-eater! They showed all the pictures again. 

For some reason, I felt an over-whelming jealousy. Look at all those douche bags, dancing with Heather as if they own her. They don't, I thought bitterly.

Stop it, Harry, I then scolded myself. You barely know her. But I felt like I knew her. I hadn't stopped thinking about her since she ran off. I couldn't figure out why. I couldn't have feelings for her already. But they didn't feel like any feelings I had ever had before. Not with Caroline, or Cara or Taylor or any of my other exes. Eugh, Taylor Swift. Biggest mistake ever, going out with her. Cheating bitch. 

I quickly went on twitter and found I had been mentioned in hundreds of tweets aimed at... @heather_gray1D. Shit shit shit. 

I read them with a growing dread in my stomach. I found hundreds of people calling Heather a bitch, slut, whore, man-eater, husband-stealer, boyfriend-napper, and so many other horrible and untrue things. Wait, again? I was defending her again? 

I found Heather's twitter and desperately looked for someone, anyone, who wasn't hating on her. And there she was, @belinda_shepherd946. She was protecting Heather like a pitbull, and I was so grateful. I read her last tweet. 


No, @carastyles2222, I am not an idiot. You are! How dare you call yourself a directioner, if you can't even be happy for Harry! Neither of them have even said they are dating! But if they are, I will celebrate that my two favourite people in the world are happy!

Now that was a true directioner. I saw another tweet appear. From @carastyles2222, a girl who THREATENED Heather. 


Oh your world is just rainbows and ponies and unicorns, isn't it, @belinda_shepherd946? Eugh, you make me sick! GO DIE IN A HOLE @heather_gray1D! 

I was shocked at the nerve of this girl. I quickly went on my own twitter wall. (A/N I am sorry if it isn't called a twitter wall. i dont have twitter and i have no idea how it works).


I would just like to say that I am apalled at the things these so-called directioners have said about @heather_gray1D! We are not dating, and yet you hate on her! That's sick! A shout-out goes to @belinda_shepherd946 for being a true directioner and standing up to the haters. I would also like to mention @carastyles2222. Do not follow her ever. She has threatened @heather_gray1D's life and been a complete bitch. She has even insulted any directioners giving @heather_gray1D the benefit o the doubt. She has no heart and doesn't deserve followers! Thank you to anyone who has stood up for @heather_gray1D! 

In under a minute I received tons of apologies saying they never meant anything they said, that they were just jealous, or that they really loved Heather all along. Liars.

I went and followed @belinda_shepherd946, and then I got a reaction. 


OMFG! @Harry_Styles is following me! I am hyperventilating! Best day of my life! I love you Harry! But you didn't have to follow me just because I stood up for @heather_gray1D. I didn't do it for praise. But thank you so much anyway! ilysm! Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!

That put a smile on my face. Satisfied, I turned off my phone and continued my breakfast. Louis looked at me as if I had two heads. 

"Haz? You just went through, like, four emotions in a matter of minutes. You're acting like a hormonal girl. Like Eleanor on her period. It's kinda creepy. What was that all about?" he asked me.

Well that's great. I was just compared to the hormonal version of Louis' girlfriend. What an achievement.  "I ran after that girl yesterday because I was really enjoying talking to her. I felt all happy and fuzzy. And then suddenly she stopped smiling and acted all closed off, like she couldn't wait to get away from me. She then walked over to a wall and started crying. But it looked like tears of pain, not happiness. Her friend seemed really concerned. She then received a phone call and went... blank. I felt unbelievably guilty for hurting her. I was ready to ask her to freaking move in with us if it made her smile again. So I ran after her," I explained to my best mate. 

His face creased in confusion. "Well that explains the anger at the names she was being called in the news report. And i can only imagine what the fans called her on twitter. But she was practically glowing when she was talking to me. Even more so when she was talking to you. What was the last thing you said to her before she got upset?" Louis asked. 

I shook my head. "Something about her being lucky I was single or something," I replied. 

"You'll have to organize something with Eleanor and talk to her. She will understand girly emotions. But what were they calling Heather on twitter to make you look so angry. And then you... smiled. It was so creepy," Louis gave me another strange look. 

"They called her the usual, bitch, slut, whore, boy-friend napper, husband-stealer, ecetera ecetera. But they also threatened her life and we haven't even said we are dating. Because we aren't. It just made me so mad that they would do that to someone so nice. I can't figure out why I care so much. Anyway, there was this one girl who really stood up for Heather, so I followed her and mentioned her in a tweet, and she was over the moon. It made me happy that I could find some way to thank her," I answered Louis' question. 

"You care because you connected with her, mate. Like the minute I layed eyes on Eleanor. She and I connected immediately. And I had no idea why I cared, but then I realized. Are you ever going to see her again?" Louis informed me. I shrugged. 

"I don't have her phone number, and I can hardly talk to her on twitter," I said. 

Then an idea hit me. "But I do have another way of talking to her," I grinned, and pulled out my phone, clicking on a little white and orange app. 

Sorry, another author's note. I just want to say, Sorry! I know, three Eleanors. But, as much as it hurts to say this cos I ship Elounor so much, Eleanor Calder (obviously the Eleanor Louis was talking about), will be out of the picture soon. And Eleanor McLean, the Eleanor from Edinburgh, will be going back there soon and we won't hear much of her again. No more Eleanors will be popping up, I promise. And don't worry, Elle isn't going anywhere. Also, the first chapter of my short story that is going to accompany this story is up. It's called Mending, and it is written in Elle's P.O.V. It is essential to understanding fully how Elle gets better because I will miss out very important details about that in this story. The link will be posted in the comments. Thanks!!!!

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