Chapt 4- Broken

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The dedication goes to @directioners808 for commenting and voting. Thank you to @maxkailis as well for also commenting and voting, and supporting my writing. Hope you like the chapter, and hope it makes up for a rather boring last chapter. Hopefuly this one is more exciting!!! 

"So what exactly did she say?" Rachel asked, for the fourth time. 

"That she knows we're at the signing, but she needs us there. She then said, It's James. He was in a car accident. I told her we'd be there in two and a half hours. 'Cos that's how long it takes to drive from London to Bath," I replied, gripping the steering wheel of my Toyota Prius until my knuckles were white. 

"Oh my gawsh, I know how long it takes to get to Bath. But can't you drive faster? Elle needs us!" cried Rachel.

"No, I can't," I replied shortly. 

We were mostly silent the rest of the way. Rachel often backseat driver comments. "Turn right!" "Turn left!" "Speed up so we can make this traffic light! You know, if I was driving, we would get there a lot faster!" she cried. 

"Thank goodness you are not driving! We wouldn't be any good to Elle in prison, and that's exactly where we would be if you were driving!" I squealed. 

Once we were at the hospital, Rachel rushed up to the desk and said, "James Blythe, please."

"Room 1434," the woman said, and we hurried to the elevator. We pressed the button for the correct floor, cursing it silently for not being fast enough. 

It didn't take us more than two minutes to find the ward where Elle was sitting next to the bed where James lay unconcious. 

Her eyes were even puffier than I remembered. The dark rings under her eyes were even darker, and she was pale as a ghost. When she turned to see us, her eyes were dull, as was her hair. Even the two lighter streaks that she dyed. My friend was broken. 

"Oh Elle," I ran over and hugged her tight. 

"Heather, I am so sorry for pulling you away from the meet and greet, but I need the support," she said. Her voice was croaky. 

"I would rather be here than chatting up Harry Styles. My friends come first, OK? Where's Brianna?" I said to her. 

"In the cafeteria, getting some food," she sniffled. 

"Are you eating the food she brings?" I asked. 

"How can I eat when James is like that?" she cried, gesturing to the boy on the bed. His left arm was in a sling, and both legs were in casts. His face and right arm were covered in cuts and bruises, including a big gash on his forehead. I had to admit, he looked broken. But in a completely way to how Elle was broken. 

"You need to think of it like this, James wouldn't want you to starve or suffer because of him. He would want you to be happy and move on, because this isn't healthy," Rachel spoke up for the first time. 

"I-I can't," Elle stuttered and broke down in tears. 

You can because we are here to support you and help you through this. You are going to be ok, Elle," Rachel stepped forward and gave her a hug. 

"I know you are,"  Elle whispered. 

 "Elle? You Ok?" Brianna poked her head in. Relief flooded her features when she saw Rachel and I. 

 "Oh thank goodness you are here!" she cried, putting down the tray she was holding of food and ran over to hug me. 

"We left as soon as Elle called. Well, we had to try and escape Harry Styles first. Woah, Bri, whats wrong with me? I just said 'escape Harry Styles.' Why would anyone say that? Let alone me!" I couldn't believe I had just said 'escape.' Clearly this whole 'Elle Situtation' had caused more problems than I thought. It was messing with my mind. 

"Oh no. The stress has got to you. Can I talk to you for a second?" Brianna grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hall. 

"How has she been? No sugar-coating it," I demanded. 

"Heathz, she isn't eating. I think she has eaten a quarter of a sandwich in two days. She isn't really drinking either. I forced her to drink a glass of water a day. She spends all day crying or just staring at James with this melancholy look. She doesn't talk very often. She isn't showering, and I am brushing her hair for her. I also have to pick out clean clothes for her, and it takes hours to coax her into wearing them. I am beyond concerned for her," Brianna answered, looking at me with an exasperated expression.

"Has she called anyone else to come here?" I asked. Brianna shook her head. "We need the whole team. Get Anjelica, Christy, and Eleanor on the phone. Pronto. We need to get Elle out of this hospital and back into the world," I ordered. 

 My group of my closest friends consisted of seven people. Anjelica, short, blue eyes, blond hair, really sweet but she still had enough attitude to be a whole lot of fun. Rachel, tall, straight, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a whole lot of attitude. Christy, who was just a bit taller than Anjelica, and also had blond hair and blue eyes, but she had a handful of freckles, and she had more of a rebel but care-free nature. Brianna, short, brunette hair that had a curl at  the bottom, brown eyes, and a wierd giggle. Elle, or Eleanor Pino, the one that likes James, had brunette hair with two blond streaks, green eyes, and she used to have a say-something-stupid-and-laugh-your-ass-off personality. Lastly there was Eleanor Mclean, who was tall with dark hair, dark eyes, and she haad a nasty habit of cutting herself and suffered from depression. 

Brianna just nodded and pulled her cellphone out of her pocket. 

When I entered James' ward again, Elle had stopped crying. She was sitting in her chair, looking up at Rachel with a dull expression. 

There's no point. No one will ever love me," Elle said. My heart broke completely. I couldn't stand hearing my friend say that. 

"Of course they will. You're beautiful, funny and smart. Any guy who doesn't love you is an idiot," I said, marching forwards. 

"No I am not! Look at me! I look like an anorexic racoon ghost! Why would anyone fall for me?!" Elle cried out. For the first time in ages I saw an emotion in my friend's eyes other than pain. Fear. Elle was afraid no one would love her. 

"You are over exaggerating. All you need is to eat some food, wipe away those tears and get back into the world!" I answered. 

She looked away. "You wouldn't know. You're beautiful," she whispered. 

"Oh come on, Elle! You are so much prettier than me! How can you not see that?" I burst. 

"Because I am seeing reality," she answered. 

"No, you are seeing the current reality. You need to get over James and get back into the world! Please, Elle, it's killing us to see you you like this," I pleaded. 

"I can't. I just can't," she said. 

I walked over and hugged her as Brianna came in. 

"We'll have a full house by tomorrow," Brianna informed us. She meant everyone was driving over now, and over the years, we had kind of spread out. I mean, Eleanor Mclean lived in Edinburgh. 

"Good, and tonight we are taking you back to your house," i told Elle. 

"No! What if James wakes up and I'm not here? I won't leave," Elle squealed hysterically. 

"Elle, it's whats best for you," Rachel said. 

"No! Please!" she begged. 

"Fine. One more night. Tomorrow night you are coming home even if we have to tie you up and carry you there," I warned. Slowly, she nodded.

"Ok, now, we are going to wait down in the lobby, and you can have some time with James," I told her. 

She nodded, and we went down to the lobby. There, at the front desk, was a very worried blond. 

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