Chapt 11- Gumboots Cafe

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CHAPTER 11 BITCHES! Jokes jokes. I love you all, and me calling you guys bitches is a compliment in my books. Okayyyyy, moving on. Ah, what the heck? I am not going to have a long author's note. So, read on!!!!

Heather's P.O.V.

Elle had kicked me out of Bath pretty quickly. So I did as she said, I went back to my regular life in London.

I apologised to my boss at the fashion magazine I worked at, and to my proffessors at uni, and I said it was a family emergency. However, at the adorable little cafe I worked at, I told them the truth. There was an emergency concerning Elle. It used to be Elle, after all, who originally worked at Gumboots Corner, but I took over her job when she left London. 

That day, three days after I had messaged Harry on Wattpad, I was working a shift at Gumboots. 

An elderly lady was taking a long time to decide what she wanted. "I'll take the ginger cake. No... actually I will have a slice of coffee cake. Wait, no I won't. Your chocolate cheese cake looks divine! Or maybe..." she was saying but I cut her off. 

"Ma'am, if you  buy a slice of the Missipi Mud Pie cake, I'll give you a dollar off," I tempted her, trying my hardest to make it look like I was just doing a random act of kindness. 

"Oh, that's very sweet of you darling! I'll have that thank you!" she said. I internally breathed a sigh of relief. 

I handed her the cake and she payed me the money. "Next please. What can I... oh my gosh," I trailed off in shock. 

"Mhmm, that Missipi Mud Pie looked good! No chance of me getting a dollar off too, is there?" a raspy British voice asked. 

"Harry?" I asked. He smiled. 

"Don't worry, love, you don't need to give me a discount. I'll have a cappucino with no sugar, and your phone number," he requested cheekily. 

My heart raced at a million miles per second. Harry Styles wanted MY phone number! 

I fought to compose myself. "Not shy, are you, Mr Styles?" I smirked. 

He faked being offended. "Mr Styles? What happened to Mr Gorgeous-Curls-Styles?" he asked.

My cheeks flamed red and my jaw dropped. "L-L-Louis told you about that?" I stuttered.

Harry's grin was enough to answer my question. "So how about that order of mine?" he asked instead. 

My cheeks went redder. "Of course. Coming right up," I said. 

I typed the order into cash register, and quickly bustled around trying to get it from him. 

When I handed it to him, however, he looked disappointed. "No phone number?" he questioned.

Wow. He was serious? I think I died. Harry freaking Styles honest-to-god wanted my phone number. Can I get a hallelujah?

I grabbed a permanent marker and scribbled my phone number on his coffee cup, right above the Gumboots Corner logo.

He smiled. "So thankful we ran into each other again, Heather. The signing was a bit too crowded, I think I like this place better. I'll br coming here a lot more often now" Harry said. 

"Sounds good," I breathed. 

And with that, Harry left. I wished I had flirted with him, all of a sudden. But I was too shocked to function. Holy shit. I was seeing love hearts. 

After that I was pretty much up in the clouds. I smiled dreamily at every customer, floated around a fairy, and had to ask customers to repeat what they had said, because it didn't register in my brain.

Once my shift was over, I got in my Toyota Prius and went back to my little house that I shared with Rachel, Brianna and (once she moves back) Elle. 

It was only a small, two bedrooms, two lounges, two bathrooms house, but Rachel and I put up one of those fold-up wooden room-divider things in the more theatre-room style lounge and turned those into bedrooms. 

I unlocked the door and practically floated into my side of the room and collapsed on the bed. He asked me for my number. He asked me for my number. He asked me for my number. He actually asked me for my number. Holy freaking cow.

Just then my phone rang. OMG was it Harry? But the caller ID said Rachel. I pressed Accept and held it to my ear. "Hayyyyyyyyyyy guuurl. Just letting you know I will be late today. Dearna wants to discuss some redecoration of the store, and guess who she is getting to redesign it? Me!" Rachel cried. 

"Omg, that's fantastic! Congratulations, Rach! Go team Rachel. Anyway, you'll never guess what happened at the cafe today!" I squealed. 

"Holy shit, Jai Brooks flew all the way from Melbourne, Australia, to ask you to marry him and said Luke wants to marry me," Rachel gasped.

"You are an idiot. no. And Jai is still with Ariana Grande. Harry freaking Styles walked in! And he asked for my number!" I yelled. 

 Rachel squealed at the top of her lungs. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. OMG! Holy shit! Oh y gosh!" she yelled. 

"I know right! I just... Gah, I am so happy! Oooh, hold on Rach, I am getting another call," I said.

"I'd better go anyway. Byeeee, luv ya," she called. 

"Byeeeee, mwa mwa!" I called back and hung up so that I could accept the other call. 

"Hello," I said when I picked it up. 

"Heather, hey, it's Harry," the voice said on the other side of the line said. My heart started beating a million miles an hour. Oh my gawsh.

"Oh, hey Harry. What's up?" I said, managing to keep my cool. 

"Um, hey. I was wondering, are you free Friday night?" he asked. I swear to god my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. When it started beating again I had to gasp fro breath. 

"Heather? You there?" Harry asked. 

"Yeah. F-Friday night is good. Just had to make sure," I stuttered. 

I heard him breath a sigh of relief. Wow! "Awesome. I'll pick you up at six. I'll see if I can get us a reservation at Lû Dû Francois," he informed me. 

My eyes widened. Lû Dû Francois was one of the most upper class restaurants in London. "Ok. Can't wait," I breathed. 

"So, uh, see you then. Bye," he said awkwardly.

"Yep. Byeeee," I said and ended the call. 


"I'm home!" I heard Brianna sing song. I bounded out of my 'room' and hugged her. 

"He asked me out! I am seeing him on Friday! Oh! My! Gosh! He asked me out!" I screamed. I bolted out the house and yelled the same things to every stranger I saw.

Most people quickly walked away or gave me strange looks but I didn't care. I ran around the entire house before I re-entered the house.  

"Hello!" I cried when I saw Brianna standing in the kitchen.  

"Heather. Are you feeling ok?" she asked me slowly.  

"Harry asked me out, Bri! We are going on a date! On Friday!" I squealed.

Her eyes widened. "Get in the car. We are going shopping," she ordered. 

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