Chapt 3- Meeting The Girl

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Harry's P.O.V

All I had been able to think about from the minute Louis had introduced her to me, was 'wow.' She was really pretty. I looked at her every now and then while she was talking to Louis and Niall. 

She had long, silky hair that was slightly wavy, and a beautiful colour, in between blond and brown, not quite fitting into either category. Her eyes were chocolate brown and glistened with joy. I smiled to myself. For some reason, knowing that she was happy because of us made me happy. 

Finally she was standing in front of me. "Hey," I said. Oh congratulations, Harry. You managed to say 'hey.' You dont deserve to be called the flirt of One Direction if 'hey' is the best you can manage, I scolded myself. 

"Hi, I'm Heather. Heather Gray," she told me. Heather Gray, I recognised that name. She wrote the FanFictions I was obsessed with. And I swear they did a radio interview with her a week or two ago. I think it was about how popular she had become through her Harry Potter and One Direction FanFics. Of course, I read the Harry Potter ones. 

I enjoyed our little conversation, and I could tell she was enjoying it as well. Which is why I couldn't understand why her face suddenly fell. I thought she would smile even wider because I was clearly flirting with her. I said that she was lucky I was single. Take a hint. But the happy twinkle in her eyes disappeared, and she just seemed to want to get away. I didn't get it. 

I signed her poster and she shot off like a freaking bullet. I saw her slide her back down the wall and cry. Why was she crying? What did I say? I felt terrible.

"Hi, my name's Rachel," Heather's friend introduced herself. 

"Hi," I mumbled.

"Umm, Harry? What is it that has distracted you so much?" Rachel asked. 

"Your friend, is she all right?" I questioned, nodding towards Heather.

"Oh my gosh, no. What did you say?" Rachel turned on me, concern and anger visible in her voice.

"I don't know. We were happily talking and suddenly all her happy energy was like, gone," I answered. 

"Sorry, we are very protective over each other. Sign this, please. I need to go and talk to her," Rachel instructed, putting down a poster with me and the boys on it. 

I did as told, but grabbed her wrist before she left. "I'm sorry if I said something wrong. Can you tell her that?" I pleaded. Rachel nodded and pulled free, heading off to comfort her friend. 

I barely paid any attention to the next girl. I kept stealing worried glances at Heather. 

Her phone must have rang, because she pulled it out of her pocket and held it to her ear. 

Whoever it was must have had bad news, because, even though she stopped crying, her face went blank. Almost as if she were numb. She ended the call and dragged a confused Rachel up, before speeding towards the exit. I quickly got up to go and see if she was ok. I heard Niall calling my name, but I ignored him. Pushing past a bunch of girls doing what i believe is called fangirling, I caught up with Heather and Rachel. 

"Are you, ok?" I asked. Heather turned around, but she still didn't show much emotion. She looked kind of surprised, but she seemed mostly... blank. 

"No," she said simply. 

"Was it something I said?" I asked, hoping it wasn't. 

"Well, just just made a very painful memory resurface. You didn't do it on purpose. Don't worry. But I have to go right now. I'm sorry, Harry," she said. 

"Will I see you again?" I asked hopefully.

"I hope so," she said, and looked like she honestly meant it. She tugged Rachel out of the building.

I went back to the table where several girls were waiting to have me sign something.

"Sorry," I mumbled, quickly signing their posters.

"Are you alright?" Niall asked, leaing over.

"I don't know," I replied honestly.  

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