Chapter VII

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The moment I entered I could only feel two things, a strong current of air, and a colossal cold, I don't know if it was because of my torn clothes, but this felt very icy. I inhaled a little more air until I felt that my lungs were full, but I don't know if it was my lack of attention to detail before but there was something quite peculiar in here, I took a couple of steps awkwardly until I was completely inside the room, it looked like, a, morgue? 

What the hell am I doing here, this is definitely not good, I'm dead, it can't be, I'm dead, for a few moments I got into a terrible panic, I can't complain anymore about my miserable life, without realizing I was spinning in circles, while I was hyperventilating and had a severe anxiety crisis, the cold was overwhelming, I won't be brave to wait what can happen, at this very moment I'm going to leave, don't go and tell her in the process, no madam better not to inquire more, definitely not. 

I think I'm lost, it can't be I think I got lost, how useless I am, but I just entered through a door of considerable size and I still can't see the door through which I had entered before, it can't be, I'm so stupid, maybe I went straight into a trap, what could be worse, what will become of me now, I desperately grabbed my hair to such an extent that I already felt my head hurt, I don't know if it was from the halons themselves or maybe from overthinking the situation that still hasn't happened yet, I tried to take more air and calm down, that would be the right thing to do, if that's what it is, I smiled, encouraging myself, it's the most prudent thing to do on such an occasion, when you are in a cold and abandoned place, maybe covered with bodies already inert, what flattering thoughts, my brain plays a stupid trick on me, again, it's not possible, I squeezed my eyes tightly, all with the purpose of being at peace at the same time that I clenched my jaw.

I continue looking for the damn entrance, it can not be how is it possible, I have to be very hysterical, that's it, I must calm down, breathe, very well, now continued, I'm walking down what seems to be a hallway is strange, this very cold, has in the form of divisions as if it were a closet, it is very peculiar I start to advance more closely, There is a light curtain that divides all this, I try to put my hand to extend the curtain and I am startled when I hear a voice in the background in the distance, I quickly look for a place to hide, maybe it is by pure primal instinct or not to risk being seen, I thought this place would be alone, there was no one but how wrong can I be. 

I placed myself behind what seemed to be some old file cabinets, I was observing between them. Remarkably I could see the silhouette of what seemed to be a man, quite tall by the way, I remained calm in my place without making the slightest movement for a few moments, in silence, time seemed to be eternal, I had no other choice until I saw what the strange and imposing figure in front of me would do, he was getting ready, he was putting gloves on his hands, this undoubtedly looked like the typical horror scene and I hate horror movies, I could see that he was delighted while he was getting ready.

At this moment to see what would happen next, I stayed in statue mode, from moment to moment he moved away from me and I took this magnificent opportunity to observe what was behind the curtains of what caught my attention before, peculiarly seemed to be closets but that is the farthest from reality that could be, no way I got a little closer to see if this time my senses would not deceive me again, I shivered and not only by the cold that came directly from there but also the next thing I saw and I can not believe. 

I think my body paled even more than it already was, I couldn't believe it I refocused my gaze again to find out if that was it, my breathing got shorter and I could see how he took out one of the already inert bodies and they were definitely the girls', no way, the corpses I had already seen in the previous rooms, It was not as traumatic as I expected but far from what I thought it was, the young man of about 25 years approximately took out one of the bodies already inert and proceeded to arrange them on a stretcher, up to this point everything was normal but I do not know if it is because of my distrust product of my old experiences or perhaps the simple fact of what would happen next.

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