Over the Years

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Sorry this one took a little while. I finished it a few days ago but my beautiful and amazing editor was out of town, so I needed to wait for her to get back before I posted this. I'm not sure when the next one will be out because my friend is coming to visit from Texas this week, but it will hopefully be soon.

If you haven't read TBC a bit of the first part will confuse you.


Magnus had really hoped that it would be many more years before he confronted the Lightwoods again, but as luck would have it, he was being forced to face them less than three years after the tragic incident with the Whitelaws. In retrospect, it was really quite amazing that he hadn't met with them sooner given his status as High Warlock and their status as the heads of the New York Institute. This piece of information, however, did nothing to soothe his dread for what would certainly be an extraordinarily awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Magnus knocked firmly on the door to the Institute and waited, arms crossed over his chest. After a minute or so, the door opened revealing Robert Lightwood looking...exhausted. Admittedly, he was still quite handsome (a trait all Lightwoods seem to share), but his shoulders sagged, his hair was in disarray, and he had some of the largest bags under his eyes that Magnus had ever seen.

"Are you alright?" Magnus asked, strangely concerned for the man he had strongly disliked for quite a few years.

"I'm fine. I'll show you to the office," he responded brusquely.

Magnus wasn't surprised to see that Maryse had the same disheveled appearance as her husband.

"Warlock Bane." She stood from behind the desk to greet him, offering him her hand. "I'm so glad we could finally meet you in more fortunate circumstances."

Magnus shook her hand cautiously. "As am I," he responded, not entirely truthfully, though he did appreciate that she seemed to be offering him the metaphorical olive branch.

She smiled tightly. "Please, have a seat," she said, gesturing to the chair facing the desk. Robert remained standing near the doorway.

The meeting progressed much as Magnus had expected, simply discussing the happenings in the Downworld and what Magnus's fees were for his services---opening Portals, healing wounded Shadowhunters, etc. He found himself being escorted out of the office within twenty minutes.

"Thank you for your time, Warlock Bane," Maryse told him. Magnus found himself liking this woman despite his efforts. She was stern but reasonable and certainly more charismatic than her husband.

As Magnus rounded a corner, he felt a force hit his calves. When he looked down, he was met with the bluest eyes he had seen in nearly one hundred years.

"Alexander!" A man Magnus recognized as Hodge Starkweather, another former Circle member, bounded after the child, an infant in his arms. "Look where you're going!"

Magnus then understood why Maryse and Robert looked the way they did---a rambunctious toddler and a newborn cannot be a recipe for a good night's sleep.

"I'm sowwy, Hodge," the kid replied before looking back up at Magnus. "I'm sowwy..."

"Magnus Bane," Magnus told him, unsure of what to do.

"I'm sowwy, Magnus Bane," the child spoke.

"Alexander, you have to be careful," Robert scolded. "You're a Shadowhunter! You know there's a certain way you're expected to behave."

"I know, I'm sowwy," the kid spoke again, sullen.

"Come on, Alec. You can help me with your sister," Hodge said to the young boy. "Leave your parents to attend to their business."

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