Bleeding Out

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*hides in corner* I know it's been forever. I've been so busy with school recently and I've had some bad writer's block, so I just needed to get back in the grove of things. This is a songfic based on "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons that I came up with a while ago. It's entirely unedited so please excuse any mistakes. This is very sad and far from the best thing I've ever written, but I needed to give you something.

I'm bleeding out

So if the last thing that I do

Is to bring you down

I'll bleed out for you

So I bare my skin

And I count my sins

And I close my eyes

And I take it in

And I'm bleeding out

I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

Alec had never been one for the thrill of the fight. He saw a battle for what it truly was: a necessary evil. He was a Shadowhunter. It was his duty to protect the world from demons, and he was more than willing to do that.

However, it was fights like these that made him question if it was worth it. There was blood nearly everywhere he stepped, none of which was from the group of demons they were fighting. Hundreds of them had been gathering in an abandoned warehouse in the Bronx, so all of the Shadowhunters in New York (as well as quite a few downworlders who were in the area) had been dispatched to get rid of them.

He was fighting side-by-side with Jace, which provided some sense of comfort. They were defending themselves from three spider demons (Alec's least favorite kind), but they seemed to be holding up fairly well. Jace jumped up to avoid a jab at his legs, allowing Alec to slash at the demon which promptly turned to dust. The battle went on like so until it was obvious that they were close winning.

To his right, Alec saw a certain warlock help Jocelyn Fray kill an Eidolon demon. As if sensing eyes on him, Magnus turned to face Alec.

"Why, hello there. You seem to be faring rather well," he said with a smile, noticing Alec's lack of major injury. "What a pleasant surprise."

Alec grinned, walking toward the other man. "I don't understand how your hair can still be perfectly spiked after all this."

Magnus let out a short laugh before he abruptly stopped, eyes widening. Instinctively, Alec spun around to find himself staring at one of the largest and most grotesque demons he'd ever seen. He notched an arrow in his quiver and let it fly at his target, but this seemed to do little more than antagonize the demon. As it advanced toward him, he pulled out a seraph blade, murmuring, "Ambriel."

He felt rather than saw his boyfriend's presence beside him, magic radiating from the man.

He must be tired after all this, he thought worryingly, but was quickly distracted from this as the demon swiped at him.

Alec leapt back, holding the blade away from his body. A ball of blue fire was hurled at the demon, causing it to roar in pain. This distraction allowed Alec to dig his blade into the demon's stomach. The creature cried out, turning his attention to Alec. As he saw the creature's arm, oozing with poison, swinging at him, he was certain of his fate---he would die nobly in the chaos of battle. He was wildly unprepared for the disorientation he felt when he found himself standing a few feet away, a dark figure where we had just been, receiving the impact of the blow. The warlock flew back, hitting the ground hard. He saw the demon dissolve into dust, revealing Jace holding his sword outstretched.

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