High School AU Part 2

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So this took me FOREVER, but you all asked for it, so it's finally here! Thank you all so much for your comments, they really motivate me to keep writing. I really hope this chapter manages to fulfill everyone's wants. I should have another chapter uploaded very soon!

Alec surveyed the area. His teammates were scattered around, being congratulated by family and loved ones. Isabelle was with the cheer team on the sidelines. Jace had jumped over the barricade and had his arm around Clary, who was beaming up at him. His parents were walking down the stands with Max in his direction.

He looked back at Magnus, who was smiling at him.

"I guess I just want the man of love to know how much he means to me."

Before Magnus had the chance to respond, Alec grabbed his face and crashed their lips together.

Magnus instinctively brought his hands to Alec's waist, pulling him as close as the barricade would allow.

Alec pulled his face back, running his thumb over the sides of Magnus's cheeks. "And I'm tired of caring who knows it."

The first thing Alec heard was a wolf-whistle, immediately followed by a loud "Woooooo!" Jace and Isabelle respectively, without a doubt.

Jace reached the pair first, patting Alec on the shoulder.

"Look at you, man. I'm impressed," Jace said. "It's about damn time."

"I'm so fucking proud of you!" Isabelle exclaimed as she bear-hugged Alec from behind. "What you just did---" She hesitated, looking for the right words. "Alec, that was so incredibly brave. I don't know if I could have done it, even if I'd been with someone for---what is it? Nine months?"

"Nine-and-a-half," Magnus corrected, beaming.

"Yeah, that's a bit long to be kept waiting," Alec agreed, smiling up at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry I took all that time to build up the courage."

"Don't apologize for anything!" Magnus quickly demanded. "I couldn't be happier, love."

Alec gave Magnus's hand a gentle squeeze. "Neither could I."

"Um, Alec," Isabelle spoke, nodding in the direction of the bleachers.

Alec immediately saw what she was indicating towards. His father was rapidly making his way toward them, looking anything but happy. Alec noticed his mother had taken a seat in the stands and had her hand over her mouth. Max was seated next to her, looking confused.

Robert planted himself directly in front of Alec, Jace, and Isabelle, not bothering to acknowledge Magnus.

"We're leaving," he said forcefully. "Get in the car."

"Dad, there's a celebration we're supposed to go to," Isabelle objected. "It's the end of the season!"

"I don't care," he replied, grabbing his daughter's arm roughly. "The car. Now."

"Robert, you can't just---"

"Jonathan, I am your caretaker. I can do whatever I want."

"Dad---" Alec began, but was immediately stopped when his father met his eyes. His face was steel.

"The car, Alexander. Go." The man put a hand on Alec and Jace's backs, pushing them towards the parking lot.

A few cries followed---Isabelle's indignant "Dad!" as she was herded away from her friends, Maryse's shout of "Robert!" from the bleachers, and Magnus's tentative but insistent "Mr. Lightwood!"---Robert was unmoved by all and continued to herd his oldest children to the car, Maryse and Max hurrying to catch up.

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