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So I haven't written any fanfiction in years so this story probably won't be updated again, but I was feeling nostalgic and found this oneshot from 2016 that I don't even remember writing, but I thought it was pretty cute. I know a few people still read this, so I hope you all like what will most likely be the last installment of these oneshots.

Magnus Bane had gone most of his life detesting mornings. He didn't understand the appeal of waking up with the sun and when someone has a habit of staying up until dawn, as Magnus did, the idea of getting up caused a nagging dread. If he didn't have breakfast and a cup of coffee in his hands the second he awoke, he would spend the next few hours in a sour mood.

That mindset changed when Alexander Lightwood, shadowhunter and notoriously early riser, came into his life. Almost in an instant, mornings didn't seem so bad.


8:17 AM

Magnus awoke to a cold bed and the smell of coffee. He perched himself up on his elbows, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He forced himself out from under his covers and shrugged a silk robe over his shoulders as he walked out of the room into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Alec said, holding out a mug. "I made coffee."

"You know I can just summon this," Magnus pointed out, taking the drink anyway.

"Yes, but you don't pay for it, and that seems immoral," Alec explained.

Magnus shrugged. "The universe has already stolen so much from me, I'm only paying it back."

Alec looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing." There was no need for Magnus to divulge the tragedies from his past to this shadowhunter. He quickly decided to change the subject. "I'm glad you stayed over last night."

Alec grinned. It was the first time he had decided to stay the night with Magnus, and he had enjoyed it. They hadn't even done anything sexual---Alec didn't feel like he was ready for that---they had just talked for hours and slept in each other's arms.

"I'm glad you offered."


9:43 AM

The pounding on Magnus's door awoke him from his slumber. He jerked into a sitting position, immediately assuming he had a client he'd forgotten about. He magicked on a pair of white-wash skinny jeans and an asymmetrical red shirt. He ran his fingers through his mop of hair, trying to make it into something presentable, as he ran to the door and buzzed his guest in.

He was surprised when Alec entered the loft.

"Alec, I wasn't expecting you."

Alec frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to---I can come back later---"

Magnus cut him off with a kiss. "I'm glad you're here."

"Are you sure? I can leave, I don't want to be an inconvenience---"

"Alec, stay. I was just sleeping; I don't have any other priorities."

"You were asleep? It's nearly ten."

"Not everyone wakes as early as shadowhunters," Magnus informed him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize---"

"Alexander, for the last time, it's always a pleasure to see you. You're not inconveniencing or disturbing me in anyway."

"I won't come over as early next time."

"Come over whenever you like." Magnus strode over to Alec, pulling the shorter man into his arms. "You're always welcome in my loft."

Magnus made note to give Alec a key.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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