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Sorry this one took so long. I had a lot of trouble with it, but I think I like how it turned out. My editor said it made her cry so I guess that's a good sign...

This is my take on all the voicemails Magnus and Alec left each other after they got back together in COHF.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.


April 28, 2008: 2:37 AM

"Hey, Magnus... you're probably already asleep, but I don't think I'm going to make it home tonight. Jace has had a bit too much to drink, so I think I need to... take care of him---I'm fiiiiiine. I don't need a bay- a babi- a babyswitter---Dammit, Jace, just walk in a semi-straight line---Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."


July 20, 2008: 2:45 PM

"Alexander, will you ask Isabelle what she wants for her birthday? Wait, no---let me clarify: subtly turn the conversation in the direction of things she wants. You can do that, right?... No, you can't. You are entirely unable to be subtle. You know what, just take your sister down a street with a few shops and take pictures of things she points out. I love you! Tell Izzy I said hi!"


November 7, 2008: 7:28 PM

"Magnus, where the hell are you?! We've been waiting on you for nearly an hour! I get that you're busy, but this is kind of ridiculous. We're all so hungry and Jace is about to start---never mind. You just walked in. Bye."


March 12, 2009: 4:12 PM

"Hello, darling... I hope you're not having a completely terrible time shopping with your sister. I just thought I'd give you a heads up that there's been... an incident. You see, this client was irritating me so I turned him into a mouse... but then he scurried under the couch and now I can't find him. So basically I need to know when you'll be home to help me search for this mouse so when he turns back he doesn't...do anything. I love you. Please, come home soon, I need your help."


March 12, 2009: 4:46 PM

"Okay, so I think I have him trapped in the bedroom, I just don't know where. If he's hiding in one of my $500 shoes, there will be a major problem. I could really use you to help me corner him, so if you're not back in half an hour, I won't speak to you for the rest of the week... Okay, yes, I will, I know it's not your fault that Isabelle won't let you leave. Seriously, though, come home. I love you."


August 26, 2009: 10:16 AM

"By the Angel, Magnus, I just realized something amazing. Two years ago today was our first date. And I remembered. And you forgot. This is the first time this has happened. You're always the one who remembers things. I'm really excited about this. Anyway, I'm on my way home, because we really should be spending today together. It's technically our two year anniversary. See you soon. I love you."


December 17, 2009: 2:43 PM

"Darling, did you invite your siblings plus Clary and Sherwin to come over on Christmas Eve? Or did they just invite themselves over? It wouldn't be the first time they've done that. Not that I particularly mind either way, I just want to know what exactly we're going to be doing. We only have to get each of them one present between the two of us, right? We just need a couple's gift? Let me know when you get home. Don't come home covered in bruises your idiotic parabatai has given you. I love you!"

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