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This one caused me a lot of trouble and is quite short, but I think it cleaned up pretty well (largely due to the hard-work of my amazingly dedicated editor). 

Suggested by fanfiction user Bloodyravenheart13.


"Welcome home... sunshine," Magnus spoke enthusiastically, and Alec responded with a repulsed face.

"No," he said sternly.

"Oh, come on, love," Magnus pleaded. "I need to find a suitable nickname for you. You've rejected every single one of my ideas!"

Alec raised an eyebrow. "I let you call me 'darling.' That's a nickname."

"That doesn't count. I call everyone 'darling.'"

The Shadowhunter rolled his eyes. "Then stop calling everyone 'darling.' I've accepted that nickname. I'm not going to accept another."

"I can't change a fundamental part of myself just because you refuse to be reasonable!" Magnus exclaimed, gesturing with his hands for emphasis.

Alec sighed. He wasn't in the mood for such a petty argument. "Magnus, I've been training all day. I just want to order takeout and lie on the couch. Can't we drop it?"

Magnus pursed his lips. "I'll call the Mexican place."

Alec grinned, thinking he'd won. He didn't yet realize how wrong he was.


"Hey, cupcake, what time did Isabelle say she wanted us there tonight?" Magnus said from where he was leaning on the counter. He took a sip of water.

"Seven," Alec responded, not taking his eyes from the dishes he was washing. "And I thought we talked about the nicknames."

"Cupcake isn't doing it for you, either?"

"Not at all," Alec said. "You should really just give up."

Magnus laughed. "Oh, Alexander, you should know by now that I'm not a quitter."


"Cat, it's so good to see you," Magnus said, gesturing for the woman to come into the apartment.

"You too, Magnus," she replied, smiling at him. Then, noticing the Shadowhunter reading in a lavish armchair, she added, "Hello, Alec."

"Hey, Catarina. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Thank you for asking."

"How's the Shadowhunter Academy suiting you? I never understood why Ragnor went back every year. He was constantly bitching about it."

Catarina grinned. "Ragnor complained about everything. I would've been concerned if he hadn't." She paused for a moment, bittersweetly remembering her old friend. "And to answer your question, it's all right. I can't say I agree with all the teachings and policies, but you know how Shadowhunters can be." Then, remembering a Shadowhunter was in the room, "I'm sorry, Alec. I wasn't thinking---"

Alec bit the inside of his cheek. "It's all right. I understand more than most that Shadowhunters aren't always what we're cracked up to be."

Magnus moved to stand behind Alec's chair and put his hand on the boy's shoulder comfortingly. Catarina couldn't help but grin at the pair of them.

"As much as I'd like to stay and chat, I need to get back to Alicante soon. Magnus, where's the potions book I asked you about?"

"It's in my office. The ingredients are in the box under the bed. Muffin, would you go grab that for me?"

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