Chapter 1 - A piece of you

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I'm Maloi, Colet's best friend since kindergarten. She's my one call away, but i secretly have feelings for her. She doesn't know and i don't plan on telling her. I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of what I'm feeling for her. I'd rather keep these to myself than telling her and our friendship will eventually be broken.

One evening, things at home took a turn for the worse. My parents started fighting, and this time, it was about me. I could hear them shouting through the thin walls of our apartment, their words slicing through the air like knives. Tears stung my eyes as I pressed my hands against my ears, trying to block out the sound.

I slipped out of the apartment quietly, the argument still raging behind me, and hurried to Colet's house. Her home was just a few blocks away, a place that had always felt like a second home to me. By the time I got there, I was trembling, my cheeks wet with tears.

Colet opened the door before I could even knock. Her face softened with concern as she pulled me into a hug. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe here," she whispered, her voice steady and comforting

We went up to her room, a cozy space filled with familiar posters and soft pillows. I sank onto her bed, feeling the weight of the evening pressing down on me. Colet sat beside me, not saying anything at first, just letting me cry.

"I don't understand why they keep fighting," I finally managed to say, my voice breaking. "And now it's because of me. They think I'm the problem."

Colet took my hand, her grip warm and reassuring. "You're not the problem, Maloi. Parents fight sometimes, and it's never just one person's fault. You're amazing, and you don't deserve this."

Her words wrapped around me like a blanket, soothing the jagged edges of my heart. She let me talk, venting all the hurt and confusion that had built up inside me. Colet listened without judgment, her presence a steady anchor in the storm of my emotions.

After a while, the tears slowed, and my breathing steadied. Colet tucked a blanket around us and leaned back against the pillows, still holding my hand.

"Do you want to watch something?" she asked softly, gesturing towards her laptop.

I nodded, grateful for the distraction. She put on one of our favorite movies, something light and funny, and we lay there together, the sounds of laughter and adventure filling the room. Colet's presence was a balm, her quiet understanding more comforting than any words could be. It makes me fall for her even more.

As the movie played, my eyelids grew heavy. The stress and exhaustion of the evening caught up with me, and I felt myself drifting off. Colet's hand was still in mine, her steady breathing a calming rhythm beside me.

"Thank you, Colet," I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

"Always," she replied, her voice a gentle murmur. "I'll always be here for you, Maloi."

I Don't Want You Like A Bestfriend // Macolet Where stories live. Discover now