Chapter 7 - Best Part

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Colet and I grew even closer, our bond deepening with each passing day. What I didn't know was that Colet had decided she wanted to take our relationship to the next level. She planned to court me, and she enlisted our friends to help organize the surprise.

The perfect opportunity presented itself on a Sunday. Colet invited me to a picnic with our friends, and I accepted, unaware of the plans they had made. The weather was perfect as we arrived at our favorite spot in the park, a wide, open field with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills.

We spread out our blankets and unpacked the picnic baskets, chatting and laughing as we always did. The afternoon was filled with our usual activities-playing games, sharing stories, and simply enjoying each other's company. As the day progressed, Colet and I found ourselves running through the field, our laughter ringing out in the warm afternoon air.

I noticed Colet glancing back at our friends, who were all gathered with their phones ready. Gwen gave a discreet thumbs-up, and Colet took my hand, leading me to the center of the field.

"Loi," she said, her voice soft but steady. "Can I court you?"

For a moment, I was too stunned to respond. The realization hit me slowly, and a rush of joy and excitement filled me. "Yes," I finally managed to say, my voice trembling with emotion. "Yes, Colet."

Our friends erupted in cheers, their excitement matching my own. Gwen captured the moment on video, her smile wide as she recorded our first steps into this new chapter.

We returned to our picnic spot, where everyone congratulated us, the atmosphere buzzing with happiness. As we settled back down, Gwen leaned over and whispered to me, "It's the perfect timing to do it right now, isn't it?"

I nodded, understanding what she meant. Gwen stood up and asked everyone to quiet down. "Hey guys, I have something to say."

The group fell silent, all eyes on Gwen. "Sheena and I have been seeing each other for a few months now, and she just agreed to be my girlfriend yesterday. We wanted to share the news with you all today."

Cheers and congratulations filled the air once again. Sheena blushed but smiled widely, clearly happy to share their news. The rest of the afternoon was filled with celebration, laughter, and the warmth of friendship.

As the sun began to set, we packed up our picnic and headed home. I felt a profound sense of happiness and contentment, grateful for the love and support of our friends.

But later that evening, as I settled into bed, my phone buzzed with a new message. I opened it to find a picture of Colet with her ex, Chie. My heart sank, and a knot of anxiety formed in my stomach. The message was from an unknown number, and it simply read, "Thought you should know."

I stared at the picture, my mind racing with questions. Why was Colet with Chie? What did this mean for us? A wave of doubt washed over me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.

Taking a deep breath, I decided not to jump to conclusions. I needed to talk to Colet, to hear her side of the story before letting my fears take over. I texted her, "Hey, can we talk tomorrow? There's something I need to ask you about."

Her reply was almost immediate. "Of course, Loi. Is everything okay?"

I hesitated before responding, not wanting to alarm her. "We'll talk tomorrow. Goodnight, Colet."

"Goodnight, Loi. Sweet dreams," she replied, her message filled with the warmth and affection I had come to cherish.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't shake the unease that had settled over me. I knew I had to confront this head-on, but the uncertainty of what tomorrow might bring made it hard to find peace. I only hoped that our bond was strong enough to withstand whatever challenges lay ahead.

I Don't Want You Like A Bestfriend // Macolet Where stories live. Discover now