Chapter 12 - Make it with you

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Summer arrived with its warm, golden days, and Colet and I decided it was time for me to meet her parents. We had been engaged for a few months, and it felt like the right moment to take this important step. Colet had talked about her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vergara, with both love and a hint of nervousness. She was close to them, and their approval meant the world to her.

We packed our bags and headed to the Vergara family home, a beautiful house nestled in the suburbs. As we pulled into the driveway, Colet squeezed my hand. "Remember, they might need some time to adjust. Just be yourself, and they'll come around."

I nodded, my heart pounding with anticipation. "I will. Let's do this."

Mr. and Mrs. Vergara greeted us at the door with polite smiles. Mr. Vergara was a tall, stern-looking man with graying hair, while Mrs. Vergara had a warm, nurturing presence, though her eyes were wary as they looked at me.

"Mom, Dad, this is Maloi," Colet said, her voice filled with love and pride.

I extended my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Vergara."

Mr. Vergara shook my hand firmly but didn't say much. Mrs. Vergara nodded politely. "Welcome, Maloi. Come in, both of you."

Inside, the house was cozy and filled with family photos and mementos. We sat in the living room, making small talk, but I could sense the tension. Colet's parents were polite, but there was an underlying hesitation in their words and actions.

Dinner was a quiet affair. We talked about mundane topics-Colet's work, my art, the weather. It was clear that her parents were trying, but their discomfort was evident.

After dinner, as we helped clear the table, Mrs. Vergara pulled Colet aside. I couldn't hear their conversation, but I saw the worry in Colet's eyes. She came back to me with a strained smile.

"They're just a bit surprised, that's all," Colet whispered. "Give them some time."

We continued to visit the Vergaras every few weeks. Each time, I tried to connect with them, sharing stories, helping with chores, and showing my genuine care for their daughter. Colet and I stayed patient, hoping that their hearts would soften over time.

One evening, as we sat on the porch, Mr. Vergara finally opened up to me. "Maloi, you seem like a good person. But Colet is our only child, and we worry about her. We want her to be happy, and this... this is new to us."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I love Colet deeply, Mr. Vergara. I will always support her and make her happiness my priority. I hope you can see that."

Mrs. Vergara joined us, her eyes softening as she looked at me. "We want to trust you, Maloi. It's just going to take some time."

Over the next few months, I continued to visit Colet's parents, sometimes even without Colet. I spent time with Mr. Vergara, helping him with gardening and discussing his favorite books. With Mrs. Vergara, I shared recipes and helped in the kitchen. Slowly but surely, their attitudes began to change.

One afternoon, as we sat in the garden, Mrs. Vergara turned to me. "Maloi, I see how happy you make Colet. That's all we've ever wanted for her. We're not fully there yet, but we're getting closer to accepting this."

Her words brought tears to my eyes. "Thank you, Mrs. Vergara. That means a lot to me."

The true turning point came during a family barbecue. Colet's extended family was there, and I was nervous about meeting everyone. But Colet's parents stood by my side, introducing me with genuine warmth.

At the end of the evening, Mr. Vergara raised a toast. "To family, old and new. And to love, which has shown us that it can take many forms but is always true."

Colet squeezed my hand, her eyes shining with happiness. I felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over me. This was the acceptance we had been hoping for.

As the months passed, the Vergaras fully embraced our relationship. They invited me to family gatherings, celebrated holidays with us, and even started calling me their daughter. It was a long journey, but their acceptance made our bond even stronger.

One evening, as we sat around the dinner table, Mrs. Vergara looked at me with a smile. "Maloi, we're so happy to have you as part of our family. Welcome home."

Tears filled my eyes as I realized how far we had come. Colet wrapped her arm around me, and I knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, supported by the love of our families.

Our future was bright, filled with promise and the unwavering support of those we loved. And as we looked forward to our wedding and the life we would build together, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the journey that had brought us here.

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