shadybug and claw noir part 5

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This is shadybug and claw noir part 5 maybe this is my favourite and I can complete it until the ending so anyways let's go to the story
Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont

(Ladyfly is sent flying through walls into the school. She lands on the second floor, now aware of her cut connection with Cat Noir.)
Ladyfly: Cat Noir? Cat Noir?!
Shadybug: Are you lost without your little house pet?! (Shadybug now wields her Lucky Charm in the form of a hammer)
(Shadybug tries to squash Ladyfly, however she moves out of the way and they continue battling in the courtyard.)
Ladyfly: Just because we're not together doesn't mean we're not working as a team!
(One of Monarch's invisible clones attempts to use Venom on Ladyfly, however Guardian Angel's power prevents this and covers the clone in feathers)
Cat Noir: You're definitely not the cat's meow!
(One of Monarch's invisible clones makes Cat Noir trip and attempts to use Venom on him, however Guardian Angel's power prevents this and covers the clone in feathers)
Cat Noir: And shouldn't count you cat before they scratch!
Monarch: Fall in. (The three Monarch clones form together as one on the Eiffel Tower) Where is this power coming from? I can't feel any trace of akumatization. Huh!? (Monarch realizes it is a trap) It's a trap! Voyage! (Monarch opens a portal beneath him and falls into it)
Ladyfly: Lucky Charm!
(Ladyfly gets a mirror and Shadybug tries to attack her)
I wouldn't break a mirror if I were you, that's seven years of bad luck, you know?
Shadybug: You think it'd be any different from how it is now? Guess what, I don't have your nice little life, in the world where I'm from there are no awesome girl friends to inspire me everyday!, NO AMAZING BFF, LET ALONE A CALM AND GENTLE MOM OR A BOYFRIEND WHO DOESN'T THINK I'M A TOTAL LOSER!

Adridn:who is the boyfriend she is talking about

Marinette and Y/n: definitely not you

Marinette and Y/n:it is Luka

Ladyfly: (realizes) You read my secret diary...
(Ladyfly figures out how to use the Lucky Charm) So you we're the same, you and I.
Shadybug: Are you kidding? I'm the opposite of you! All I've got is pain and suffering, from that horrible Chloé Bourgeois, who made me suffer my entire life!, until The Supreme entrusted me with the Miraculous! Now, no one will hurt me anymore!, WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON! (She summons another charm and smashes her counterpart's Lucky Charm mirror.)
Ladyfly: You're wrong. (Ladyfly dissolves the Lucky Charm) Reverse morphosis. (Ladyfly de-transforms back into Marinette as she looks at Shadybug, smiling while Shadybug looks at Marinette in tears)

Scene: In front of the Swimming Pool

Cat Noir: You know it's just a legend, right? (Cat Noir hits Claw Noir with his staff as he flies backwards and runs into the Swimming Pool)
Claw Noir: (Claw Noir runs into the Swimming Pool, chasing after Cat Noir) YES I KNOW! I KNOW, I KNOW I'M A LEGEND!

Adrien:now I know where this is going*cat noir famous smirk

Scene: Inside the Swimming Pool

Cat Noir: I meant the one about cats not liking water!

Adrien:I knew it

(Cat Noir kicks Claw Noir into the drained swimming pool)
Claw Noir: (Claw Noir stands up) Cats don't like water. (runs to where Cat Noir is)
Cat Noir: (Cat Noir is sitting on the lifeguard's chair) Well that's not true. (Claw Noir jumps to where Cat Noir is but Cat Noir jumps just in time) Some cats like myself are excellent swimmers. (Claw Noir throws his staff in Cat Noir's direction but misses as it hits a wall instead) I even have an aquatic version of my suit. (Claw Noir jumps and tries to get his staff out) Don't you? (Cat Noir uses his staff to go to the next level)
Claw Noir: I hate water and swimming pools. And conceded cats. (Claw Noir cataclysms the floor and jumps up to the level where Cat Noir is. Claw Noir kicks down a locker door but doesn't find Cat Noir inside. He sees the row of locker doors across the hallway and activates his Cataclysm)
Cat Noir: (Cat Noir is hidden in one of the lockers as Claw Noir walks towards him) Conceded cats, conceded cats. Hmmm... Hey now, I don't hear a pun there. (Claw Noir is cataclysming every locker door, looking for Cat Noir inside any of the lockers inside and walks off to the next door when he finds out Cat Noir isn't in the lockers) That's purr-etty unusual coming from you. (Claw Noir puts his ear closer to a locker door and determines Cat Noir is in the locker, cataclysming it. He looks up, seeing Cat Noir hiding up there thanks to his staff. Cat Noir jumps down, putting a lifebuoy on Claw Noir)
Claw Noir: You wanna pun?! (Claw Noir breaks free from the lifebuoy and destroys it and runs towards Cat Noir.) Brace yourself because until I get your Miraculous, I promise to dog your footsteps relentlessly! (Claw Noir jumps on Cat Noir's staff before jumping back, hitting Cat Noir with his own staff as he falls off the diving board, jumping after Cat Noir and attempting to hit him before missing.)
Cat Noir: Why do you have to have a Miraculous that you already hold? (Cat Noir misses Claw Noir as he jumps towards him.)
Claw Noir: Don't you know?! (Claw Noir chases after Cat Noir as Cat Noir hides behind a wall) We can make a wish by merging it with The Cockroach's! (Claw Noir swings his staff around while Cat Noir steps out with a pool noodle and charges towards Claw Noir from behind and starts to attack him with the pool noodle.)
Cat Noir: So you need Ladybug's Miraculous, not mine!
Claw Noir: It doesn't work with our own but with yours... (Claw Noir is on a slide)
Cat Noir: You have no idea! (Cat Noir charges towards Claw Noir and traps him on the slide by pushing him down and by using his own staff.) Merging these two Miraculous's too powerful! There would be a great price to pay!
Claw Noir: (Claw Noir frees himself from the slide as Cat Noir flies and hits a nearby wall.) Nothing is too powerful! There's no price too high to pay if it would bring my mother back! (Claw Noir grabs his staff)
Cat Noir: (Cat Noir gets up.) Your mother?...
Claw Noir: She's gone! (Claw Noir destroys some lounge chairs with his staff as he goes towards Cat Noir) And my father doesn't care, he's too busy designing dresses and costumes, busy creating things (Claw Noir hits Cat Noir as he flies into the pool) like he's already moved on! But he has no idea how much I miss her.

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