Chapter 1

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Alright guys, so before we delve into this story, I'd like y'all to know that this is my first book and I'm a rookie writer. Like this is my first attempt at completing a book and I'm glad I was able to.
So if you're someone who expects to read the absolute best from a book, then I'm sorry but this book isn't for you...yet. I'm currently editing it and I'm publishing it on Wattpad because I don't want to lose it so I can look back on it as I embark on my writing journey.

But if you still want to read, please be my guest. But don't get peeved at me when you see a bunch load of errors in this chapter. Although it'll already be edited.

Thanks ❤️


Kristen's POV

Everyone's had their fair share of a bad past. Everyone has bad memories of which as time goes on, they become replaced with good memories that last for a lifetime.

But not for me.

My life's just like a rollercoaster.

It starts out cool and calm before it becomes rough then steady again.

For me, it's always been a rough ride.

I thought I'd have a happy ending to my life, I thought I had a reason to live, I thought I'd finally found my purpose for being born but as fate would have it, I lost it in just a blink of an eye .


"Mom! Mom! listen to me, you're gonna be okay you hear? you're gonna be fine, nothing's going to happen to you. I'll be right by your side," I said as tears dropped from my eyes. I was sprinting along with the nurses as they wheeled my mom to the emergency room.

"Kristen."She gasped in pain and I could tell because I was feeling it.
"Hush now mom, you need to save your energy, you're in so much pain, don't say anything," I whimpered, trying to hold back the pool of tears threatening to break through.

"I want you ..... I want you to know that I always .... I always loved you and I forever will,"my mom said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I know that mom, say it to me again when you've successfully come out of surgery, I know you're a strong woman and you won't give in easily to this." The ER took forever to reach but we finally made it and I'd hoped it was in time.

"Sorry kid, you can't come in now, we're taking her in for surgery so you'll have to sit in the waiting room," the nurse in front of me said as she stopped me in my tracks.

"But I have to be by my mom's side." I kept my eyes fixed on her as I tried to force my way through.
"I'm sorry you can't be in here, I'll keep you updated about her condition." The nurse said as she struggled to keep me out.

"Mom! Mom!!," I called out as I dropped to my knees. The tears I'd been holding back gushed out with so much force that they made my cheeks burn.

"Oh my gosh, Jesus Christ Kristen, you're in a hospital, don't be loud." I ignored him, how dare he tell me how to react? My mom was just wheeled into the hospital looking so pale and weak and he's telling me how to react?!
"Kristen," his voice came out  softer than usual as he crouched beside me and touched my shoulder. I knew he didn't care if she lived or not, he was just there to fulfil all righteousness.

"Leave me alone! Don't touch me!" I whipped my head to face him as I shrugged him off. My response took him aback as I saw his eyes widened in shock with a scared look on his face .
A dark expression crossed over his face and I knew what that meant.

He'll deal with me later.

But I didn't care, my mom was undergoing surgery and I wasn't there for her.
I got up and moved to the door where she was in. I wanted to get a glimpse of my mother but the doctors and nurses were all huddled up around her, making it difficult to.

Hours passed and no one had come out to give us any updates of my mom's condition. All the nurses who came out excused themselves quickly as they rushed about getting things for the doctors.

My dad had already left to go 'get something' and he'd not been back since. A few of my friends from high school came to support me, my dad's siblings and a few of our neighbours were also there.

My mom was a nice person and was generous to a fault . Sometimes, I'd ask her how she ended up with my dad and not someone better but all she'd ever tell me was, "People change Kristen, one day you'll get to understand that," she'd say and give me her warm smile.

I haven't seen another like my mom, she's just one of a kind and I'm pretty sure I never will because she's just a rare gem. Unfortunately, she had to have my dad and I as her life companions. I always thought of myself as a mistake and I still did. Because if she never had me, things would have been better for her.

She'd have a better life, a better kid, a better world and not get stuck with me. I had decided that I would do everything in my power to make sure she lived the kind of life she always wanted.

My mom was simple and didn't like extravagant things like most other women. All she wanted was peace and quiet.

Finally, the doctor who was leading the operation came out. He had a blank expression on his face. He was old and probably a veteran in the business so keeping up that expression wasn't something difficult for him, but it was hard to tell how the operation had been.

An ugly feeling rose deep down in me and it already told me everything I was about to hear even before he delivered his news.

I didn't wait to hear any of what he had to say, I burst open the doors of the theatre room and ran in. I shoved away all the doctors and nurses who were still huddled up around my mom. I was shouting and calling her to wake up.

I couldn't hear any of what the doctors and nurses were yelling at me for because I was trying to wake my mom up.

"Mom! Mom!!"

"I know this is a joke and you're gonna laugh any minute now because of how stupid I look right now," I croaked out.
"These....these so-called doctors don't know what they're doing, so come on, get up, let's get out of here. We'll..... we'll go to a better hospital where you'll get better treatment." The tears kept rolling down my cheek faster now and my eyes felt so puffed.

I wished she could have just get up, laugh at me then say, "Just look at you all, haha, thinking I was dead," and she'd laugh hard.

But I knew she was gone, she had  crossed the bridge of life and left me all alone in this cruel world. My friends came in and pulled me off her as my dad's siblings and neighbours gathered around her.

"We're sorry man," was all I could hear from my friends.

My mom was dead and gone.

She died two months to my birthday.

I never celebrated them but she always forced me to have at least one slice of cake. I never celebrated my birthdays because I always believed it was the day I ruined my mom's chances at having a better life.

Now there won't be anyone to do that anymore. Right there and then, I could feel my heart beat coming to a halt.

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