Chapter 5

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Lucy's POV

As we walked back to retire in our respective dorms, the weight of the evening’s revelations pressed down on us. The campus was eerily quiet, the usual chatter and laughter replaced by an uneasy silence. Kristen seemed lost in thought, I also couldn't stop thinking about what Amelia said. What had I gotten myself into?

I remembered I didn't even get to know what Kristen did in the past that came back to haunt him so I decided to ask.
"Uhm, Kristen?” He didn't seem to hear me, he was so lost in his head. I called again, still no answer. Then I nudged him, he looked at me with anger blazing in his eyes.

“What?! Can't you see I'm trying to think?!” I was taken aback at how loud he yelled at me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I started gasping for breath.

“Kristen." My voice was so low, I could barely hear myself. Kristen just kept walking forward, he didn't seem to care if I was walking by his side or not.

What was wrong with this guy? How could he be so heartless? I called his name for the last time hoping he'd turn back if he heard it,bthen I fell to the ground.

A familiar voice kept calling my name as my savior picked me up.
“Lucy, Lucy. Come on, stay with me." My eyes fluttered open a bit and his face came into focus.

The sunset cast an ethereal glow on his face, making him look like an angel. I reached for his face and touched his cheek. It felt so soft and tender. How could someone so beautiful be so dark and mysterious?

He took my hand from his cheek and removed it. I felt another pang of pain as he took it away, why does he keep pushing everyone away? His features were turning blurry and my cheeks felt hot and wet.

“Lucy…. Lucy. Stay with me." That was the last thing I heard from him before I finally passed out.


An unfamiliar room greeted me as I woke up. I managed to get up and have a look around. I was in Alex and Kristen's room. What was I doing here? I heard Alex and Kristen conversing outside the room and I went over to the door to hear what they were talking about.
"What happened to her?!”Alex half yelled.
“I don't know. I don't understand how she just passed out. One minute we were walking and the next she passed out.” He said like he wasn't the cause. I scoffed and pressed my ear on the door to hear them clearly as they were becoming inaudible.
"That's a lie, you must have done something. Where'd you guys go? What were you guys discussing about? What did you say to her?” I felt a slight heat rise to my cheeks as I blushed at Alex's concern, a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

He had always been there for me, being my baby sitter and all. He was just the best .

"Hey, don't blame me for what happened to her okay?I told her not to follow me but she insisted. She just doesn't want to stay away from me, she's always trying to be a too goody shoes and doesn’t seem to understand that some people just want to be left alone." His words sent a jab to my heart and my fists curled in anger. He didn't want me anywhere near him and he didn't want my help.

What a conceited and stone hearted person he was. Well if he didn't want me anywhere near him then he could go to hell for all I cared. I didn't even know him that well and he was making me pass out already.
"Hey, watch your tone about her. She's ten times the person you'll ever be," Alex came to my defense.

"Right," he mumbled.

I swung open the door and walked out. They seemed shocked to see me awake as they fidgeted with their clothes

“Hey, Lucy. How are you feeling now?”Alex asked looking so nervous. I shifted my gaze to Kristen who quickly averted his eyes as he stroked his hair back in frustration, then he went into the room without uttering another word. My heart seemed to sink but I composed myself.

“I'm okay Alex, thanks for helping me." I gave him a small smile.
“Uhm, I wasn't the one who helped you and I'm really sorry for not being there for you. I was just about coming to check up on you when Kristen called and told me what happened. I should have come earlier, maybe it wouldn't have happened again. I'm really sorry Lucy, please forgive me."

“It's okay. You've always been there for me. You were probably busy with classes today."

“So what really happened? Did he do anything to you? Where did you go with him without informing me first?” I chuckled at his concern.

"Relax Alex, he didn't do anything. He just uhm…..” My voce trailed off, trying to find the right word to use.

"He what? Did he hit you?” He asked, his eyes widened.
“No, no. He just …. I kinda pissed him out so the way he yelled at me made me y'know….” he sighed in relief and placed his hands on my shoulders.
“Lucy, please. You know you shouldn't be in stressful conditions. Kristen just wants to be alone, trust me I've tried to get closer to him but he just doesn't want to budge. It'd be best you stayed clear of him...please.” He said with pleading eyes.

"Sure, that won't be much of a problem anyway." I mumbled, looking away as I did so. If Kristen wanted to stay alone then he could stay alone. I didn't want to be anyone's lap dog, following him around like I didn't have a life of my own. I decided I'd pretend I never met him since he always seemed to ghost me.

I hoped he could solve whatever problems he was facing on his own and not land into any trouble.

“That's my girl," Alex smiled, pulling me in for a hug .

“Thanks for always being there for me," I mumbled on his neck. He pulled away and planted a kiss on my forehead.

“It's my duty, now let's get you back to your room."  He took my hand and led me away from their dorm. I looked back, casting one last glance to see if Kristen would come out and apologise but he didn't.

I turned away in despair as we walked around the corner and the door went out of sight .

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