Chapter 6

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Kristen's POV

As I walked back into the room and laid on the bed ,I couldn't help but feel a bit angry at the way she and Alex were near each other . I felt so angry and frustrated so I just went in.

I took out my headphone and decided to listen to some music to calm me down. I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the music. The music wasn't really helping,I just couldn't stop thinking about her .
As I cradled Lucy in my arms, my heart pounded with worry and fear. Her normally vibrant face looked pale, her eyelids fluttered as if she were caught in a restless dream. Strands of her dark hair clung to her damp forehead, framing her delicate features with an almost ethereal softness.

Even passed out, Lucy looked undeniably beautiful. Her delicate features ;a small cute nose gave her an almost doll-like appearance. Her long, dark lashes fanned out over her cheeks . Gentle shadows highlighted the smoothness of her skin. Her lips, soft and naturally rosy, were slightly parted as she breathed shallowly, adding to the innocent and serene look on her face.

Despite the worry gnawing at me, I couldn't help but notice how angelic she looked, even in this vulnerable state.The beauty and fragility of her face struck me deeply.How could one be so beautiful? She opened her eyes a bit and placed her hand on my cheek sending tingles down my spine . I literally shivered at her touch. I couldn't bear it so I had to take her soft delicate hand away .

My thoughts about Lucy got interrupted when Alex came in so furiously. I sighed and took my headphone off .
" Kristen,I don't like what you do to her", I rolled my eyes in frustration.
" I already told you,I didn't do anything. I don't understand why she passed out",I retorted.
" Where did you guys go?",he narrowed his eyes at me. I wasn't going to tell him,I didn't need anyone else bugging me to allow them help me so I lied .
I rubbed my neck anxiously before saying,"We just went for a walk around campus , that's all and when we decided to come back to our dorms we had a little argument and well.... that's when she passed out".
" What did you guys argue about?",Alex rubbed his temple in frustration.
" She was bugging me as usual and I just told her to leave me alone , that's all",I shrugged.
" And how did you tell her to leave you alone?",
" I yelled at her in frustration,okay? It wasn't intentional.But I don't see it as a reason for someone to pass out unless she's got an ailment or something and she looks perfectly fine and healthy to me"

Alex shook his head and came closer to me ." Listen Kris,I don't know why Lucy seems so bothered about you but I'd really like it if you just stayed clear of her . I know that's what you're trying to do and I've already told her to leave you alone which she's already agreed to . But I still just wanna tell you to please just try to avoid her completely. Trust me , it'll do you both good".For a moment a dark expression crossed over his face but it disappeared immediately.
I just nodded because of how creepy he looked then he went into the bathroom.

Alex seems so concerned and serious about Lucy ,he probably likes her that's why he's telling us to avoid each other . Well,as long as I have my peace and quiet I don't really care.
But deep down ,I couldn't help but feel a bit hurt that Lucy might start avoiding me and I won't be able to see her face again. I brushed it away and picked up the book Amelia gave me .

Whoever it was that was following me really knows his stuff . But how did Amelia end up with this book? Who was this person? Something wasn't right and I needed to figure it out . I needed to reach Amelia as soon as possible to clear up some things .

Just as I was about going back to my computer to finish my assignment,my phone buzzed .
" Why doesn't the universe want me to complete this?",I sighed and looked at the caller ID. My heart sank as I saw the name,my hands shook as the phone kept on buzzing. What did he want now? There was silence from both ends as I picked the phone.
"H-Hello?",he hiccuped. I could tell he'd been drinking among other stuff he'd been doing.
" Kristen? Are you there ?".After so many months ,he decided to call me now. I hesitated before answering.
" Dad?"
" Kristen,I decided t-to call you today you something really important",he sounded happy about something.How could he be so happy when the best person in the world was lying rotten in a cold grave.
" What is it?",I asked through gritted teeth.
" When you come back home for t-the holiday that's coming up pretty soon , you'll..... you'll understand",he kept hiccuping and stammering. I still remembered the smell of the alcohol he took and it seemed as if I could smell it from his mouth right through the phone .

" You should get some rest.I'm sure you've had a long day". A long day of being useless that's for sure.
" Yeah,you too. Come back home soon will ya? You wouldn't want to miss it",he said and then I hung up . I wonder what he wants to tell or show me. I dropped my phone and sighed. I picked up the picture of my mom and I and stared at it , wishing my mom were alive right now .

" I need you mom",I whispered.
" Why'd you have to leave so soon? I'm so tired of this world . I really need you ,I can't do this on my own . What's the point of living when the reason I stayed alive isn't here with me?",I croaked. I felt my eyes begin to water but I wasn't going to start crying tonight, not anymore.

My thoughts were disrupted when Alex came out of the bathroom cleaning his hair with a towel .
" Pheww,I wouldn't go in there for a long time if I were you". Ugh, disgusting. He noticed my expression and started laughing.
A few seconds later, a message came in on my phone.'Hey , it's Amelia. We need to talk about our first step,you and Lucy should meet tomorrow at the Raven's Club by 6pm."

Great,now I gotta go to a club . I really needed to end this soon.

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