Chapter 2

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Kristen's POV

Few years later.......

I stared at my mom's picture,  running my fingers across it. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how I couldn't do anything to stop her from leaving this world so soon.

I blamed myself and my dad each day for forcing her to an early grave. She didn't deserve to die, at least not when she did.

I dropped the picture and went back to my computer. I had to work on an assignment which was due tomorrow. But my mind kept wandering back to the past .

It'd been years since she passed away but the pain still lingered. My mom wanted me to be in college, she wanted me to have a better life and make a name for myself. But there I was, feeling so lost and alone.

I wouldn't have made it to college if I hadn't been given a scholarship for acing my final high school exams.

My dad certainly wouldn't pay for my college tuition. He was too busy spending his money on liquor and sluts. He barely visited me ever since I got in, it was always one excuse or another but I knew exactly why he couldn't come.

Now I had to struggle through this new chapter of my life without the one person that gave me a purpose to live.

"Hey dude, I'm heading to the student union for a club meeting. Wanna come?" Alex, my roommate burst into the room, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I shook my head, "No, I have to complete my assignment."

"Oh okay, you do you buddy," he left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar . Alex was the only one I could assume as a friend. He had been by me ever since I got in and tried his very best to make sure I didn't feel alone but I didn't want him to be too close so I wouldn't be distracted. As I continued on my computer, I heard 'her' voice.

"Alex! heyy what's up?"I turned back and caught her hugging Alex like he was some teddy bear. Ugh, who does she think she is? Acting all sweet and nice just to make a few friends.

She started a conversation with Alex and I couldn't help but feel so annoyed. She just kept on giggling and laughing like she took some laughing gas.

How could she be so happy all the time when there were a lot of people suffering out there, some dying right that very moment? She seemed so chill, cheerful and bright all the time. Always acting like she had a perfect life with not a care in the world.

I couldn't help it anymore so I told her indirectly to keep it down by telling Alex instead.
"Uhm, who's that?" I heard her ask Alex .

"That's my roomie, Kristen." He replied. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Really?" She squealed in excitement, wonder what was making her so excited.

"Hiii." Her cheerful voice filled the room as she entered.

Great, another annoyingly cheerful person who didn't know what it was like to suffer.

I hesitated before replying her with a mumbled hi.
"Alex has told me so much about you!"

"My name's Lucy," she walked over to me with a big smile plastered on her face. I snorted and looked away.

"Yeah, great." Her smile faltered for a moment but she recovered it quickly.

"Well, I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!" I raised a brow with skepticism and just blankly said," Yeah, right."

"Anyway, Alex and I are heading to the student union for a club meeting. You wanna join us?" I let out a low growl in annoyance, this girl was invading my space and getting on my nerves right now.

Who the heck did she think she was? Giggling and laughing all over the place.

Didn't she understand that some of us just wanted to be alone?
"I already told Alex that I didn't want to go, I have some work to do."

"Ohh, come on don't be such a nerd. It's not going to take long." She just didn't know when to give up, did she?

I puffed out air in anger and tried to maintain my cool. I clenched my eyes and took in a deep breath before exhaling. I didn't want to go nuts.

"Listen Lucy, I'd really like to go but I have important work to do. So why don't you just go with Alex and leave me alone," I said calmly. She looked like she was hurt a bit but she finally gave up.

"Alright, I'll take my leave now. It was nice finally getting to meet you though," she said as she made her way out of the room. I rolled my eyes again and didn't say anything.

I just turned back to my computer to continue what I was doing. When she didn't get a response from me, she quietly left the room and shut the door.

Finally some peace and quiet.

I felt a mixture of annoyance and guilt for being kind of harsh to her. But her attitude was so suffocating. As I tapped away on my computer, my phone started to buzz.

"What could it be this time?" I grumbled and checked the caller's ID, it was an unknown number calling. I raised a brow and wondered who it could be. I decided to ignore it. When the call ended, my phone buzzed again.

It was a message this time.

'Pick up the phone or I'll have to come over to your dorm room'. I was so confused.

Who could it be?

My phone rang and I hesitated before answering the phone. There was silence on both ends and I didn't intend on speaking first.

"Hello," the mysterious caller finally spoke first and I replied.
"You know it's not nice to ignore people," the caller said with a hint of mischief.

"Who is this?" I seethed.

"Kristen, if I wanted you to know who I was, I wouldn't be contacting you with a private number."

"I'm going to hang up if you don't say who you are and why you're calling me". I was getting more annoyed right now. I was supposed to be working on my assignment but this creep just kept disturbing me.

"I can't do the former but I surely can do the latter. I'm calling you to inform you that what you did two years ago at that alley is not entirely a secret anymore." My mouth went dry and my heart raced as my eyes widened.

"What happened Kristen? Cat got your tongue?" the mysterious caller cackled. I almost dropped my phone in shock.

"What....what do you know you're talking about?" I asked trying to find out what exactly he or she was talking about. I didn't recognize the voice, I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy speaking.

"Oh come on Kristen, you know exactly what I'm talking about so don't try to play dumb."

"I just wanted to tell you so you don't think no one else saw you. It can stay our little secret if you do exactly as I say but if you don't then I guess I'll have to leak it out. Ciao!" The mysterious caller hung up before I could say anything.

My mind reeled with thoughts of that dreadful night and the implications if it got out.

I slammed my fist on the table in anger, "Shit!"

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