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Previously on '𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒚'


"Rya we are sorry." Sia spoke up for the three in the room. Crissy, Talia, and Sia were all truly sorry for the pain they put Rya through. But rya didn't want to let them think what they did was okay for her to forgive them so fast.

"I appreciate the apologies." Rya spoke after some seconds of silence. She wasn't going to ignore them instead, she was going to be short and simple.


Rya decided to walk Tj out of the shop and trade numbers.

"Ight see you soon, and congrats on the pregnancy." Tj said just as he was walking out the door.

"How you know I'm pregnant?" La'rya quizzed the boy, because she made sure not to tell nobody else but family and close friends.

"Y-you told me." Tj said stuttering over his words after realizing the mistake he made.

"Maybe I slipped and said something about it." La'rya said shaking the feeling of something being wrong off.

•••present time

Tj 𝚙𝚘𝚟


"They not playin girl we need the information sooner than later." Tj said into the phone stressing about how fast they need this mission done.

"What that gotta do wit me salone ain say shit to me anyways that's you nigga." The girl told him over the phone emphasizing the you in her sentence. "Now I gotta go before they get suspicious." She said hanging up.

Tj looked at his phone in disbelief, "Man fuck!" He yelled out throwing his phone forcefully on his bed.

Incoming call from 'Salone'

"What's the word?" Salone asked the second the call connected.

Tj sighed trying not to tell her the news, "Shorty said that she don't have any information"

"Tell ha ass I need something tonight or she done... dead ass." Salone angrily said into the phone. She really didn't have time for bullshit or anyone interfering with her plan. She wants La'rya dead and she will kill anyone else who gets in her way.

"Ok I'll let her know." Tj said hanging up before the girl could go on her fifth rant this week.

𝙳𝙳 𝚙𝚘𝚟 

"Everyone said that they were on their way." Dd informed Rya coming down the stairs. The two decided to have a small get together with everyone at their house.

"Ok l'm done with the food." La'rya let out a deep breath while rubbing her now forming baby bump.

"You can go lay down if you want ma, I got everything else." Dd told his girlfriend while hugging her from the behind.

"Eww" the two looked at the top of the stairs seeing sev and Mari looking at them in disgust.

Rya laughed it off before breaking away from DD's touch going up stairs, "Tell me when they're here." She stated before disappearing off into the room.


Dd picked up his phone seeing it was an unknown caller, he shrugged it off before answering the call.

"Hello?" he asked

"Hey Dd, it's Alabama you know the girl from the cake place." He heard the kinda familiar voice say into the phone.

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