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𝙻𝚊'𝚛𝚢𝚊 𝚙𝚘𝚟

📍𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 

"Rya just relax, I got the kids." Dd assured. It's been a minute since they had their conversation and Dd has been trying to do better, to get Rya back. 

"Dd your putting the diaper on inside out." She mumbled, slightly pushing him out the way fixing the diaper. She could see that Dd was doing better, so they can get back together and that's exactly what she didn't want. Rya wanted Dd to do better just for the sake of doing better. She doesn't think her and Dd are ment for a relationship now that they have kids. 

"You look cute." Dd said wrapping his hands around her waist and kissing her neck. 

"Move bruh." She shook dd off of her before putting Kaiser in his walker. 

Dd scrunched up his face, "why you being so hostile?" He questioned following her into the kitchen. 

"You came here to see the kids not kiss and rub on me." Rya spoke, making Kaiser and Kaiden a bottle. 

Dd shook his head walking into the living room where all the kids were. Sev and Mari switched to home schooling due to the bullying Mari was experiencing. So Dd obviously took the opportunity to come see his kids. Rya was in the kitchen checking her messages, she really didn't want to be around Dd. She realized she had a male client who needed their hair done, Rya decided to text back and tell him he can come at one. 

She scrolled through her dm's more until she saw that Megan thee stallion had texted her to see if she wanted to be her and Glorilla's MUA and hairstylist for their upcoming tour. Rya smiled to herself a little because she had really came far with her hair business and social media presence in general and now it's paying off. With the amazing off on her hands she didn't know if she could take it because that means she would have to leave her kids and she didn't know if she could do that. 

Rya decided to text back and ask if there was anyway that she could bring her kids with her to at least some of the shows. The offer consisted of them paying for her hotel and food and she was able to do any extracurricular activity's  Meg and glo did as well. They obviously are paying her a very nice amount for the three in a half months that she was spending on the road. The girl closed out of her phone and decided not to speak on the opportunity she had due to her not wanting to get anyone's hopes up. 

"Dd can you watch the kids for some hours while I do a clients hair at the shop?" Rya asked walking into the living room. 

"Uhh i was finna head to she studio wit the guys." Dd said putting his shoes on. 

"David you been in the studio with them every day for like a week, you can miss a day to hang with the kids." Rya huffed, she really wasn't able to do anything because everyone was away busy. And she hated bring home to work and vise versa, she also hated bring her kids to the shop because it distracted her and turned some clients off. 

"Just reschedule for tomorrow ma." Dd shrugged not seeing the problem. He really wanted to go to the studio with his friends because it was his time to relax and decompress. 

"Dd how about you reschedule! I'm working on other peoples time your not. Hell yo contract say that you can't even record shit without your manager present. So you just going for shits n giggles." Rya expressed, she heated that he act like he can't watch the kids for some time. 

"Yours the stylist they are working with your time they should be able to understand that you have to reschedule." Dd said still keeping his argument. 

Rya kissed her teeth, "Ok David." She mumbled. Rya wasn't going back and forth with him about this. And this just made her realize why she wasn't going to be able to take the job with Glo and Meg, she can't even get Dd to watch the kids for some hours what was going to happened for three months. 

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