🖤- his toxic traits within a relationship.

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-> some toxic things he may do as the leader of the Aretas Cartel.

-> warnings: manipulation: mention of toxic relationships, mention of degradation, mention of throwing things, mention of unstable relationships, slight mention of dumbification (I do not glorify these things.)

authors note: please reblog and like if you enjoyed this! please request down below as well. This has obviously been exaggerated and fabricated for entertainment, i've taken his character to a more "toxic" angle. I do not agree that his character is wholly like this or WILL do this.



-> he would definitely not answer your texts until late at night. You could message him good morning and he would either:
respond with a dry text or not text you back until 6 hours have passed and he finally has free time.

-> i don't think he does it to you on purpose but his life is so fast paced that he doesn't really have time to really engage with your "useless" texts. He has much bigger things to concentrate on which is running the cartel and carrying out hits, there are plenty more girls out there who want him.

-> if you ever called him out on this, he would definitely twist it back on you and explain his lifestyle or just simply ghost you again until he's bored or misses you.

-> he's definitely a "you chose me knowing what i do" type of person.

-> god forbid if you ever ghost him over text though. He's definitely popping up at your house and questioning you, initially speaking in an accusatory tone before eventually apologising (kind of), about his distant behaviour.

-> however, i don't think he means to ghost you for as long as he does. He genuinely gets caught up in his work and is one to blow up when engaging with confrontation which is why he tends to ghost you as a way to not lose you.

-> because what would you rather want him to do? hurt your feelings in an argument? because trust me, you don't want to argue with him.



-> 100% reactive.

-> He would go from 0 to 100 in a second depending on what you say. Ever mention his family and it's over.

-> he was literally manipulated by his mother and has daddy issues. definitely not good if you mention them.

-> he would insult every single inch of you, degrading you to the point of where you have no self confidence left.

-> i also think, he may have a tendency to become violent if he really goes off the edge. It may be hard for him to get to that point, (you would really have to piss him off) but he may punch things or throw things while screaming at you in order to scare you.

-> this would be very common and not out of the ordinary as he has saw his own mother brutally die in front of him, violently fighting his dad also.

-> the words he would call you would be so hurtful they would make you think deep into the night when going sleep.

-> the attack on your character, you look, body shape and personality would have you questioning your whole identity and would make you succumb to his insults. Maybe causing you to change the way you act or look just to please him.

-> you're definitely the one apologising first after an argument.



-> "to handle or control something in a skilful manner."

-> after how he was emotionally manipulated by his mother, who set him up to train for his whole life, to kill a man he thought betrayed her but in actuality was his father would mess him up DIFFERENTLY.

-> he WOULD not let that happen again.

-> he would have some manipulative tendencies that would've stemmed from his mother where he was switch a situation back on you,

-> For Example:

-> Let's say you saw him flirting with a girl at a party you two were both at. If you brought it up to him afterwards he would automatically flip it on you suggesting that: "You're too insecure," "He doesn't have time for this", "This conversation is pointless", or even "Can he not live a life outside his dangerous work?"

-> You're not winning an argument with him.

-> by the end of this relationship, your mind is definitely just focused on him. the emotional manipulation taking a toll on you to the point where he can do no wrong.

-> he would 100% love that, his woman who is just a complete supporter, doesn't question him and he can use her for his own use? great.

-> however, he would definitely get bored of this and dump you to move onto the next. wanting more of a challenge.

-> he only wanted the self-satisfaction of manipulating you so he could forget how he was easily manipulated.

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