🖤- 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩

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-> synopsis: Where armando calls you to warn you that you have trouble coming you way and to go hide somewhere safe. Little do they know, you can do more than hide.

-> warnings: spoilers for bad boys ride or die, mentions of violence.

[🕷️] author's note: thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!


Your first encounter of Armando was when he was released to be the new member of AMMO to repay his debt to the state for his crimes. He walked in with his father, Mike, in an alluring manner.
The mexican-born male wore a black coord, tight to his chest and flattering in all the right places. His hair slicked in gel, the sides of his head faded with a scar at the side of it.

You both grew quickly closer, spending each day with each other even with the stares of judgement people descended onto you.

"He's killed countless people."

"He's a criminal, they should lock him up and throw away the key."

"Armando Aretas. The animal who should be put down."

It did hurt you for a while, leading you to deny your feelings for him. Until one day, after a passionate night with him, you tried to briskly leave in the middle of the night.

"Where are you going?" The males voice croaked out, his voice deeper than usual due to the vocal cords enlargement throughout the night.
"I need to go home, i've spent too long being here."

A scoff is heard.
"Yeah. No surprise there. Running out of excuses are you?"

" Its not an excuse i just have something to do at-"

"Guárdalo, solo vete. Te han lavado el cerebro las opiniones de otros y no quiero escucharlo más. Ahórrame los detalles." Venom dropped off the latino's tongue as he dismissed you away. Sadness overcame you as no words came out of your mouth.

Days went by, Armando never spoke to you. Tension flushed by you guys whenever you was by each-other in a room. One day, you couldn't handle it no more and you grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn and look at you.

"I'm sorry. You're more than just an animal or a criminal. I know i don't even deserve for you to forgive me but i need to get this off my chest. I am so sorry Armando."

You feel his arms engulf you in a hug as tears roll down your cheeks, embarrassed at how easily influenced you were from everyone's opinions. "no llores mi amor, I forgive you."

"Hey guys, we've got trouble."

Armando's shoes pounded down the wooden steps as he swiftly walked to Dorn's computer, his nerves rising as he sees the blonde's frantic typing on the keyboard below. "What's wrong?"

The cameras on the computer pointing to every angle in your house, yet, 3 armed men slowly creep up to the front door. Ready to raid, they point their rifles towards the door. "Tenemos que tomarlos ahora!" One masked man, whisper shouts in spanish, their emotions covered but their body language is prevalent. He is tense.

Dorn shifted his position to turn to Armando, his brows furrowing, "Are these your people?"

He shook his head, "No."

Time stood still before he realised the severity of the situation, rushing over to the phone he picks it up and rapidly taps your contact. "Mierda! Pick up the phone.."

A few seconds of beeps echoed around the room, the only thing filling the air of silence. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"We have no time. Take Uncle Marcus's wife and go hide. Now." His words dropped with warning as he kept it short and sweet.

Your eyes widen as you hear his stoic words. Quickly whipping your head to the side, you gather your godmother and hide in the closet. A loud bang blasts through the room as footsteps clatter along the floor, moving in a tactical fashion as they scan the house for people. Armando quickly runs to the cameras, looking at the masked men quickly run through the house, weapons pointed at every angle. "Fuck.."

A moment passes and you slowly slip past the closet door, gripping your fingertips on the cold, wooden pane, you slide by the counter and quickly exhale. "Lord, please protect me."

The woman slowly slides her hand up the counter top, reaching for a knife before calculatedly turning left while peeking around. A second passes before you see an outline of a shadow descending down onto you. Slowly looking up, you see a gun pointed towards you. "Shit."

With a quick whisk, you slice the knife through his leg, the man drops down and shouts in pain as you slit the masked man's throat. Taking his gun, you push forward back into the living room where the rest of the men were. Angling yourself, you shoot the man in the corner before whipping the man in front of you with the rifle.

"Damn, that bitch can fight."

Randomly another man whisks you around, taking you in a loose headlock. The sound of a gun goes off and the man falls back in anguish, brushing yourself off you turn around and shoot him in the head.

A quick moment goes by and by the end of it, all men are dead. The carpets and floorboards stained with a crimson red as you pant for air. You quickly run back to the closet, "it's safe now. let's go." You say to Marcus's wife, embracing her in a hug before you both hurry off.

Not before, you look up at the camera and smile. Blowing your pointer and middle fingers to represent a gun, before winking.
"You're welcome."

The male turns to the rest of the crew and grins, followed by a slow whistle.
"Seems like we know what she does after all."



• "Guárdalo, solo vete. Te han lavado el cerebro las opiniones de otros y no quiero escucharlo más. Ahórrame los detalles." - Keep it, just leave. You've been brainwashed by the opinions of others and I don't want to hear it anymore. Spare me the details.

• "no llores mi amor" - Don't cry my love.

• "Tenemos que tomarlos ahora": We have to take them now.

• "Tenemos que tomarlos ahora": We have to take them now.

𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.Where stories live. Discover now