🖤- unwanted man

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-> where he sees an unwanted man bothering you at the bar and decides to step in.

[🕷️] warnings: mature language, presence of guns, mention of violence, mention of alcohol.

[🕷️] authors note: this is my first time writing an imagine after three years so bear with me!! please comment and like if you enjoy!


It was a cool day in nighttime of Miami, the sky cascades with elements of black and dark purple as the day descends into the night. You walked into the club, Zillion, and a stone of lights automatically attacks your eyes. The neon colours and the loud music hits your ears as swarms of people dance around you.

Your friends encouraged you to come out with them for once as you always stay at home, loving the peace and comfort of your own house. However, you felt guilty neglecting them and decided to accept their offer.

"Isn't this fun!", your best friend, Selina squeals.

You try push out a smile but you can't help but still not feel the excitement that runs throughout the cramped room. "This isn't my vibe, i want to go home already." You sigh, feeling an aching sensation in the side of your head.

Nevertheless, your friends drags you to a tiny booth, having a small table with a bucket of ice and champagne placed on it. They start dancing to the music a little bit while deciding what they're going to drink, completely hypnotised by the energy surging throughout the room. You just stand there, trying to loosen up a bit.

Nevertheless, your friends drags you to a tiny booth, having a small table with a bucket of ice and champagne placed on it. They start dancing to the music a little bit while deciding what they're going to drink, completely hypnotised by the energy surging throughout the room. You just stand there, trying to loosen up a bit.

You was fascinated. From your angle you could only see certain details of him. He wore a black silk shirt and ripped jeans, his lips were full, pink and glossy with his right eyebrow having a scar stripped through it. His tan skin shone in the neon lights, the club lights flattering his skin as the purple light compliments his cool undertones.

He was clearly uninterested in the girls around him, his scowl present on his face as he ignores the countless efforts of conversations around him.

Time goes by and you lose focus of everything going around you: eyes glued onto him. Everything seemed to stand still, the world no longer being important unless-

"Hey! What you looking at?" One of your friends shout from across the booth, snapping you out of ogling of the mysterious man. "Nothing. It's fine."

"Okay well, can you get us some drinks from the bar? I want a vodka with coke and some shots for the table, get whatever you want it's on me!" She shouts over the defeaning music, shooing me away.

"Looks like i have no choice," I sigh.

Walking over to the bar, i sit on one of the wooden stools, waiting for a bartender to approach me. Tapping the table out of habit, i feel a presence behind me. "Hey pretty lady, what's your name?" The unknown man whispers, i feel his hot breath on my ear, causing me to shiver.

"I don't have a name." I groan, not even bothering to turn around and engage with the clearly drunken man, already over with the situation. He sits down beside me nevertheless. "Everyone has a name angel, come on.. tell me." His alcoholic breath floods my nose, i squirm at the thought of the amount of alcohol he's consumed.

His hand reaches over to my hair, tucking it behind my ear which now causes me to turn to his direction but move my head back in retaliation from the bold move. "I said i don't have one, leave me alone."

Out of nowhere, he grabs my face and forces me to look at him. "Don't make me ask again." The force he inflicts on my face causes my eyes to water, unable to say anything due to the man's blind rage, i try repeatedly tapping his arm to let go of me but the alcohol has clouded his sense of judgement.

A whistle is then heard behind the man. "Let go."

I look up and it's the same man i noticed sitting at the VIP booth, he holds a silver glock to creep's head, his face undistinguishable. Moving to the man's ear he whispers, "don't make me have to tell you twice," his accent thick and heavy.

The man instantly lets go of my face, clearly shaking at not only the presence of the foreign man but the gun to his head as well. I sit there in shock, my eyes flickering from man to man, frozen as to what's going to happen next.

"Now you're going to apologise to this pretty lady and leave this club, don't let me see you again or i will kill you." He states casually, before swiftly putting the man into a headlock, keeping the gun in the same position. "Trust me, i'll make sure i'll do it slow and painfully too." He holds him down harder before letting him go, the drunken man chokes out and wheezes before running out of the club side to side due to his incompetent state.

The foreign man now turns to me, a slight smirk on his face. "The names Armando. Drinks are on me."

𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎 𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.Where stories live. Discover now