Introduction - Pilot

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Hi everyone. The story will start on Savi's first day at Bhosle's institute. If you have seen the show, she arrives from Ramtek after fleeing her marriage to Samrudh - a goon.

Chapter starts..
Savi steps down from the auto rickshaw as it starts raining very heavily. She takes shelter at a nearby tree and realises that she has been left just 30 mins from college.

Savi: This auto is not reliable at all😒 now I need to find some other way to get to college. (Her phone rings)

Harini: Savi kahan hai tu? (Where are you?)

Savi: Taiii, I'm just 30 minutes away from college, pata nahi but this auto bao dropped me so far and drove off.

Harini: Be careful Savi, don't know how the other city is like..

Savi: It's ok dii, have you forgotten? I am a strong brave girl nothing will happen. Accha I'll talk to you later, might be able to get some help nearby

Harini: Savi-

Savi hangs up

Harini: this girl na..🤦🏻‍♀️

Back to Savi, she sees a car driving by and goes to stand in front off it. Before it hits her, the driver slams the brake and winds down window

Ishan: Abey pagal hai kya!! Are you crazy? If you wanted to die go find another car. Ab hatt yahan se

Savi: Oye mister, don't talk to me so rudely. Who are you anyways?

Ishan: Oh really? You are asking who I am while standing in front of my car??!

Savi: Sorry na bao, please can you give me a lift? I really really need it

Ishan: Kyu? What happened to auto or bus?

Savi puts her hands on her waist: Excuse me you see anyone else beside you, me and this tea stall?

Ishan looks around: No

Savi: Then why are you asking me so many silly questions

Ishan: You know what? Just get in..I can't deal with this, I am already late for work.

Savi jumps excitedly and tries to open the back door

Savi: Sir it's locked

Ishan: Good..

Savi: Good?! Sir how am I suppose to get in?

Ishan: use your head

Savi: Is this a test?

Ishan: Think of it that way..

Savi looks around and then see a small branch nearby. She picks it up while Ishan looks on..

Ishan: Are you serious?

Savi: Chup! Let me think

Ishan shakes his head and just before he can say anything else, he watches as Savi takes a hairpin and the edge of the branch to put it towards the handle of the door. She twists it and it clicks

Savi: Le..

She gets in and closes the door: Sir chalo na pls. I'm late

Ishan was impressed and then starts driving.

Savi: Waise you didn't tell me who you were?

Ishan: you didn't tell me either

Savi: I'm Savi..Savi Virat Chavan..😄

Ishan: Ok Savi Chavan. Aur what were you doing in the middle of the road?

Savi: I have an interview at Bhosle's institute of Excellence in 1 hour and that auto rickshaw driver just left halfway.

Ishan was shocked at what he was hearing and nearly slammed on the brakes.

Ishan (in his head): This girl? Really? She is having interview? Now I will see how she gets the chance to study at my college

Savi: Sir??

Ishan: Oh umm that's good na.

Savi: And how about you sir? What are you doing?

Ishan: Me? Oh um nothing. I was just passing through to go home when you decided to step up in front of my car!

Savi: Sorry sorry (she holds her ears)

Ishan: You are a strange one for sure. Where you from?

Savi: From Ramtek.

Ishan: Itna durr? What were you doing there?

Savi: If you don't mind sir, I think we have reached..(she avoided the question)

Ishan: Hmm looks like you are right. We'll see you around Savi and good luck.

Savi: Thanks sir

She gets down the car and waves while he drives away. He only drives as far as she can't see his car and turns to go behind the college to enter through a door.

Ishan: Now let's see how she fairs in this interview (he says to himself when he parks and walks up to his office)

Meanwhile Savi in front of college

Savi (in head): Come on Savi what's wrong with you? Just take a step in and you are there. This is your chance at a first step of becoming an IAS officer.

She walks in slowly and steps into a big hall. Inside it was full of banners that had words "Education is the key to success"

Savi; Wow what a place..

She glances around and sees a few people walking up and down the corridor with books in their hands. She goes up to a desk and asks about her interview. The girl at the table guides her towards a row of chairs to sit down

Girl; Wait here I will let sir know you are here..

She disappears and walks into a door.

While waiting, Savi was feeling very nervous and she took out her small Bappa statue and held it on her hand while closing her eyes

Savi: Pls give me strength and courage. I really want this.

After a few minutes she opens them and sees a poen coming towards her

Savi: Good morning sir

Shukla: ...

Shukla: are you talking to me?

Savi: Yes, you are the only one here..😒

Shukla: Oh umm never mind. Need to go..

And with that he rushed off. The girl came back to the table

Girl; you can go in now..

Savi: thanks

Precap: Savi finds out Ishan is the college director and he refuses to give her entry unless one condition

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