Chapter 2: Families and Friends

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I'm changing the name of Shukla's wife in this story.

Chapter starts...

Savi makes her way slowly towards Shukla's house, she sees his wife making tea and knocks on the door.

Savi: Excuse me mamm, I am Savi, Shukla sent me here and I'm a student at Bhosle institute.

She turns around and smiles gently.

Savitri: Sure come in come in. Shukla had called before you came in..

Savi: Thank you so much, you are so kind. I have no one here. All my family is in Ramtek.

Savitri: It's ok. For as long as you are here, me and Shukla will be here to support you.

Savi: I don't want to be a burden on you.

Savitri: Don't be silly, nothing of that sort. Come on, come in, have some tea.

Savi: Didi do you know Ishan sir?

Savitri: Yes he has always been kind to me and Shukla, even this house he helped to find.

Savi: Why is he so khadus?

Savitri: You will warm up to him soon

Savi: That's what Shukla dada said too

She gets lost in thoughts as she helps Savitri to make tea.

Next morning..

Savi was still thinking about her situation. She gets ready to go to college.

Savitri: Bye dear, have a good day

Savi: Thanks didi, see you later

As Savi walked towards college, she saw Ishan coming up in front and quickly ran behind a tree to hide as he walked into Shukla's house

Savitri: Ishan sir aap?

Ishan: Hi Savitri, I thought I heard something here. Did someone come?

Savitri: Umm no no nothing of that sort.

Ishan: Hm strange. Anyways I wanted to say there's a new girl in college. Her name is Savi, I should warn you about her, she is a bit weird and is a rule breaker I think she might come around here if she is curious

Savitri: That's not nice. You be nice to her

Ishan: Oh you know her?

Savitri: No the way you said, she seems like a sweet girl.

Ishan: Sweet?? Savitri.. if you meet her na, she will eat your brain like she eats mine

Savitri (in mind): She will make a great partner to you tho😆

Ishan: I needed something from Shukla. Is he here?

Savitri: No he left about 20 mins ago.

Ishan: Ok thanks. Take care

Savitri: Do come visit off and on, it will be fun

Ishan: Bye Savitri🙂

Savi was still hiding and heard the entire conversation. She started to feel a bit angry

Savi (to herself) Yeh Mr Chidkiya, who does he think he is? 😠 I will show him, I'm able to do anything. You just watch

Ishan walks back to college followed by Savi a few minutes later. She had her first class taught by Ishan sir in the next 10 mins

Her first lesson:

Ayush to Durva: Did you hear? We have a new student.

Durva: What do I care?? 🙄

Ayush: But she might be pretty and also she might be rebellious

Durva: Ayush, get out of your fantasies

As Ayush was about to say something: everyone turned as Savi walked in. She was wearing jeans and a flower top which made her look casual yet smart.

Ayush: Oh ho, wow that girl seems fire. That's our new student?😍

Durva: She looks average to me🙄

Ayush: What do you think her name is?

Durva: Why you asking me? Go and ask her yourself

Savi walks in and notices a chair next to Anvi that was free. She walks over and sits down when she notices she was only 2 rows away from the front.

Ayush goes up to her: Hello beautiful (winks)

Savi rolls her eyes: leave me alone and go away

Ayush: Come on don't be like that, is this how you greet all your new friends?

Savi: I don't want any new friends. Get away before I file a complaint

Ayush laughs: Ladkiiii you don't know who you are dealing it. I'll teach you a lesson my own way

Savi: Han Han you only talk right, no action. I'm not scared of you.

Ayush feels rejected and goes back to his desk while he hears Durva laughing

Durva: Ouch that must hurt😂

Ayush: Shut up🙄

The bells rings and Ishan walks in. He started his lecture on economics and off and on glanced towards Savi. Each time she was writing in her book.

Ishan (in mind): I never actually noticed how pretty she looked.

He realises what he is thinking

Ishan(in mind): Ishan! Snap out of it she's your student. This is unacceptable. Remember the challenge. She will only be here for 6 days when she breaks and backs off. I will see how determined she is.

Savi looked up at glances towards Ishan: This Mr Chidkiya is actually quite good in giving lectures (in mind)

Savi (in mind): Savi what are you thinking? He's your professor. This is wrong 🙄

She goes back to making notes in her book but blushes unknowingly.

The second bell goes and everyone goes out except Savi. She walks up towards Ishan

Ishan: Yes? Miss Chavan?

Savi: Sir, I wanted to ask for extra notes for additional lectures you are able to give

Ishan: Sure, come to my office in 30 mins and get them from my table.

Savi: Ok sir.

She starts to walk out but her leg catches on one of the table legs as she trips and about to fall, she feels a strong hand catching her arm and pulls her back up

Ishan: Woah, watch where you going

Savi; Tha - thanks sir.

She starts to blush and walks out leaving Ishan a little puzzled

Precap: Savi makes friends with Anvi. Ishan meets his parents

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