Chapter 3: Locked

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Hi everyone, I wanted to thank you all for reading and liking my story. Keep supporting 😊

Chapter starts..
Savi walks down the corridor quickly and runs to one of the empty classroom. As it was break everyone was either outside or with friends. She closes the door and locks it from inside. Now she was alone in the classroom with her thoughts

Savi (in mind): what was that? Why did I feel all flattered when Ishan sir saved me from falling? This feeling is very strange.

As she was lost in her thoughts she heard a knock from outside.

Voice: Hi, open the door na

Savi: Leave me alone!

Voice: Plz, I only want to help you

Savi: I don't need any help

Voice: Alright I'll just talk from here then. My name is Anvi and I'm Ishan's dada sister. I just want to talk.

Savi stays silent

Anvi: I know you said you didn't want any friends (I heard you talking to Ayush) but you seem cool and I want to know you better and maybe be friends?

Savi walks up to the door and clicks open the door. Anvi walks in and suddenly pulls Savi into a hug

Anvi: You look like you have been through a lot. This was just a reassuring hug

Savi smiled: Thank you

Anvi: So you aren't going to tell me your name?

Savi: Oh so sorry. Haha! My name is Savi. I moved from Ramtek

Anvi: Acchaaa, nice to meet you Savi😌 I think you had met Ayush who was the guy flirting with you in class and the girl next to him was Durva my other sister

Savi rolls her eyes: Is Ayush always like that to everyone?

Anvi: Only to new students. He will stop after getting the hint. A trick, if he troubles you again, pinch his nose 😂 he always sneezes and it's hilarious but he will leave you alone.

Savi: Seriously? That is so weird 😂

Anvi: I was right, you are cool 😎

They walked out together to go for lunch. Savi was happy that she finally got a friend.

Ishan was waiting for Savi in his office to give her extra notes

Ishan: Where is this girl? That's it I'm not waiting anymore.

He takes a post it note and leaves it on top of the books that wrote: These are yours. Good luck and pls see me after lunch

He then walks out and goes to his car when he gets a call from his father

Shantanu (on phone): Beta where are you?

Ishan: Baba im leaving college now, will be there in 20 minutes

Shantanu: Pls come fast, your mom -

Ishan: Don't talk about Isha mam pls baba

Shantanu: She's still your mom

Ishan: Yes but you know what happened

Shantanu: It was a mistake and she deeply regrets it

Ishan: She still did it and baba you know how difficult it is. Anyways I will see you in 10

He hangs up

Back to Savi..

Savi was having lunch with Anvi when she suddenly remembers that she needed to see Ishan about her extra notes. She gets up quickly

Anvi: What happened?

Savi: Sorry I need to go

And with that she runs out going towards Ishan's office. As she got there, she finds that it is unlocked and walks in.

Savi as she walks in: Sorry sorry sir completely forgot

Then she notices that the desk is empty and there is pile of papers next to the name tag with a post it note on top of that

Savi: Oh this must be for me

She walks up slowly and reads what was written and can't help but smiled a little.

Savi(to herself): that's so nice he left all this for me.

She decides to thank him but realises she had no way to contact him so she just decided to wait in his office til he returned. She sat on the chair and started to wait until she fell asleep

Back to Ishan..

Ishan pulled up to his parents house and looked towards the door.

Ishan(to himself): Ishan just go in..nothing will happen

He gets out the car and walks towards the door. Before he opens it, Isha opens it and was happy that her son was here

Isha: Won't you give your old mom a hug?

Ishan: No Isha mam I won't but thanks for offering. Where's baba?

Isha felt a bit hurt but still let him come in since she knew it would take a long time for her son to finally forgive her. Had to give him time.

Shantanu came from behind and hugged Ishan.

Shantanu: Good to see you son. How's work?

Ishan: Ugh long, there's a new girl in college and she thinks she's a know it all, aaapko pata hai today she didn't come to my office after I asked her to come and collect her notes🙄

Shantanu: Maybe you judged her too early?

Ishan: No baba, when you meet her na, you will see yourself

Shantanu: You seem to be talking a lot about this student of yours..🤔 is she your favourite?

Ishan: Baba! Noo I just wanted to update you on the college situation. You know na Rao Saheb is on the board of directors and his opinion is the hardest of all

Shantanu: I know but just give this girl a chance. You might even make friends with her

Ishan: Never going to happen. She is just my student

Precap: Ishan/Savi moment in college office and Shantanu/Isha meets Savi.

Just a quick note: Bhosle's will be introduced in the next chapter (Aka Saheb, Rao, all side characters) but they will have different personalities as compared to the show. Thanks for all the support 🙏🏽

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