Chapter 11 - Decisions

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Ishan was in his room when he looked at the time. It had gone past 7am. He called Savi

Ishan: Come on Savi, pick up the phone

Savi was still in bed and stirred when the phone rang. She looked at the time and picked up the call

Savi: Ishan sir?

Ishan: Finally! You are up. I am sorry I am late, I had to tell the family about you moving in

Savi: So how was the outcome?

Ishan: Long story. Accha leave that, I want you in college in the next 30 mins. You have a long day of lectures today and there is a test at the end of the day in my office. Remember right?

Savi; Yes sir

Ishan: Good, also I have managed to convince them for you to stay with me.

Savi; Really? Just like that.

Ishan: There is a condition

Savi: Oh! I should have known. What is it this time?

Ishan: I think I'll need to tell you in person.

Savi: Sounds serious

Ishan: Nahhh nothing of that sort. Anyways we will chat more when you come in later.

Savi: Ok sir I'm coming.

He hangs up and then decides to go to college himself as he had to talk to baba about Savi. Meanwhile, he was thinking of Reeva too but had to push that thought right out of his mind.

In the car, he called Shantanu.

Ishan: Baba, I managed to convince the family to let Savi stay with me until she's stable

Shantanu: Wow, how did you manage that?

Ishan: Forget that baba, I'll tell you later

Shantanu : I need to tell your mom

Ishan: She isn't my mom

Shantanu: She is and always will be beta you can't change that. Please talk to her at least just for a bit. She really wants to tell you the truth of what happened

Ishan: I already know what happened. She abandoned me when I needed her the most.

Shantanu: Think about it and talk to her. That's not the full truth.

Ishan: Thanks baba but not now

Shantanu: It's ok take your time but do talk to her. She is having a good bond with Savi now too.

Ishan: Yea uh huh that's good baba. Ok I need to go now, tell Savi to meet me in my office after her lectures today

Shantanu: She already knows that.

Ishan: Oh forgot haha. Thanks Baba, see you soon

He hangs up, but had too much on his mind that he nearly hit a car coming from the opposite direction. He swirled and managed to avoid it on time. On the other hand, Savi felt weird at the same time and thought why she was having a panic attack when nothing triggered it. After a few deep breaths, her feeling disappeared

Savi(to herself): That was strange. I have never felt that before..

Ishan(to himself): I shouldn't drive with so much on my head. Luckily nothing happened.

He slowly drove the rest of the way but didn't notice that he had a small bruise on his arm.

After class Savi went to Ishan's office and knocked

Ishan: Come in

She came in and went to sit down

Savi: Sir what are we reviewing today? Economics?

Ishan: Huh? Oh yea. Here's a test paper from today's economics lecture. You have 1 hour. Go!

Savi started writing as Ishan stared at her. He made a decision at that instance and knew it was going to change both his and Savi's life.

Savi finished her paper with 15 mins to spare and handed it over to Ishan.

Savi: Donee!

Ishan: Wow that was quick.

Savi: It was easy sir..

Ishan: Haha! Tomorrow I'll make sure to set you a harder paper.

Savi: Challenge accepted sir.

Ishan: See you tomorrow 😄

She stood up and was just about to walk out when she turned back and smiled. Ishan smiled back and waved and that was when she noticed his bruise right on his arm. She started to panic and rushed over

Savi: Sir! What happened?

She took a first aid kit from the cupboard and then started dressing his bruise as he was stunned and just sat on his desk looking at her

Savi: Sir?

Ishan: Kuch nahi hai. Just a small accident

Savi: Kya yar sir you need to be more careful.

Ishan: But aapko kya fark padta hai?

Savi: sir you are my friend. This is more of humanity rather than favour. When someone is injured you would help na

Ishan: Accha

Savi: What's on your mind?

Ishan: How do you know?

Savi: You are not behaving like your usual self. You know arguing with me and all

Ishan: 🙄 I do not argue with you

Savi: Says who😂

Savi: So what's up?

Ishan: Listen to me..I need to tell you something important

Savi: Han bolo

Ishan mumbles: I want you to marry me..

Savi: What was that sir? Couldn't hear you

Ishan: I want you to MARRY ME

Savi was shocked and dropped the bottle of antiseptic onto the floor as she looked at him

Precap: Ishan tells Savi about his conditions. Ayush overhears it and plans something

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