Chapter 9 - Thank Yous and Sorrys

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Hi everyone, sorry for the late update. I was busy and didn't have time to come here..but enjoy two chapters which I will release tomorrow together. Have fun reading and thanks for support

Chapter Starts..

Savi and Ishan reached Shantanu and Isha's house about an hour later.

Savi: Thank you Ishan sir. Now you can go back I'll get my stuff

Ishan 🙄 tum toh chup raho. I am not leaving you here with all this stuff to carry

Savi: Pls Ishan sir.

Ishan: Did you forget that they are my parents? I have the right of when to come and go as I please

Savi: Of course but I don't want anyone to see us

Ishan: Come on Savi, you may be my student but I can always help na?

He ignored her further and stepped out the car and carried a box out the car while Savi tries to stop him.

Savi: Please Ishan sir it's ok.

Ishan: Savi why don't you just go inside and I'll take these in.

Shantanu came from behind: Hi Savi

Savi: Sir, hope I am not disturbing you by agreeing to stay here

Shantanu: Don't be like that, you are like a daughter to us, don't be so formal. Come on in.

Savi: But how bout Ishan sir?

Shantanu: I think he can manage. I want to show you your room

Savi: My room? But I'm only staying here for a week

Shantanu: Even so, you do need a room, if not where are you going to sleep.

He showed her the nice room next to Isha's and she was happy. He then went back to Ishan

Ishan: See I told you she was a handful

Shantanu laughs: Hahaha maybe but she's kinda funny too

Ishan: Really baba?

Shantanu: Come on I'll give you a hand

He helps Ishan carry Savi's book into her room while she looks on.

Ishan: Andd this is the last box

He said as he placed it on the floor.

Savi: Thanks so much Ishan sir

Ishan: It's ok. Now I really must go.

He was starting to walk out but Savi ran and hugged him from behind suddenly.

Ishan: Sav..Savi?

Savi was quiet: Sorry

Ishan: What??

Savi: Sorry ishan sir. I didn't technically give you the right impression when you first met me. Can we start over?

Ishan was shocked and he was a little speechless. He slowly turned around as Savi broke the hug

Ishan: Umm..

Savi: Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me.

She reached her hand out

Savi: Friends?

Ishan was still speechless but he shook hands with Savi and smiled slowly

Ishan: Friends and mentor

Savi: You didn't tell me how you were gonna help me

Ishan: Well, the first thing is to create a timetable which you have to follow quite strictly and then you have to report to my office everyday where I will test you on the days work. Are you ready for all that?

Savi: Yes sir.

Ishan: Ok then it's settled. We will start tomorrow. I will call you at 6am to wake you up and you have to make sure to answer it alright?

Savi: Yes sir

Ishan: I have never seen you so obeying?

Savi: Don't get used to it. We are only friends ok? And I look up to you as a mentor.

Ishan: Oiii don't worry, I know better on a girl like you.

Savi: What do you mean a girl like me?

Ishan: Forget it. I'll see you tomorrow.

Savi: Sirrrr!! You can't leave like this.

He was walking out and she was following him. All the time Shantanu and Isha was looking at them

Isha: They are behaving like husband wife

Shantanu: I told you she was funny

Isha: She is..I think only she can control and handle Ishu

Shantanu: Hmm you are right. Maybe we should try and get them together

Isha: But you know Aka Saheb? She won't let a girl like Savi near Ishaan

Shantanu: Forget about her. I heard Ishan isn't coming too close to her too because he rejected an alliance

Isha: That sounds like our son.

Shantanu: You should also try and fix the relationship with him.

Isha: How?

Shantanu: Tell him the truth before it's too late

Isha: But it will give him more pain and he will never forgive me

Shantanu: He is angry at you anyways. You either make it worse or make it better

Isha: Maybe you are right 🤔 I will see if I can catch a moment with him

Shantanu: Not now, let Savi go after him

Isha: haha! I guess we should go help her

Shantanu: Yea maybe a little

They walked towards Ishan while he was going into his car.

Ishan: Bye baba, I will see you another day when Savi has calmed down

Savi: Sirrr! Don't forget to talk to your family as well

Ishan: Yes I know

He drove off back towards college

Precap: Ishan tells the family about Savi, Savi bonds with Isha.

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