Chapter 1: Formalities

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Chapter starts..

Savi walks into the office and sees a person's shadow sitting on a chair opposite a table. She gets nervous but plucks up the courage to talk

Savi: Good morning sir. Sorry I'm a bit late

The voice from behind the chair sounded deep: I do not tolerate lateness

Savi thought she had recognised the voice from somewhere but decided to just focus on the boss

Savi: Sorry sir it won't happen again

The chair slowly spins around and as it did Savi was shocked she nearly stumbled backwards before holding herself steady

Savi: Sir? Aaappppp??!!

Ishan smiled: Surprised?

Savi: Sir what are you doing here?

Ishan: What do you mean what am I doing here 😂 this is my place

Savi: Matlab umm you are director?

Ishan nodded slowly: Yes myself, Prof Ishan Bhosle, director of Bhosle Institute of Excellence. If you still do not believe me, look at my name tag here..

He pointed to it as Savi stood there speechless

Ishan: Arey kuch toh bol (say something)

Savi: So— sorry sir I am just shocked. I can't believe I didn't find it out before..but sir pls I really need admission here. My dream is to become an IAS officer and this Institute is famed for its name.

Ishan: Calm down..convince me in 3 ways that I should give you admission. My uncle is the head of this college and it's not only me you have to convince

Savi: I know sir; but give me a chance and I will show you. See this ..

She takes out a file and hands it to him. Inside it was all her certificates and results from her previous years. She was a straight A student.

Ishan: Hmm impressive, but let me ask you: why did you chose to come to Pune and even to this college?

Savi: Um sir with all respect I really don't want to discuss it. It was quite a bad experience for me

Ishan: Why? Consider it another test like how you opened my car door

Savi: Fine..actually I was suppose to get married but I ran away. That man was a goon and didn't respect anyone but himself

Ishan: are brave. I like that. Tell me more

Savi: no sir, let's just focus on this. Maybe in time I'll learn to tell you

Savi smiles a little: what do I have to do to gain the admission?

Ishan: Did you say you wanted to become an IAS officer?

Savi: Yes sir just like my father. He was an established IPS and I had promised myself I would become the same

Ishan: Accha, ok I'll give you admission on one condition. Bolo, do you agree?

Savi: I am ready to do anything. Please tell me sir.

Ishan: You are to follow my strict timetable everyday to study, not allowed to mix a lot with friends and report everyday to me about your progress.

Savi: What is this sir? Some sort of prison?

Ishan: Leave that, you can't handle so get out

Savi: No sir I accept

Ishan: Ok, then your classes start tomorrow. Here is a list of all the books you need. Shukla will show you out.

Ishan(in mind): she will crack in 5 days and go back to Ramtek. She's smart but I don't think she will be able to handle this much.

Before Savi gets the chance to tell him anything more, Shukla walks in

Shukla: You called sir?

Ishan: Yes, this is Savi, from tomorrow she will be a student. Make sure she follows all the rules and report to me straight away if anything is off.

Shukla: yes sir.

He looks at Savi and gestures her to come out. Outside Savi turns to him

Savi: Shukla dada, is he always like that?

Shukla: he may be hard to you now but actually he is very nice. You will warm up to him. He even will teach some of your lectures

Savi(in mind): Greatttt..😒 now I have to put up with Mr Khadus and his chidkiya antics all day. What did I get myself into? Hopefully I don't regret it

Shukla walks out with Savi: Go home and come back tomorrow

Savi: But sir I have no place to stay

Shukla: Whatttt?! Why? Don't you have relatives here?

Savi: No, they are all in Ramtek.

Shukla: Oh great, now where would you go?

He thinks and then he got it. He walks in and takes his key

Shukla: Here, my house is just round the corner from here. My wife should be in there you just tell you are a student from here and she will let you stay.

Savi: But —

Shukla: I won't take no, now go before Ishan sir finds out you are here

Savi hesitantly takes the keys and then walks towards the side of the building where she spots a house not far from it.

Precap: Savi first day at college doesn't go well and Ishan almost finds out about Savi's home situation

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