Chapter 10 - Past and Present

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Chapter starts..
Ishan returns back to college and goes to his cabin.

Ishan(to himself): I need to figure out how to tell the family about Savi.

He walks in and sees Ayush waiting on the sofa

Ayush: Sir?

Ishan: Ayush what are you doing here? Class is over you can go home

Ayush: But sir I need to talk to you.

Ishan: If it's not urgent and not related to studies then it can wait til tomorrow

Ayush: Sir-

Ishan: Get out

Ayush got scared and then he walked out the cabin. Ishan closes the door and sits on his chair in the dark.

His phone rings

Ishan: Hello?

Voice: Hi ishan. Long time

Ishan: —-

Voice: Are you not even going to say anything?

Ishan: Why - why are you calling me?

Voice: I miss you Ishan.

Ishan: But I don't

Voice: You don't mean that..

Ishan: Yes I do. Please don't disturb me.

Voice: I won't be away for long anymore. Should be back by next week

Ishan tenses: Not interested.

He hangs up.

Ishan(to himself) Great, I am trying to solve one problem and another comes up

Savi was settling in her room when she looked out the window

Savi: Oh my gosh! I forgot to call Tai to tell her what's been going on

She rushed and found her phone in one of her bags and noticed that she had a missed call

Savi to Harini: Taii I'm so sorry.

Harini; Jab Pune gaye you forgot about your didi na

Savi: No Tai nothing like that

Harini: So what's been going on?

Savi told everything to Harini.

Harini: Hmm, this Ishan sir seems to be a nice person

Savi: Nice? Taiii, did you hear a word I had said?

Harini: Yea yea I did, well I have some news for you too

Savi: what is it?

Harini: I'm going to Pune next week so you have to be there to meet me alright?

Savi: But Tai why you coming down? How about the family?

Harini: Don't worry about them, they will be fine

Savi: But Tai-

Harini: Chup, I'm coming and that's it

Back to Ishan
Ishan went back home that night quite late and went up straight to his room. He had decided that he would tell the family about Savi the next morning.

When he got up the next day..

Durva: Dadaa (while knocking on door). Rao Saheb wants to talk to you

Ishan: Coming..

He got up quickly and then got ready and went downstairs. He saw that Kaka Saheb was quite angry but didn't show it

Rao: Is there something you want to tell me ?

Ishan: No kaka saheb. What's this about?

Rao: That new girl

Ishan: Ohhh

Rao: How did you give her admission without even talking to me?

Ishan: Kaka saheb she is very smart, she had all her certificates and scholarship ready. I couldn't resist it and also she wants to be an IAS officer

Rao: Wow🙄 even then you still had to talk to me. Did you forget that I am also on the board of directors?

Ishan: Of course not.

Rao: Next time when something like this comes up again, make sure to talk to me first

Ishan: Yes, regarding the new girl. I wanted to have a word with you about her. Is everyone here?

Rao: They are just coming. What's so important that you have to tell us?

Ishan: It's important

Aka: What is it ishan?

Ishan mumbles: I have an announcement. I am bringing Savi here to stay

Kaka: What??

Ishan takes a deep breath: I am bringing Savi here to stay in a week.

Everything was shocked.

Rao: Savi? Wait is that the new girl

Ishan nodded: Yes

Aka: Are you mad Ishan? What made you think of that suggestion?

Durva: Seriously? That low class average girl?

Ishan: Aka Saheb calm down. Actually she doesn't have anywhere to stay and right now I have put her for a few days in Baba's house

Aka: You have lost it. How can she stay here when she is not related to either of us?

Ishan: Does she have to be related in order to stay here?

Rao and Aka together: YESSSS!

Ishan: If that's so important I have two options: Marry her and bring her home, or leave home and stay with her in baba's house

Aka frowned: None of them are viable options. You didn't even want to marry anyone. Why is this girl so special?

Ishan; Nothing like that..I was just joking about marrying her. But that can be an option if she comes here to stay

Anvi: Dada you are mad..she is your student remember?

Ishan: It doesn't have to be permanent.

Rao: Forget it. She isn't staying her end off

Ishan: Fine!

He walks out the house as Aka looks at Rao

Aka: I hope he doesn't do anything silly. Should I call Reeva?

Rao: No. you have already spoilt his life once by bringing Simran. Leave him be.

Aka: But he will leave and go to Isha

Rao: She is his mother you can't stop him

Aka: Really? I would have thought you were more supportive of me?

Rao; Sometimes you are wrong

And then he walks away.

Precap: Ishan makes a decision and convinces Savi on the deal

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