Chapter 6: Relations

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Chapter starts..

Ishan returns home that night after thinking through Savi'a situation. The house was dark but everyone was gathered in the living room.

Ishan: What's happening here?

Aka: Oh nothing, preparing for Simran's arrival tomorrow morning. Since it's a Sunday you are not going out right?

Ishan was hoping to go and meet Savi to ask her about the temporary house solution.

Aka: Ishaan??

Ishan: No. nothing like that but who's simran?

Aka: oh it's the girl I wanted you to meet for your alliance

Ishan started to get angry: Aka Saheb no, I do not want to meet Simran, nor do I want to get married. I want to dictate who I marry and when. Why don't you get that?

Aka was speechless, Rao saheb came from behind.

Rao: Ishan? What is this manner of talking to your aunt like this?

Ishan: Well she started it. It's annoying

Aka: Fine, I will make a deal with you. You meet Simran tomorrow and if it doesn't go right, then reject it and I will not bug you about another girl again. Is it a deal?

Ishan thought🤔: Pakka?

Aka held out her hand: Promise 👌🏼

Ishan nodded hesitantly while Durva was annoyed too. She went to her room to call Ayush

Ayush: Kya hai Durva? It's like 12am and you are calling me

Durva: Dada said no to Simran

Ayush: Whatt?! But why?

Durva: You know very well why

Ayush: Ohh hahah he doesn't want to get married

Durva: Yes, now tell that sister of yours to be wary tomorrow when she comes. You remember you are going to be away right?

Ayush: Relax Durva, I'm not that stupid

Durva: Sometimes you are..

She hangs up.

The next morning..
Ishan wakes up and tries to call Savi, she doesn't answer so he leaves a voice msg.

Ishan(the voice msg): Savi, if you are free today, meet me at the tea stall near Bhosle's college in about an hour. I need to tell you something.

He presses the key and the voice msgs sends, hopefully she will listen to it. He had no other way of contacting her so decided to just go downstairs and face Simran and the family. He was dreading it

Ishan came downstairs and saw a girl who was big but also a little stubborn sitting on the sofa

Aka: And here is Ishan..Ishan, meet Simran.

Ishan wanted to laugh so badly but thought it was rude: Nice..nice to meet you😅

Simran: Omg you are so handsome😗

She came closer while Ishan stepped back: Umm I would rather you just sat down

Simran shrugged and then sat down again

Aka: So you have any siblings?

Simran: Yes one brother

Ishan was getting bored and kept looking at the time. He spotted Anvi coming downstairs and signed for her to come over.

Anvi (whispering): What happened dada?

Ishan: Anvi, I need to sneak out, can you please handle Simran? I really do not want to deal with her anymore

Anvi giggled: Why? You think she's fat?

Ishan hit her on the arm gently: Umm no..

Anvi; Don't lie😂

Ishan: Ok yes, but please don't tell her that. It's not nice

Anvi giggled louder: I promise but where are you going?

Ishan: Going to meet Savi.

Anvi: Oh ohhh ho, you and Savi ehh😍 instead of Simran you are meeting Savi. More like matchmaking going on there

Ishan: Shut up Anvi, it's not like that

He blushed but Anvi laughed

Anvi: Oh all right. Listen to me. I will get mama (Ashmita mam) to come here and give her tea. Once everyone is distracted talking to Simran you sneak out though the kitchen door. Got it?

Ishan nodded.

Anvi: But for now, you entertain your lady😉

Ishan: 🙄

Savi was studying Economics when her phone pinged with a new voice msg. She thought it was strange so picked it up and accidentally put it on speaker blasting the msg through the house.

Shukla came from inside: Wow..that was loud

Savi: Sorry sorry, this phone na has problems

Shukla: Forget the phone, go meet your Romeo

Savi: Romeo?

Shukla: Arey Ishan sir

Savi: He is not my Romeo😳

Shukla: Hmm can see it clearly. Go..

Savi: But need to study.

Shukla: Savi you have been studying since morning. Go take a break and come back later to it

Savi: I do need a walk

Shukla: Gooooo!

Savi: ok ok I'm going. See you late Shukla dada. Tell Savitri didi that I won't be long

Shukla: Don't worry about her she will be fine. Have fun

He knew the meeting between Ishan and Savi was going to be interesting indeed

Precap: Ishan meets Savi at the stall and tells her about his help. She refuses. Meanwhile, Durva and Ayush plan something together

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