Chapter 8 - Journeys

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Chapter starts..
Savi went back to Shukla jii after agreeing with ishan about her living arrangements. She was both angry and annoyed.

Savi (to herself): I can't believe I am not able to study in peace around here. I think the only thing I will be able to do is to obey it until I can find an arrangement myself

Shukla comes back from kitchen: Hi Savi, so how was the meeting?

Savi: It was alright but dada why did you tell ishan sir that I was living with you?

Shukla: wasn't intentional. I'm sorry

Savi: It's ok

She smiles a little and ask Shukla jii to help her pack her books since she already knew he would have been updated by ishan about where she was going to live.

Next morning..
Savi was carrying her stuff outside when she saw Ishan's car pull up nearby.

Ishan from window: Savi, hop in.

Savi: Why?

Ishan: Do you ask questions every time like this?

Savi: Yes

Ishan: Come taking you to my parents house

Savi: Oh but I have ordered a rickshaw

Ishan: Forget the rickshaw just come in the car

Savi: No sir it's ok I can manage

Ishan (to himself): 🤦🏽‍♂️ yeh ladki na

He gets out and then goes up to Savi and takes one of her bags and loads it in the car

Savi: Sir what are you doing?!

Ishan: Chup..just keep quiet for two minutes and stand still

He continued to load her bags and books.

Ishan: Ab chalo?

Savi shook her head.

Ishan: 🙄 fine then you leave me with no choice

He suddenly lifted her and took her to the car.

Savi: Sir!! Put me down

Ishan: You didn't listen so this was the only way

Savi stopped fighting back as ishan put her in the car. He went up to Shukla

Ishan: Thank you for looking after her so well from last two days

Shukla: Kya yar sir. It's ok, you take care. I'll see you later in college.

Ishan nodded and went back to his car. He started to drive away while Savi was quietly looking out the window. He turns to her

Ishan: So why you so quiet now?

Savi: When I talked you had a problem, now I'm quiet you have a problem with that too?

Ishan: remind me never to ask you that again🤦🏽‍♂️

His phone rings and he answers it on speaker

Ishan: Hello?

Aka: Ishan? College paunch Gaye?

Ishan: Haan Aka Saheb, just running an errand

Aka: Did you give a think about Simran?

Ishan: Aka saheb this is not the right time.

Aka: Ishan i need to know now.

Ishan: The answer is NO aka saheb to Simran and to everything else

Aka was quiet for a while: I understand. I promise I won't force you again and I won't. But you have to let me meet a girl once you have one ok?

Ishan: Need to go Aka Saheb see you later

He hangs up and then looked over to Savi as she was trying to control her laugh

Ishan: Don't say a word

Savi: Oooo who is Simran then? Your future wife?

Ishan: Saviii!😂 no she is nothing like that. Yes Aka Saheb did bring her for my relation but I didn't like her

Savi: So what's the type of girl you are after?

Ishan: I don't have to share that with you🙄

Savi: No but it's better than me talking the whole way at least you can have some company which I am sure it's quite rare

Ishan: Savi🙄 ugh fine

Savi: So what type of girl do you like?

Ishan: I like a girl to be independent, smart, brave and has big aspirations, she shouldn't be the one to stay at home but go out to work and can balance both home works and working professionally.

Indirectly he was describing her but they did not know that

Savi: Wow that sounds like a far catch. Do you think you will find one like that?

Ishan: I don't know. Leave that, now you tell me what sort of man do you like?

She blushed.

Savi: I am not looking for one.

Ishan: Why?

Savi: My first priority is to be an IAS officer.

Ishan: I know that, but what if life throws you a hurdle. Sometimes the man you marry might be able to support your dream

Savi: Yes but I'm not looking for commitment right now

Ishan: Fair enough. I'll be happy to help you with your dream

Savi: Sachi?😍

Ishan: Yes

Savi: What do I have to do?

Ishan: First let us get to baba's house then I'll tell you

Precap: Ishan helps Savi in moving in and she hugs him

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