Chapter 7- Secrets and meetings

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Chapter starts..

Ishan was sitting very uncomfortably next to Simran while she was trying to flirt with him. He tried to distract her

Ishan: Simran why don't you go to the terrace and look at the house from there? I will be back

He gets up and then walks towards Anvi

Ishan: When is the plan happening?

Anvi: oh it can happen anytime I was just enjoying the tease that Simran was giving you

Ishan: Shut up Anvi😒

Anvi laughs and signalled Ashmita to start the serving, when everyone was distracted, ishan went towards the kitchen in lieu of cooking but snuck out instead and ran towards his car

Anvi: Go get her dada😄

Ishan went off driving towards college

Savi was still debating if she should go, it was not very far from the college and she could easily walk there. She decided just to go anyways before ishan started thinking that she didn't respect him.

Savi to Shukla: Bye Shukla dada. I will be back later

Shukla: Han Han take your time no rush

He knew exactly what ishan was going to ask and decided to talk to Savitri about it once Savi had left. He saw as Savi started walking out and towards college

Savi (to herself): I wonder why ishan sir called me like this?

She was going to find out soon enough as soon as she arrived. As she walked up, she saw Ishan's car pulling up at the stall. He got up and looked around and spotted her coming from the distance

He walked up to the tea stall

Ishan: Bhao give me two ginger teas

The stall owner nods as Ishan sat down nearby. He noticed Savi getting closer and felt nervous

Ishan to himself: Ishan what is wrong with you? You are a teacher, get a hold of yourself.

Savi: Ishan sir?

Ishan: Oh Savi, you came, here come sit down.

She sits down next to him as the tea stall owner brought their tea

Owner: You both make a cute couple 😄

Ishan: Bhaooo, go focus on your work🙄

Owner: Calm down, that was just a compliment

Savi: Ignore him sir, it's ok. Ab batao why did you call me here? I was in the middle of studying economics

Ishan: Sorry..I knew you were studying but this was important and I couldn't say it over the phone

Savi: What is it?

Ishan: I want you to come stay with me?

Savi: Wait what????!!

Ishan: Don't take it wrongly, I meant I found out about your house situation and you are living with Shukla?

Savi: So?

Ishan: Savi, try to understand, it will look bad on the college that a student is camping in a poen's house

Savi gets up angrily; Ishan sir, I don't mean to upset you and I respect you but I cannot believe that you would be thinking of your college's name instead of my well-being.

Ishan: Just listen -

Savi: I don't want to hear it, no I'm not coming to your house.

Ishan: it will only be for a week and you are not exactly living with you. You will stay with baba

Savi: No sorry sir

She started to walk off but ishan ran after her

Ishan: Look Savi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. Just hear me out. Rao Saheb if he finds out he will get me fired and you will be out of college too. Please just a week and then I'll arrange a hostel for you

Savi: But sir I can't live in your house. I'm in no way related to you and what will your family think?

Ishan: Don't worry about my family, you have already met Durva and Anvi and that's half. You can live with Baba first while I sort things out at home.

Savi: Oo-ok sir but who's your baba?

Ishan: Shantanu Bhosle and his wife Isha

Savi: Isha mam?

Ishan: You know her? How?

Savi: That's a story for another time. I didn't know she was your mom

Ishan: There is a lot of things you do not know. Can I tell baba you will move in with them tomorrow?

Savi hesitantly nods but agrees.

Meanwhile back at home..
Durva was getting bored entertaining Simran when she went off to her room

Durva(on phone): Ayush please come get your sister. She is annoying me and my family both

Ayush: Hey don't be mean..she's still my sister

Durva: Ya I know. Are you coming or should I keep her out?

Ayush: I'm coming but how am I going to just turn up to your house?

Durva: Just come and get her. Oh and we need to do something with Savi too

Ayush: Savi? What she gotta do with all this?

Durva: I overheard Anvi with mama about Ishan dada going to meet her

Ayush; you mean he left my sister alone to go see that middle class girl?

Durva: I thought you liked her? See how you were flirting with her all the time

Ayush: Not anymore.

Durva: So what we gonna do?

Ayush: I will figure it out when we are in college tomorrow. I'm coming in 10 to pick Simran up

Durva : K

She hangs up.

Precap: Savi moves to Isha's house and Ishan rejects Simran.

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