Chapter 5 - Old and New

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Chapter starts..
Savi was still in Ishan's office when they heard a knock at the door.

Anvi: Savi? Chalo?

Savi nodded and then broke away from Ishan's office while feeling a little flustered. Ishan was also confused as to what he was feeling but ignored it and went back to his desk.

Savi to Anvi: How much of that did you see?

Anvi: Just enough. (She winks)

Savi: Anvi🤦🏻‍♀️

Anvi laughs as they made their way to the entrance of college.

Anvi: I will see you tomorrow Savi. Need to get home now. Aka saheb will eat my head if I don't get there on time

Savi: Bye Anvi

She saw as Anvi walked towards home. Savi was just about to make her own way back when she heard a voice from behind

Isha: Savi?

Savi turned around and was shocked. Isha immediately recognised her

Savi: Isha mam?

Isha: Savi!!! Where did you disappear too? I was looking everywhere since you left Ramtek

Savi: I'm so sorry mam, but I didn't have any way of contacting you. I never got to say thank you for all you did for me.

Isha: Arey..

She pulled her into a hug.

Savi: But how did you know I was here?

Isha: Leave that for now. Where are you staying? Come with me, I'll take you home

Savi: Nahi nahi Isha mam it's ok. I'm staying just round the corner from college. It's a good small place but it's convenient

Isha: If you are sure

Savi nodded: I promise but I will come and visit you everyday.

She hugged her again and after a while watched her as she walked towards a little hut near the college.

Ishan was still in his office when Shukla walked in

Shukla: Sir you called?

Ishan: Yes, you can go home now. I'm sure your wife would be waiting for your return. It's already late I will deal with the rest of the work here

Shukla: It's ok sir I can help you, Savitri already has a girl to help her with everything

Ishan: What do you mean?

Shukla: No—nothing sir.

Ishan: Shuklaa, just spit it out

Shukla: Woh you know Savi na, she is actually staying with us at the moment

Ishan: Whattttt! But why?

Shukla: She didn't have a place a stay. We wanted her to be settled. She is no bother. Really nice girl

Ishan: But Shukla. She is living rent free in your house

Shukla: It's ok sir, sometimes insaniyat is better than money

Ishan: You are very kind. But I don't think it's right for her to live there. It might look bad on the college too and Kaka Saheb is going to flip if he hears about it

Shukla: What are you going to do sir?

Ishan: I will take her home.

Shukla: Whattt?! Wait did I hear that right?

Ishan: Yes Shukla, you did. But I need to ease into it, because I know Savi won't agree and everyone at home will be too angry.

Shukla: Maybe you can let her stay somewhere else?

Ishan: I can put her in Baba's house for a week before she stays in my house.

Shukla: Why don't you just give her a hostel room?

Ishan: Shukla, the hostel application process is very tedious and at the moment everything is full. This is a temporary solution when I sort out something more permanent

Shukla: Good luck trying to convince Savi (he laughs). She is a tough nut to crack

Ishan: 😒

Shukla laughed a little and then walked out: see you tomorrow sir

Ishan was still thinking about what to tell everyone at home. He called Shantanu and told him about Savi's situation. Shantanu agreed but also told ishan to be careful when breaking the news at home. Aka saheb would be the hardest since she is arranging for your marriage

Ishan(on phone): Baba, I will just tell her no

Shantanu: She doesn't know how to take no for an answer😂

Ishan: Baba😒

Shantanu; Good luck beta

He hangs up.

Ishan(to himself): Yeh Maine kya kiya. I'm in tug and war between duty and family. Upar se this girl who Aka Saheb wants me to meet, I have completely no interest

He remembers Reeva leaving him to go to London, and starts to get annoyed

Ishan: Don't think about her Ishan. She left and she isn't coming back. Even if she comes back, you have to be stern with her. She is obsessed

Precap: Ishan tries to talk to Savi. Aka saheb introduces Simran to Ishan (funny scene incoming)

Ps: Don't worry guys, I might bring Reeva back but she won't have any influence on Ishan like she has in the show. She will be the completely third wheel instead in this story. Thanks for all the support 🙏🏽

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