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It was raining profusely, when a boy, no older than ten, was trying as hard as he could to reach his home. He walked in the narrow street, silently praying God that the rain would stop. He passed by a little playground he was familiar with, where a dog was barking furiously. He flinched at the sight of the barking dog; he never fancied them. But beside the dog, he noticed a little girl with bubblegum pink hair. She looked young, maybe as old as him. She was standing like a dog, with hands and legs on the ground. The only unordinary thing was that she had the mouth and nose of a dog; she was barking along.

Remus furrowed his brows at the scene he saw, how could she do that? He made his way through the playground, and hid behind a tree, where she was exactly a meter away from him. To his bad luck, the dog noticed his presence and barked in his direction. The girl noticed too. Alarmed, she quickly turned her nose and mouth back to normal. Remus noticed that she was pretty, but she looked at him with narrowed, scared eyes.

"Go away!" She yelled, running through the rain, as her hair turned bright orangish red.

"Wait! Wait! It's alright!" Remus yelled and followed her, "How could you do that?"

The girl looked at the wet ground, "No one should know." She said, shivering.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Remus smiled, as he watched her stare at her muddy boots.

"Still, I can't tell you. You'll call me a freak," She sighed as her hair turned a bit pale blond, "Like everyone does." Remus wasn't sure if it's tears or the rain pouring on her face, but he related to her; he thought he was a freak too.

"No, no, no! I find this amazing!" Remus said a bit too quickly.

"You, you do?" She whispered, startled, her wet hair turning green.

"Amazing! Actually brilliant, and, I don't know, maybe a bit magical?" He asked, jokingly.

The girl took a deep breath, "Well, you can really consider it magical." She giggled to herself. A jolt of excitement filled Remus' body.

"Wait, what? Blimey, you're not a Muggle?"

"Woah, no, no, I'm not! Wait, are you a wizard too?" Joy filled her eyes, as she stared at him with admiration.

"Yes! My father is a wizard, but my mother is a Muggle though." Remus shrugged. She stayed quiet for a few seconds, then moved her hand forward.

"Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks."

Remus took Nymphadora's hand and shook it, "Remus Lupin." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Remus." Nymphadora said, her hair returning back to it's pinkish color.

"You too, Nymphadora." He smiled.


"Alright, Tonks."

"So are you going to Hogwarts next year?" Tonks asked, taking a seat under the big wet tree.

"I'm not sure about that." Remus sat beside her, embarrassed. His parents tried their best to cure him, but they were not able. Going to school was such a huge deal for him, it meant having friends and learning more about magic and having a wand; it was his goal. He never really made friends; he didn't want to suffer losing them when they get exposed to the beast inside him.

"Another wizarding school then? Durmstrang? Well, I gotta say they're a little bit creepy. Or that academy, what was it called... yes! Beauxbatons! They have pretty blonde girls but they're really really French-"

Remus got annoyed, "I may not go to any school." He half shouted. Tonks didn't really mind.

"Wait, you're not a Squib, are you?"

"No, no! I'm just a bit different." He looked away, more like afraid to meet her gaze.

Tonks smiled, "It's not about the scar across your face, is it? I honestly think it's cute." Nymphadora smiled at him. He wasn't sure what blushing was, but he was definitely turning red.

"Um, thank you. I think your hair looks pretty too." Remus said awkwardly. He never flirted.

Tonks' face brightened up, "I can turn it into any color!" She said, enthusiastically, like she's been waiting for him to notice. "Choose a color, any color, or even two!"

"Half green, half blue?" He chose his favorite two colors. And within a second, her hair was green with blue highlights. Remus exclaimed, laughing. "This is so awesome!" Nymphadora joined him laughing, and her hair turned back to really bright bubblegum pink.

"But how does it change colors alone, though?" Remus asked. He couldn't help but notice that her hair turned a pale shade of rose.

"Um, well, it changes according to emotions, see," Tonks said, her hair turning pink again. "When I saw you, I was angry so it turned really bright red, almost orange. Then I was a bit embarrassed so it turned pale blond, then it turned green when I felt, um, surprised? It's a long list. Mom says as I get older, I'll control my Metamorphmagus abilities more." She shrugged but Remus felt like he's never been that impressed before.

"If you went to Hogwarts, you'll be the coolest kid ever!" He laughed. Her hair turned wine red, but it quickly turned pink again.

"I hope you make it to Hogwarts though." Tonks smiled, looking at him.

"Me too."

They stayed quiet for a few minutes, watching the rain, then Tonks took a breath and stood up. "I must go home; my parents must be worried."

"My parents too." Remus got up, joining her.

"Alright, Remus. See you soon!" She broke into a sprint, waving back at him.

"Wait, wait! What does the dark red hair stand for?" Remus yelled over the pouring rain, as she was a bit farther.

"It only happened once before, I don't really know what emotion is this, but it's a nice feeling. See ya!" Tonks smiled and continued running.

"Bye, Tonks!" He waved and stood where he was. He found her extremely cool, pretty, and cute; his heart couldn't help but move a little.

"See you at Hogwarts, Nymphadora, hopefully."


[ A/N: First of all, I don't own any of these characters; all of them belong to no other than JK Rowling herself. Secondly, I understand that Remus Lupin is 13 years older than Nymphadora Tonks, but this is an AU that I came up with. I basically imagined how it would have been if they were both at Hogwarts at the same time and I was inspired to write this fanfiction. I hope this will stop any sort of confusion. Enjoy :)

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