Chapter 7: Lessons Learned

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(Friendships are not talked about enough in stories and fiction. Or, rather, those plotlines are used less than it was before. I love shipping and true love stories as much as the next person, but there should also be stories to express friendships. Enjoy!)

           Belarus returned to the palace and found Slovakia leaning back in a chair and holding a dumbfounded expression. She should be thankful that the Slovakian was an idiot who didn't either hear the commotion occurring underneath the palace, but she was grateful at least. She then recalled the guards working for Prince Japan and decided it would be better if she remained here to not attract suspicion.

"Ah! You're back beautiful, scary lady!" Slovakia greeted as he flashed the best smile he could.

She was so tempted to silence him, but she had to remain calm and answer, "Yes, unfortunately I am here. My colleague fell ill, so I took her home. I shall wait here for my siblings to return"

"And keep little old me company?! I am honored!" Slovakia expressed in delight and swooned as he hoped Belarus would catch him.

She stepped to the side and let him fall flat on his back as he whimpered in pain. With a huff, she stared at the fancy, golden staircase where her siblings and Switzerland climbed to meet with the prince. She hoped they were safe compared to the recent skirmish she went through.

Russia, Ukraine, and Switzerland stepped into the throne room with Czechia leading the way and bowing to reveal Prince Japan sitting on the throne.

"There was a fight here" Switzerland whispered cautiously as he examined the scorched marks that were from Hong Kong's fireworks.

Ukraine commented, "There aren't many guards present. That is rather strange for a prince especially considering the recent burning"

"Da, please keep your guards up. We do not know what to expect now" Russia whispered back as he took a bow to the prince, "Privet! How are you, Prince Japan?"

Ukraine and Switzerland followed Russia's example before staring at the prince. Ukraine felt a chill while the Swiss held himself back from drawing his pistol. The prince's expression was so dark and cold that all three believed they would've frozen on the spot! This says something since Ukraine and Russia were so used to the chilly weathers from their home.

"Kon'nichiwa, Duke Russia and Duke Ukraine" Prince Japan greeted as he rose from the golden throne and bowed to them, "I do apologize for everything that has transpired. It has been rather hectic a few days ago. I am currently trying my best to restore order to the kingdom and find my siblings. We were separated during the attack from those North American Twins we graciously took in"

The trio made note of this information as Russia took a few steps forward to speak with the prince.

"Ah, that is very tragic" Russia spoke as he tried his best to express his sadness, "Is your older sister one of the siblings that escaped? I am supposed to meet with her to discuss the possibility of marriage"

Right now, all they could only gather information on the situation at hand. From there, they could use it to their disposal and find the best outcome for everyone.

"Yes" Prince Japan spoke as the darkness and curse contorted inside of himself, "She was taken by those wretched North American Twins. They snatched her the moment the chaos broke out. It is rather tragic. If it were to me, I would've let you take her hand right away. Since she's taken, I doubt the marriage will be able to continue"

Ukraine was furious as he stood up and marched in front of his older brother with Switzerland also beyond furious as well.

"Excuse me, but why would say that about your own sister?!" Ukraine snapped in frustration, "This wasn't supposed to be a marriage of convivence! This was supposed to be a test to see if they were a good match! If not, we would've left!"

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