Chapter 10: Contracts and Deals

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(I really forgot how long these chapters are. I feel like this makes much more sense than my first time writing this story too. I don't know if I want to do a sequel to this yet, but I do love what I did with this. Also, I wonder when we will get mafia versions of the Nordic crew? Enjoy!)

"So, are you sure you're leading us the right way?" America asked with a curious and mischievous expression as Prussia rolled his eyes.

"How the scheisse Frankreich handled you is beyond me right now, Amerika" Prussia commented with a shake of his head before answering, "Look, I was tasked in surveying the area of the kingdom! I know where they are! I was probably going to be assigned to take them out if the prince called for it!"

Canada sighed at them as she tempted to render one of them unconscious, but she couldn't figure out who. Vietnam, on the other hand, was wondering how long it would take Prussia to realize that America was asking similar questions for his own amusement.

The group was walking through the forest with Prussia close to strangling America to shut him up until he stopped in utter relief to see the giant, wooden house with a dock!

Prussia smiled in relief until it completely faded with America asking an obvious question, "Is that it?"

Struggling to not draw his sword, Canada walked towards the house and shrugged before knocking her hand on the door. Vietnam stood behind the female twin with Prussia going after them. As for America, he stared at the ports. He knew they were going to meet two people, but he saw a ship docked in the port that was not from Aisand. He rushed to the group with a handle on the pistol that Vietnam noticed.

"What is it now?" she asked as she raised a brow at him and change in behavior.

He remained quiet and alert as the door opened to reveal a tall, dark skinned man with dark black hair that has a fringe and golden eyes. He was wearing a simple white shirt and brown shorts.

"Hm? Ah! Vietnam! Is that you? What are you doing here with these Westerners?" he asked surprised as she couldn't help herself and ran to embrace him!

"Indonesia" she said in a soft tone before gazing up at him with relief, "It is so good to see you again. Is Philippines here?"

"Of course, I am, Vietnam!" he shouted excitedly as the door swung open to show himself and reveal the guests they had with them, "We are sorry for not arriving for your coronation, but it might've been better that we didn't! Especially since Malaysia and Singapore went down so easily! I knew that British gentleman couldn't help us! He was a jerk!"

America couldn't help but snort at Philippines's remark against his friends being captured and the jab at British gentleman. Canada was curiously if it was the same person that helped care for her and twin, but she knew that would have to wait.

He was a handsome, young man with his brown hair parting in the center with a pair of light brown eyes. He wore a white sailor outfit with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck with a flower pinned over his left shoulder. He has a pair of brown shoes on.

"This is Indonesia and Philippines" Vietnam spoke as she waved her hand to them, "They are guards at the royal palace with Malaysia and Singapore. I try to train with them as often as I could. They're good friends, but who are they?"

She looked over their shoulders to see a group of travelers sitting in the living room.

"Oh! These are the traders from Afri!" Philippines introduced before running back inside to grab a photo he and Indonesia took of them, "They're pretty cool! They brought a lot of stuff to trade and draw up contracts with! I want to work with them one day!"

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