Chapter 13: The Met Up

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(Just to state this now, this has nothing to do with current events. I feel like that goes without saying, but I just had to state this in case anything in the future chapters reflect this. That being said, yes, the only character that has debuted is Mexico, but I am willing to make the one exception in this one. Afterwards, no. Enjoy!)

         "Ow..." America groaned as he blinked and held his hand in front of his face to find out that he was awake and back in control of his body, "Oh, ok. Why?"

Before he could converse with China about the manner, Vietnam took his hand and gave it a harsh squeeze! He let out a yelp before she released her hand with a serious expression over her features.

"Ok! Ok! What did I do to deserve that?!" he asked as he felt his hand with a hurt scowl until it softened when he saw her exhausted expression, "Hey, are you ok?"

She shook her head before answering, "No. I lost my home. My family is scattered. I even lost my friends. I don't even know how my other siblings and friends are doing. Tell me why I should be happy when everything I know is falling apart"

He blinked at her before glancing to the wooden roof. He didn't really think about how they got here, but his thank you can wait. Right now, she wasn't relaxing nor thinking about taking care of herself. He gently took her hands and ran out of the room with her stumbling after him in a surprised manner!

"Hey! What are you doing?!" she shouted before he finally let her hand go to have them standing in the center of the small village they were at to feel the warm breeze and hear the rustling of the trees.

She closed her eyes and sighed as she swayed with it as America put his hands on his hips. He held that big, dumb grin of his as she

"What is it?" she asked as she glanced to him with a small smile on her features.

"You need to smile more" he answered in a simple manner as she raised a brow, "Look, I get it. I am stressed too, even if I don't show it. I think my twin and I are in some kind of danger, I've got promises to keep, and I'm a little unsure of how I am supposed to help you stop your brother"

This surprised Vietnam. She was sure he didn't feel fear or have a boundless amount of confidence. Here he was, being vulnerable to her. It made her relax to know that she was not the only one who was worried about everything that was happening.

"I bet you wondering why I am calm or acting confident. Came with practice, I guess. Can't exactly have barters and traders know how scared you are. Also, it is just me and Canada. If anything happened to me, I don't want to even think about what would happen to her" America confessed before he leaned down to face her and poke her cheek in a friendly manner, "You can't let the worry control you. You go forward and find a solution. Plus, you look beautiful when you smile!"

He flashed a grin as she flushed and pushed him back with him only laughing his obnoxious laugh that was infectious and gazing upward at the open sky. Rarely she would ever feel this relaxed with someone that wasn't her friend or family. She shook her head only for him to catch her hand and wink. Then, he rubbed her shoulders to make her laugh! She swiped her hands to have him get away before bursting into laughter with him joining in

"Whenever my sister was hurt, I would try and make her laugh!" America explained warmly, "So, don't worry! Everything will be ok!"

She couldn't believe him and this situation she was in. She didn't think her life would encounter someone like him in her life. She smiled before returning to her serious expression to remain focus on their upcoming tasks.

"Thank you, but let's make sure everyone will be fine at the end of this" she requested of him as she stared on ahead.

Despite her mood change, America only smiled at her. Whatever would happen next, he would be sure to help her thought it. Canada watched from the inn with her arms crossed over her chest. She could tell her twin was flirting with the princess and it annoyed her to no end. She wondered if she would have to say goodbye to her twin.

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